Bolbelasmus (Kolbeus) guangdongensis Liao & Wu, 2024

Liao, Weiqi & Wu, Zhengwei, 2024, A new species of Bolbelasmus (Coleoptera, Bolboceratidae) from Guangdong Province, China, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 131664-e 131664 : e131664-

publication ID 10.3897/BDJ.12.e131664

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Bolbelasmus (Kolbeus) guangdongensis Liao & Wu

sp. nov.

Bolbelasmus (Kolbeus) guangdongensis Liao & Wu sp. nov.


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; disposition: in collection; occurrenceID: 9BB93E1A-84F7-5623-AA5F-03D9508A752A; Taxon: kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Coleoptera ; family: Geotrupidae ; genus: Bolbelasmus ; subgenus: Kolbeus ; specificEpithet: guangdongensis ; taxonRank: species; Location: country: China; countryCode: CN; stateProvince: Guangdong; county: Zhanjiang; locality: Huguangyan National Geopark ; verbatimElevation: 26 m; verbatimLatitude: 21.13916 N; verbatimLongitude: 110.28635 E; Identification: identifiedBy: Liao wei-qi, Wu zheng-wei; Record Level: language: en; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: individualCount: 2; sex: 1 female, 1 male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: whole animal; disposition: in collection; occurrenceID: 08BF84F3-2B92-56A9-942C-037EB86557A8; Taxon: kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Coleoptera ; family: Geotrupidae ; genus: Bolbelasmus ; subgenus: Kolbeus ; specificEpithet: guangdongensis ; taxonRank: species; Location: country: China; countryCode: CN; stateProvince: Guangdong; county: Zhanjiang; locality: Huguangyan National Geopark ; verbatimElevation: 26 m; verbatimLatitude: 21.13916 N; verbatimLongitude: 110.28635 E; Identification: identifiedBy: Liao wei-qi, Wu zheng-wei; Record Level: language: en; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps


Male: Body length 9.5 mm, maximum width 6.8 mm. Form ovate, sides parallel (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A). Colour: dorsum reddish-brown, glossy (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A and C-D). Head: covered with punctures evenly distributed, except on the mandible (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Labrum slightly convex on both sides of the anterior margin, notched on lateral margins, surface rugulate-punctate (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Clypeus trapezoidal, protrusion at basal angle (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Clypeofrontal suture clear, slightly curved, adjacent to the frontal punctate augmentation. Ocular canthi rounded, encircling the eye incompletely, surface rugulate-punctate (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Antennae form lamellalate, orange (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Pronotum: disc maxiumum width approximately 0.7 x as long as body length, anteriorly concave, anterolateral pronotal process rounded, inconspicuous (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A); posterolateral pronotal process transverse, forming a ridge (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A and C). Surface coarsely punctured, banded across the disc, concentrated on the lateral margins, extending towards the middle, gradually thinning out (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A and C). Basal fovea conspicuous (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 C). Scutellum: elongate, approximately 0.74 x as wide as long, the lateral margins anteriorly are nearly parallel, posteriorly forming a pinched, sharp angle; surface with scattered nearly invisible punctures (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A). Elytron: semispherical, elytral sutural intervals distinctly convex, thirteen punctate striae distributed on each elytron, uniformly distributed transversely (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A and C). Male genitalia: small , length 1.2 mm, capsule like (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 A-C). Phallobase approximately 2.6 x as long as paramere; ventral side evenly sclerotised, with two bands, dorsal side weakly sclerotic, membranous (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 B-C). Parameres diverging from each other, subtrapezoidal in shape; basal expansion and lateral margin strongly sclerotised, curving ventrally in a hook-like fashion (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 A-C). Median lobe: evenly sclerotised, trilobed, ventral apical part with a half-circular opening (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 B-C).

Female: length 9.7 mm; maximum width 7.7 mm. Similar to the male, except that the frontal punctate augmentation of the head is replaced by a transverse punctate ridge (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 B).


Bolbelasmus guangdongensis sp. nov. belongs to the subgenus Kolbeus by pronotal base imarginate (marginate in Bolbelasmus ) and scutellum elongate (usually short in Bolbelasmus ) ( Krikken 1977). This new species resembles Bolbelasmus coreanus, (Kolbe, 1886) (from Korea and China ( Krikken 1977, Li et al. 2008)); Bolbelasmus meridionalis Krikkeni Nikolajev, 1979 (from Indonesia, Thailand, China and Vietnam ( Krikken 1977) and Bolbelasmus chifengi Wang & Li, 2024 (from China ( Li and Wang 2024)) in the body longer, 9 mm ( Krikken 1977, Li et al. 2008, Li and Wang 2024) and the frontal tubercle located in junction of clypeofrontal suture ( Li and Wang 2024). Their diagnostic characters are summarised in Table 1.


The new species is named after the place where it was collected.


Guangdong Province, China.











