Bledius gularis, LeConte, 1877: 218

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1067-1806 : 1067-1806

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bledius gularis


gularis LeConte, 1877: 218 View in CoL ( Bledius ; mandibularis group; Type locality: Middle States; [Note: See lectotype designation by Herman, 1983]. Also cited from Illinois).

— Blatchley, 1910: 463.

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 131 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 377 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1972: 174, 177 ( Bledius ; synonym of pallipennis ).

— Herman, 1983: 118 ( Bledius ; lectotype designation: Middle States).

— Herman, 1986: 322 ( Bledius ; synonym of pallipennis ). pallipes Gravenhorst, 1806: 197 ( Oxytelus ; Type locality: Germany).

— Gyllenhal, 1810: 447 ( Oxytelus ; characters; Sweden).

— Olivier, 1811: 616 ( Oxytelus ; characters; France; Germany; Prussia).

— Gyllenhal, 1827: 497 ( Oxytelus ; notes).

— Stephens, 1829: 292 ( Hesperophilus ; synonym of fracticornis ).

— Mannerheim, 1830: 45 ( Bledius ; Sweden).

— Mannerheim, 1831: 459 ( Bledius ; Sweden).

— Gistel, 1834: 9 ( Dicarenus ).

— C. Sahlberg, 1832: 409 ( Oxytelus ; characters; Finland).

— Runde, 1835: 19 ( Bledius ; characters; Germany).

— Erichson, 1840: 772 ( Bledius ; characters; Austria; France).

— Dufour, 1843: 36 ( Bledius ; characters; France).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 733 ( Bledius ; characters; Austria).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 601 ( Bledius ; characters; France).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 228 ( Bledius ; characters; Austria).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 824 ( Bledius ; characters; Germany).

— Hochhuth, 1862: 86 ( Bledius ).

— Schiødte, 1864: 124, tab. XII ( Bledius ; larva).

— Schiødte, 1866: 149 ( Bargus ).

— Fauvel, 1872: 201 [= 1873: 43] ( Bledius ; characters; France; Scandinavia; Britain; Germany;

Austria; Russia).

— Fauvel, 1873b: 127 [= 1873c: 20] ( Bledius ; characters; notes).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 249 ( Bledius ; characters; Austria).

— Fauvel, 1875a: xiii [= 1875b: 215] ( Astycops , Bargus , Tadunus ; group 3).

— J. Sahlberg, 1876: 172 ( Bledius ; Finland).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1878: 585 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; France).

— Fauvel, 1884a: 78 ( Bledius ; synonymy).

— Fowler, 1888: 367 ( Bledius ; characters; Britain).

— Seidlitz, 1891a: 382 ( Bledius ; subgenus Bargus ; characters).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 618 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; north and central Europe).

— Stierlin, 1900: 394 ( Bledius ; subgenus Bargus ; characters; Switzerland).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1907: 91 ( Bledius ; characters; France).

— Reitter, 1909: 166 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 133 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Sharp, 1911: 31 ( Bledius ; notes).

— Sharp, 1911c: 57 ( Bledius ; type species of Bargus ).

— Bondroit, 1912c: 63 ( Bledius ; characters; notes).

— Johansen, 1914: 549 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters; Denmark).

— Everts, 1922: 142, 143 ( Bledius ; notes; distribution; characters).

— Winkler, 1925: 345 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ).

— Krogerus, 1925a ( Bledius ; characters).

— Porta, 1926: 46 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— Portevin, 1929: 411 ( Bledius ; characters; France).

— Blair, 1931a: 1231 ( Bledius ; Scilly Islands).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1119 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— L. Benick, 1936: 8–9 ( Bledius ; characters; notes).

— Larsen, 1936 ( Bledius ; natural history).

— V. Hansen, 1940: 583 ( Bledius ; characters).

— West, 1942: 142 ( Bledius ; distribution; habitat).

— L. Benick, 1943: 94 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— Tottenham, 1949: 411 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Britain).

— Tottenham, 1954: 54 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; characters; habitat; Britain).

— Lohse, 1964: 94 ( Bledius ; variety of opacus ?; cited as subsinuatus ; [Note: Misidentification of pallipes form rufipennis according to Lohse and Lucht, 1989]; characters; central Europe).

— Pototskaia, 1967: 32 ( Bledius ; larval characters).

— Scheerpeltz, 1968a: 33 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Shibata, 1976: 138 ( Bledius ; Japan).

— Lohse, 1982a: 116–117 ( Bledius ; characters).

— Herman, 1986: 195, 322 ( Bledius ; annularis group; distribution; catalog).

— Schülke and Uhlig, 1988: 6 ( Bledius ; notes; Germany).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 135 ( Bledius ; characters).

— Welch, 1993: 227 ( Bledius ; ovariole number and ovary structure).

— Wittwer, 1993: 248 ( Bledius ; Switzerland).

— J. Li, 1993: 21 ( Bledius ; China).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 13 ( Bledius ; Italy).

— Staniec, 2000: 37 ( Bledius ; characters of eggs and attachment disk; number of eggs in egg chamber; habitat of adults; Poland).

— Staniec, 2000a: 120 ( Bledius ; annularis group or subgenus Hesperophilus ; characters of mature larva; Poland).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Russia, China.

germanicus Gravenhorst, 1806: 198 ( Oxytelus ; subspecies of pallipes ; Type locality: Germany).

— Herman, 1986: 322 ( Bledius ; nomenclatural note; synonym of pallipes ).

larseni V. Hansen, 1940: 581 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Denmark: Jutland , Sneum rivulet by Endruphlom).

— West, 1941: 142, 635 ( Bledius ; distribution; habitat).

— L. Benick, 1943: 94 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; characters).

— Palm, 1961a: 60 ( Bledius ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway).

— Horion, 1963: 265 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Denmark; Sweden; Norway; Germany; Slovakia; Germany).

— Lohse, 1964: 93 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; characters; central Europe).

— Szujecki, 1968a: 716 ( Bledius ; Poland).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Pope, 1977: 24 ( Bledius ; synonym of annae ).

— Muona, 1979: 19 ( Bledius ; synonym of annae ).

— Lohse, 1982a: 117 ( Bledius ; synonym of pallipes ).

— Herman, 1986: 296 ( Bledius ; synonym of annae Sharp ).

— Lucht, 1987: 94 ( Bledius ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Sweden).

— Lohse, 1987: 136 ( Bledius ; synonym of pallipes ).

— Schülke and Uhlig, 1988: 6 ( Bledius ; synonym of pallipes ).

— Boháč, 1993: 43 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; subspecies of pallipes ; Slovakia;

Czech Republic).

papuanus Cameron, 1937a: 90 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Type locality: New Guinea: Kokoda).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 258, 322 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Papua New Guinea.

paradoxus Gridelli, 1936: 60 ( Bledius ; subgenus Bledius ; Type locality: Italy: Basilicata, Leoni a Lavello).

— Porta, 1949: 139 ( Bledius ; characters; Italy).

— Herman, 1986: 134, 322 ( Bledius ; gigantulus group; distribution; catalog).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 13 ( Bledius ; Italy).


parcissimus Bernhauer, 1927e: 232 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Argentinien: Prov. Catamarca, Pampa Grande ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1120 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 158, 322 ( Bledius ; emarginatus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Argentina.

parens Cameron, 1941b: 434 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Type locality: Manila).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 259, 322 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Philippines.

parisii C. Koch, 1938a: 335 ( Bledius ; subgenus Blediodes ; Type locality: Dalmatia:

Arbe Island).

— Porta, 1949: 139 ( Bledius ; characters; Italy).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 195, 322 ( Bledius ; annularis group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Croatia, Italy.

parvicollis Casey, 1889a: 65 ( Bledius ; annularis group; Type locality: California: Mendocino Co.: Gualala; [Note: See lectotype designation by Herman, 1983]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 134 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1983: 32, 120, 127 ( Bledius ; annularis group; characters; natural history; lectotype designation; California; Oregon; Washington).

— Herman, 1986: 184, 322 ( Bledius ; albonotatus group; distribution; catalog).


kincaidi Hatch, 1957: 103 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Type locality: Washington: Chehalis. Also cited from Oregon).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1983: 32 ( Bledius ; synonym of parvicollis ).

— Herman, 1986: 322 ( Bledius ; synonym of parvicollis ).

parvulus Erichson, 1840: 775 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Novae Valenciae in Colombia [ Venezuela]).

— Fauvel, 1891: 91 ( Bledius ; Venezuela).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 134 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 158, 322 ( Bledius ; emarginatus group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Venezuela.

parvulus Lea, 1910 , see: leai Scheerpeltz, 1933 .

pechlaneri L. Benick, 1943, see: secessus Bondroit, 1912 .

peraffinis Cameron, 1940b: 184 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Type locality: South China Sea, Pulo Condore).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 259, 322 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).


perplexus Cameron, 1940b: 184 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Type locality: Formosa: Suisharyo).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Shibata, 1973c: 34 ( Bledius ; subgenus Hesperophilus ; Taiwan).

— Herman, 1986: 260, 323 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).


perrieri Fauvel, 1904e: 305 ( Bledius ; Type locality: Suberbieville; Soalala).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 134 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 260, 323 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Madagascar.

persicus Bernhauer, 1940b: 627 ( Bledius ; subgenus Elbidus ; Type locality: Persia).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 151, 323 ( Bledius ; kochi group; distribution; catalog).

— Kashcheev, 1991: 112 [= 1992: 166] ( Bledius ; subgenus Elbidus ; characters; Iran).


persimilis Fall, 1910: 110 ( Bledius ; Type locality: California: Pomona, California; [ Note : See lectotype designation by Herman , 1983]. Also cited from Santa Clara County).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1120 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1983: 57, 127 ( Bledius ; annularis group; lectotype designation: Pomona, California; characters; natural history; California).

— Herman, 1986: 195, 323 ( Bledius ; annularis group; distribution; catalog).


petzi Bernhauer, 1908c: 104 ( Bledius ; subgenus Pucerus ; Type locality: Deutsch-Ostafrika: Dar es Salam).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 134 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 379 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1986: 260, 323 ( Bledius ; verres group; distribution; catalog).


pflaundleri L. Benick, 1937, see: longulus Erichson, 1839 .

philadelphicus Fall, 1919: 26 ( Bledius ; replacement name for dissimilis Fall ).

— Notman, 1920b: 697 ( Bledius ; characters).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1120 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 379 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1972: 234 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; characters; synonyms; Newfoundland; Ontario; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania).

— Herman, 1983: 139 ( Bledius ; Ontario; Quebec; Maine; Massachusetts; Michigan; New Jersey; New York; Ohio; Pennsylvania; Wisconsin).

— Herman, 1986: 176, 323 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; distribution; catalog).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 453 ( Bledius ; characters; USA).


dissimilis Fall, 1910: 107 ( Bledius ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Pennsylvania: Philadelphia; [Note: See lectotype designation by Herman, 1983]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1120 ( Bledius ; synonym of philadelphicus ).

— Herman, 1972: 234 ( Bledius ; synonym of philadelphicus ).

— Herman, 1983: 120 ( Bledius ; lectotype designation).

— Herman, 1986: 323 ( Bledius ; synonym of philadelphicus ).

dickersoni Notman, 1922: 105 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; Type locality: New Jersey: Newark).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1113 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 377 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1972: 234, 239 ( Bledius ; synonym of philadelphicus ).

— Herman, 1986: 323 ( Bledius ; synonym of philadelphicus ).

mixtus Notman, 1922: 104 ( Bledius ; semiferrugineus group; Type locality: New Jersey: Newark).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1118 ( Bledius ; catalog).

— Herman, 1970: 378 ( Bledius ).

— Herman, 1972: 234, 239 ( Bledius ; synonym of philadelphicus ).













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