Augochloropsis (Glyptochlora) ornata ( Smith, 1879 )

Celis, Cindy Julieth & Melo, Gabriel A. R., 2022, Taxonomic revision of Augochloropsis (Glyptochlora) Moure, a rare bee subgenus from the Amazon Basin (Hymenoptera: Halictinae), Zootaxa 5182 (1), pp. 21-40 : 28-30

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5182.1.2

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Augochloropsis (Glyptochlora) ornata ( Smith, 1879 )


Augochloropsis (Glyptochlora) ornata ( Smith, 1879) View in CoL

( Figs. 1B–C View FIGURE 1 ; 2C–D; 2I View FIGURE 2 ; 4B View FIGURE 4 ; 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Megalopta ornata Smith 1879: 49 . Holotype female, Brazil: Amazonas, São Paulo de Olivença (NHMUK, examined from photographs).

Diagnosis. This species can be separated from the remaining A. ( Glyptochlora ) by the green body coloration in combination with a red lower parocular area (blue body coloration with green lower parocular area in A. atrocyanea sp. nov. and coppery body coloration with red lower parocular area in A. peruviana sp. nov. and A. ticuna sp. nov.); mesepisternum with inconspicuous dark setae; propodeum with the most basal margin of the lateral expansions concave and continuous with the margin of the expansion in the distal region; anterior margin of T1 not leveled with dorso-lateral line level, therefore dorsolateral line slightly elevated; open coarse punctures on lateral surfaces and whitish body pubescence.

Comments. Only found in Amazonian localities in Brazil (Mato Grosso and Amazonas) and the slopes of the Andean cordilleras in Peru (Cusco) .

Redescription. ♀. Measurements (based on two specimens). Head width: 2.87–2.90 (x̅ =2.89); head length: 1.65–1.68 (x̅ =1.67); clypeus width: 1.52 (x̅ =1.52); clypeus length: 0.79 (x̅ =0.79); eye notch width: 0.66–0.69 (x̅ =0.68); supraclypeal length: 0.46–0.50 (x̅ =0.48); alveolo-ocellar distance: 0.66 (x̅ =0.66); intertegular distance: 2.11–2.15 (x̅ =2.13); T1 maximum width: 3.37 (x̅ =3.37); T2 maximum width: 3.37 (x̅ =3.37); body length: 9.72– 9.94 (x̅ =9.83).

Color. Mandible black. Lower parocular area red. Frons green, differing from the remainder red head in frontal view. Supraclypeal area red. Clypeus red with apical triangular black spot, delimiting by green reflection. Genal area green with coppery reflections. Scape and flagellum brown. Mesoscutum, scutellum and metanotum green, mesoscutum with darkened reflections. Tegula green, with external circular brown spot. Meso- and metepisternum green with golden reflections. Propodeum green, golden reflections on lateral surfaces; metapostnotum concolor with propodeum. Fore wing with hyaline yellowish membrane; apical margin darker; pterostigma and venation brown. Hind wing with hyaline yellowish membrane; apical margin iridescent. Legs green; tarsi brown; hind tibial spur brown. T1 and T2 mostly dull green, dorsally darkened. T3 and T4 bright green. Marginal zone green in T1–T4. Exposed dorsal surface of T5 green; pseudopygidial area black. S1–S5 green. S6 black. Pubescence. Body mostly covered by pale whitish pubescence. Mandible, dorsal margin with yellow bristles. Clypeus, apical margin with row of long (1.5–2 OD) white bristles, surface covered by shorter yellow setae. Supraclypeal area with dense, long, yellow setae; apical third with shorter scattered setae. Lower parocular area with long (1.5–2 OD) yellow setae. Frons with minute yellow setae. Vertex with long (1.5–2 OD) dark setae, very conspicuous in occipital area. Postgena with very long (2–3 OD), scarce, white setae. Scape with very short (≤1 OD) yellow setae in the basal region, shorter and darker bristles towards the distal region. Flagellomeres F1–F10 setose, with white sensilla. Pronotal lobe with dark setae. Mesoscutum with short (=1 OD), scarce, dark bristles. Scutellum covered by erect, long (1.5–2 OD), dark setae; intermixed with more erect, longer (3–4 OD), dark bristles. Metanotum covered by white tomentose setae, intermixed with erect, long (1.5–2 OD), dark setae. Mesepisternum with inconspicuous dark setae. Propodeum lateral surface covered by white tomentose setae, intermixed with longer (1.5–2 OD), white setae; posterior vertical surface with short (1–1.5 OD), erect, yellow setae; metapostnotum glabrous. Fore wing with very sparse and black microtrichia. Fore and mid leg: coxa, trochanter and femur with very long (2.5–4 OD) white setae, shorter setae (2.5–3 OD) on mid leg, internal margin glabrous; mesofemoral brush yellow; dark bristles on the external surface of tibia and tarsus, denser yellow bristles on inner surface. Hind leg: coxa and trochanter with short white setae; femur and tibia with long, plumose, white setae, forming a scopa; external margin of tibia and basitarsus with erect, long (1.5–3 OD) dark bristles; denser yellow bristles on the inner surface. T1, anterior margins with long (1.5–2 OD) yellow setae; laterally glabrous; dorsal surface with scattered, minute, white bristles. T2–T4 dorsal surface covered by scattered, minute, white bristles; laterally with a tuft of white setae. Marginal zone glabrous in T1–T4. Exposed surface of T5 and pseudopygidial area covered by dark bristles. S1 with long white setae medially. S2–S5 with long, dense, white setae, recurved apically. S6 with dark setae. Sculpture. Clypeus punctate, with open shallow very coarse punctures on basal and lateral margins, sparser medially; integument smooth in between; foveate distally. Supraclypeal area with contiguous very coarse punctures; sparse coarse punctures in the apical third, integument smooth in between. Frons with contiguous very coarse punctures. Mesoscutum, scutellum and metanotum foveate. Propodeum with smooth integument on lateral angle; area adjacent to metapostnotum reticulate and with 1–3 scattered coarse punctures; posterior vertical surface with contiguously very coarse punctures. Metasoma with inconspicuous punctures; dorsal surface of T1 and T2 with sparse fine punctures, integument micropunctate in between in T1, smooth in between in T2; open coarse punctures on lateral surfaces in T1; gradulus not excavated on T2. Dorsal surface of T3 and T4 with open fine punctures, integument smooth in between. Marginal zone with close fine punctures in T1–T4, smooth stripe in the distal margin on T2–T4. S2–S5 with contiguous coarse punctures and substrigulate surfaces. Structure. Apex of clypeus weakly prolonged over apical border. Hypostomal ridge carinate, not projected onto a sheet anteriorly. Pronotum with dorsal ridge lamellate (<1 TW) and straight; dorso-lateral angle not notched; lateral ridge weakly projected forward, without forming an acute tip; pronotal lobe weakly expanded. Propodeum with lateral expansions semicircular, with the most basal margin concave and continuous with the margin of the distal region. Hind tibial spur pectinate, 6 teeth in both right and left spurs; broadened at base. T1 with dorso-lateral line weakly elevated. Pygidial plate long, apex strongly emarginated medially.

Distribution. The species was originally described from São Paulo de Olivença, a locality within the Brazilian Amazon Forest. The specimens studied here were collected in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso and in the Peruvian region of Cusco, at the foothills of the Andes ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ).

Type material. Holotype female: “Type \ H. T.” “B. M. TYPE \ HYM. \ 17.a.1274” “St \ Paulo \\ 70 \ 16” “ Megalopta \ ornata. \ (Type) Sm” “ NHMUK 014025008 About NHMUK ”.

Additional examined material. One female ( AMNH), “Brasil, Mato Grosso: \ Sinop, October 1976 \ M. Alvarenga ” “ Augochloropsis \ ( Paraugochloropsis ) \ ornata (Smith) \ J. R. Cure det. 1993” “ AMNH _ENT \ AMNH _ BEE 00116391 About AMNH ”; one female ( DZUP), “ Quincemil-Cusco \ PERU 20 VIII 62 \ LUIS E. PENA ” “Glyptob. \\ ornata” .


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


American Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure














Augochloropsis (Glyptochlora) ornata ( Smith, 1879 )

Celis, Cindy Julieth & Melo, Gabriel A. R. 2022

Megalopta ornata

Smith, F. 1879: 49
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