Bracon (Osculobracon) bilgini Beyarslan, 2002

Rahmani, Zahra, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Samartsev, Konstantin G. & Mokhtari, Azizollah, 2017, A survey of the genera Bracon Fabricius, 1804 and Habrobracon Ashmead, 1895 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae) in Iran, Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (6), pp. 821-840 : 824-825

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1611-68

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Bracon (Osculobracon) bilgini Beyarslan, 2002


3.2. Bracon (Osculobracon) bilgini Beyarslan, 2002 View in CoL *

Material examined: KERMAN province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on Cynodon dactylon , 13-04-2014, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ, ZISP), leg. M. Vafaei. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Russia (European part), Turkey, Iran (new record).

Description. Body length 2.2 mm, forewing length 2.55 mm. Width of head in dorsal view 1.9 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.55 times longer than temple. Face width 1.6 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.3 times longer than malar space (front view). Hypoclypeal depression somewhat wider than distance from depression to eye. Antennae 27-segmented. First flagellar segment 2.5 times longer than its apical width; middle segments 2.0 times longer than wide. Mesosoma 1.35–1.40 times longer than maximum height. Notauli weak. Vein r of forewing arising from middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.6–1.7 times longer than pterostigma, 3.1–3.5 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 2.2–2.4 times longer than vein r, 0.55–0.60 times as long as SR1, 1.30–1.45 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 4.1–4.3 times longer than wide. Median length of first metasomal tergite, measured from petiolar process, 1.0–1.1 times as large as its apical width. Second metasomal tergite 2.4–3.0 times as wide basally as its length, 0.7–0.8 times as long as third metasomal tergite. Second metasomal suture smooth and sinuate. Ovipositor sheath 1.0–1.1 times longer than hind tibia and 0.30–0.35 times as long as forewing. Body completely smooth, black. Wings weakly darkened, pterostigma and veins brown.

3.3. Bracon bipartitus Wesmael, 1838 , stat. resurr. ( Figures 3a–3f View Figure 3 )

Bracon bipartitus Wesmael, 1838: 51 ; Fahringer, 1927: 439; Telenga, 1936: 222; Shenefelt, 1978: 1559; Tobias, 1986: 134 (in key, synonymized with B. variator View in CoL ); Papp, 2012: 140 (as synonym of B. variator View in CoL ); Yu et al., 2012.

Bracon (Glabrobracon) rozneri Papp, 1998: 232 View in CoL ; Yu et al., 2012; syn. nov.

Bracon variator var. chinensis Fahringer, 1929: 83 View in CoL ; 1934: 334; Shenefelt 1978: 1586; Yu et al., 2012; syn. nov.

Material examined: 22♀♀, 16♂♂: KERMAN Province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on Phragmites australis , leg. M. Vafaei: 14-08-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ 2♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP); KERMANSHAH Province, Songhor (34°46′41.71″N, 47°36′10.15″E, 1698 m), swept on Medicago sativa (DPPZ) , leg. Z. Sharifi: 22-01-2013 GoogleMaps , 2♂♂; 25-09-2013, 1♀; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′46.63″N, 56°46′11.64″E, 827 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Amaranthus sp. , 10-07-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Cortaderia selloana , 24-06-2013 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Cynodon dactylon (DPPZ) : 05-09-2013 , 5♀♀ 3♂♂; 02- 10-2013, 2♀♀ 1♂; swept on Medicago sativa : 16-06- 2013, 1♀ ( ZISP); 23-06-2013 , 2♀♀ ( DPPZ), 26-06-2013 , 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ), 01-07-2013 , 1♀ ( DPPZ), 16-08-2013 , 2♂♂ ( DPPZ), 15-09-2013 , 3♀♀ 2♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Mentha pulegium , 18-06-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province, Khash (28°13′54.08″N, 61°11′43.07″E, 1426 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 08-04- 2012 GoogleMaps , 2♂♂ ( DPPZ), leg. S. Sedighi.

Distribution: Europe, Cyprus, Russia (European part), Iran, Turkmenistan, East China.

Description. Body length 2.6–3.6 mm, forewing length 2.4–3.9 mm. Width of head in dorsal view ( Figure 3a View Figure 3 ) 1.75–1.95 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.4–1.7 times longer than temple. Face ( Figure 3b View Figure 3 ) width 1.50–1.75 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 3.0–3.8 times longer than malar space (front view).Hypoclypeal depression 1.20–1.45 times as wide as distance from depression to eye. Antennae 23–26-segmented. First flagellar segment 1.8–2.0 times longer than its apical width, somewhat longer than second flagellar segment; middle segments about 1.4 times longer than wide; penultimate segment 1.4–1.6 times longer than wide. Mesosoma 1.4–1.5 times longer than maximum height. Notauli distinctly but weakly impressed and not complete. Vein r ( Figure 3c View Figure 3 ) of forewing arising before middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.3–1.5 times longer than pterostigma, 3.3–4.3 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 1.8–2.0 times longer than vein r, 0.60–0.65 times as long as SR1, 1.3–1.4 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 3.6–3.8 times longer than wide. Median length of first metasomal tergite ( Figure 3d View Figure 3 ), measured from petiolar process, 0.85– 1.10 times as large as its apical width. Second metasomal tergite 1.6–2.1 times as wide basally as its median length, 0.8–1.0 times as long as third metasomal tergite. Second metasomal suture deep, straight, and smooth. Ovipositor ( Figure 3e View Figure 3 ) 1.8–1.9 times longer than hind tibia and 0.40– 0.45 times as long as forewing. Segments of hind tarsus ( Figure 3f View Figure 3 ) with thick bristles ventrally. Body smooth; face weakly granulate under antennal sockets. Head and mesosoma mainly black, metasoma reddish-yellow. Oral parts, propodeum, first tergite and apex of metasoma brownish-black to yellowish-brown. Wings brownish darkened, pterostigma and veins brown.

Remarks. The resurrection of Bracon bipartitus from synonyms of B. variator Nees, 1811 and the established synonymy with B. rozneri and B. variator var. chinensis

RAHMANI et al. / Turk J Zool are based on examination of the types of the four taxa [the holotype of B. bipartitus Wesmael : ♀, “Coll. Wesmael”, “2066”, “Type”, “ Braco bipartitus ♀ mihi dét. C. Wesmael”, “ Holotypus Bracon bipartitus sp. n. Wesm. 1838”, “ Bracon variator var. bipartitus (Ws.) det. Papp J. 2006”, “3.317” (IRSNB); the holotype of B. rozneri Papp : ♀, “Hungaria, Kondorfa, Sáros-Erdö”, “ 1984.VI.25, leg. Rozner I.”, “ Holotypus Bracon (Gl.) rozneri sp. n. Papp 1998 ”, “Hym. Typ. No. 7781 Museum Budapest” (HNHM); the neotype of B. variator Nees : ♀, “Coll. Wesmael”, “ Braco variator N. ♀, dét. C. Wesmael”, “Belgiuque, Bruxelles”, “ Neotypus Bracon variator Nees, 1811 , des. Papp J., 1982” (IRSNB); the holotype of B. variator var. chinensis Fahringer : ♀, “Provins Kiangsu”, “ China, [Gustaf Isak] Kolthoff ”, “juli”, “ Bracon ♀ variator Nees v. chinensis m. det. Dr. Fahringer, Type”, “NHRS- JUST 000000134” (NHRS)].

Diagnosis. Bracon bipartitus differs from B. variator (as well as from other related species) in the following characters:

1. Segments of hind tarsus with thick bristles on ventral sides ( Figure 3f View Figure 3 ). Hind tibia and basitarsus somewhat swollen. Head linearly narrowed below eyes (front view;

Figure 3b View Figure 3 ). Second metasomal suture medially straight ( Figure 3d View Figure 3 ). 2.6–3.6 mm … Bracon bipartitus Wesmael, 1983

– Segments of hind tarsus without thick bristles on ventral sides. Hind tibia and basitarsus not swollen. Head roundly narrowed below eyes (front view). Second metasomal suture medially curved. 2.5–5.0 mm … Bracon variator Nees, 1811


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Bracon (Osculobracon) bilgini Beyarslan, 2002

Rahmani, Zahra, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Samartsev, Konstantin G. & Mokhtari, Azizollah 2017

Bracon (Glabrobracon) rozneri

Papp J 1998: 232

Bracon variator var. chinensis

Shenefelt RD 1978: 1586
Fahringer J 1934: 334
Fahringer J 1929: 83

Bracon bipartitus

Papp J 2012: 140
Tobias VI 1986: 134
Shenefelt RD 1978: 1559
Telenga NA 1936: 222
Fahringer J 1927: 439
Wesmael C 1838: 51
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