Belodella robustidentata, Dzik, 2002

Dzik, Jerzy, 2002, Emergence and collapse of the Frasnian conodont and ammonoid communities in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47 (4), pp. 565-650 : 598

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scientific name

Belodella robustidentata

sp. nov.

Belodella robustidentata sp. nov.

Holotype: ZPAL CXVI/686 ; S 0 (tr) element (Fig. 5Q).

Type horizon and locality: Sample Wtr−5, Wietrznia II quarry near Kielce, late Frasnian.

Derivation of the name: Referring to robust denticulation.

Diagnosis.—Only a few robust denticles arm the edge of elements.

Distribution.—Early to mid−Frasnian of Wietrznia in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland (see Table 1 and Fig. 4 View Fig ).


Zoological Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences

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