Burmeistera multiflora Zahlbr., Repert.

González, Favio, 2023, Taxonomic revision of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae-Lobelioideae) in Colombia, Phytotaxa 615 (1), pp. 1-113 : 65-66

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scientific name

Burmeistera multiflora Zahlbr., Repert.


33. Burmeistera multiflora Zahlbr., Repert. View in CoL View at ENA Nov. Spec Regni Veg. 13: 530. 1915.

Type :— ECUADOR: “Sive Andium Quitensium, Crescit in Andium Nematris, alt. 8000 ped., floret. August”, (fl), W. Jameson 542 (lectotype P! [ P00408891 ], designated here). Figs. 17 View FIGURE 17 , 18E View FIGURE 18 –F.

Burmeistera armadana E.Wimm., Repert. View in CoL Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 54. 1931, syn. nov. Type:— COLOMBIA. Nariño: Ricaurte , “prope Armada”, s.d., E. André et al. 1521 (holotype: K! [ K000250840 ]) .

Upright herbs or shrubs up to 1.8 m tall. Stem glabrescent to puberulous. Petiole 0.5–3.5 cm long, glabrescent to slightly puberulous; blade elliptic to obovate, 9–28 × 4–14 cm, glabrous above, glabrescent or more often minutely puberulous especially along the veins beneath, base attenuate, acute, frequently slightly asymmetric, apex acuminate, margin subentire to slightly toothed, with 1 to 3 extramarginal or marginal hydathodes per cm, secondary veins 11 to 15 per side, intramarginal vein lacking. Flowers ca. 10‒25 per twig, crowded in the distal corymbiform region of the twig, this region 15–25 cm long, each flower subtended by a reduced (1.0–2.5 × 1.0– 1.5 cm), bracteiform leaf. Peduncle 2.7–6.5 cm long, glabrescent to puberulous, gradually joined to the hypanthium, ebracteolate. Hypanthium narrowly cylindric to subglobose, 5–7 × 3–6 mm, glabrescent. Calyx lobes narrowly ovate, 3–11 × 1.5–3.0 mm, reflexed to ascending, glabrescent or glabrous, basally contiguous, margin entire to sinuous, occasionally with 3 or 4 projections, apex rounded. Corolla green, glabrous; tube 7–16 mm long, 3–4 mm in diameter at its mid-level, slightly inflated proximally and distally; lobes narrowly ovate, falcate, apex acuminate, dorsal lobes 9–14 × 3.0– 3.5 mm, lateral lobes 6–9 × 3–4 mm, ventral lobe 5–6 × 3–4 mm. Synandrium 2.2–3.5 cm long, exserted up to 2 cm; filament tube 1.9–2.8 cm long, glabrous; anther tube 3–7 mm long, glabrous, ventral anthers barbate, with an apical tuft of villous trichomes during pre-anthesis and early anthesis, later ebarbate. Berries globose, 5–15 × 8–13 mm, not inflated, glabrous to glabrescent, green, bright yellow, reddish or pink.

Phenology: — Burmeistera multiflora sets flowers and fruits throughout most of the year.

Distribution, ecology and conservation status: — Burmeistera multiflora is found in Colombia and Ecuador. In Colombia it occurs primarily in cloud forests at elevations between the sea level and 2900 m in the Western Cordillera and edges of wetforests of the Pacific region, in the departments of Chocó, Nariño, Risaralda and Valle del Cauca, plus two isolated localities in the Central Cordillera, in the department of Cauca. Following the IUCN (2022) Guidelines, it is highly likely that this species is not threatened.

Notes: — Burmeistera multiflora is similar to B. fistulosa (see distinctive traits under the latter).

Burmeistera multiflora was described based on the following three syntipes: Ecuador: “Quito, Nanegal (l. Karsten in Herb, Vindob.); Andes Quitensis (Jameson no. 542, in Herb. Paris); in silvis montis Corozón, 1600‒2000 m.s.m. (Sodiro no. 91/29, in Herb. Berolin)”. Only one of them (Jameson 542, deposited at P [ P00408891 ; http://mediaphoto. mnhn.fr/media/1441351980662OdS50QSIwDLenx5o) was located. This specimen is here designated as the lectotype , as it has the distinctive vegetative and reproductive traits of the species, and agrees with the protologue description. There is a fourth collection (“circa Canzacoto, 1600‒2000 m, Sodiro 91/27 ”), deposited at P [ P00408893 ], which likely corresponds to a duplicate of the specimen Sodiro 91/29. Although this additional collection corresponds to B. multiflora , its number and locality do not correspond exactly with the protologue, which precludes its status as a syntype .

In the original description of Burmeistera multiflora, Zahlbruckner (1915) described the presence of subulate bracts at the base of the peduncle. A detailed examination of the type collection clearly demonstrates that the peduncle is ebracteolate, and that the so-called bracts correspond to the extremely reduced, bracteiform leaves that subtend the flowers, and that occur in species with corymbiform inflorescences.

After a careful examination of the type specimen and the original description of Burmeistera armadana , no differences were detected that would allow treating it as different from B. multiflora . Therefore, it is reduced to the synonymy of the latter. The type locality of B. armadana (“prope Armada”, recorded in the type specimen E. André et al. 1521), corresponds to the “quebrada” and the station known as “La Armada”, in the municipality of Ricaurte (Nariño).

Additional specimens examined:— Cauca. Cordillera Central, vertiente oriental cerca del filo, quebrada del río San Marcos , entre Jardín y San Rafael, 2700‒2900 m, 25 Jul 1943 (fl, fr), J. Cuatrecasas 14763 ( CUVC) ; Matarredonda , 1750 m, 2 Oct 1968 (fl, fr), S. Espinal et al. 2910 ( CUVC) ; El Tambo, vereda La Romelia, PNN Munchique , camino de la casa de visitantes a la Gallera, 2500 m, 22–24 Aug 2011 (fl, fr), J. Garzón et al. 592 ( COL) ; El Tambo, PNN Munchique , vereda La Romelia, camino de Nueva Granada, 1950 m, 28 Jul 1993 (fl), F. González et al. 2996 ( COL, PSO) ; San Juan de Micay valley , s.f., O. Haught 5393 ( COL) ; El Tambo, corregimiento de López, 1750 m, 24 Aug 1949 (fl, fr), J. Idrobo et al. 275 ( COL) ; PNN Munchique , 1‒12 km into park beyond its entrance, ca. 2°40´N, 76°50´W, 2100‒2440 m, 7 May 1984 (fl, fr), J. L. Luteyn et al. 10292 ( JAUM, NY) GoogleMaps ; El Tambo, corr. La Romelia, camino a Nueva Granada, 2050‒2450 m, 31 Jan 1995 (fl, fr), N. Ruiz et al. 387 ( COL). Chocó. Pizarro (Bajo Baudó), a 30 minutos al N de Aguacate en el resguardo indígena Emberá del río Purricha , 5°12´N, 77°10´W, 79 m, 30 Mar 2011 (fl), R. Cámara et al. 1800 ( COL) GoogleMaps ; San José del Palmar, vereda Portachuelo, finca Barroblanco , 1300 m, 15 Jan 1983 (fl), S. Díaz 3607 ( COL) ; carretera Ansermanuevo-San José del Palmar, límite con el Valle del Cauca, Alto del Galápago , 2100 m, 28 Aug 1976 (fr), E. Forero et al. 2266 ( COL) ; carretera Ansermanuevo-San José del Palmar, 8.4 km del Alto del Galápago , 1600 m, 19 Feb 1977 (fl, fr), E. Forero et al. 3019 ( COL), 3020 ( COL), 3021 ( COL), 3023 ( COL) ; Nóvita, vereda Llanadas, ladera norte del cerro Torrá , filo al oeste del río Surama , camino al Alto del Oso , 600‒900 m, 22 Feb 1977 (fl), E. Forero et al. 3176 ( COL) ; San José del Palmar , cerro al SO de la población, 1300 m, 25 Feb 1977 (fl, fr), E. Forero et al. 3399 ( COL) ; San José del Palmar, hoya del río Torito, afluente del río Hábita , declive occidental, finca ¨ Los Guaduales ¨, 730‒830 m, 29 Feb 1980 (fl), E. Forero et al. 6251 ( COL) ; San José del Palmar, hoya del río Torito, afluente del río Hábita , declive occidental, 850‒950 m, 15 Mar 1980 (fl, fr), E. Forero et al. 7339 ( COL) ; Nóvita, vereda Curundó, margen izquierda del río Ingará , 720 m, 13 Jan 1983 (fl, fr), P. Franco et al. 1189 ( COL) ; Quibdó, corr. San Francisco de Ichó, río Ichó , 150 m, 6 Jul 1981 (fl, fr), G. Galeano et al. 404 ( COL) ; San José de Palmar, Reserva Galápagos , 2200‒2500 m, 31 May 2008 (fl, fr), J. Garzón et al. 483 ( COL), 487 ( COL) ; north ridge of Alto de Buey, above dos bocas del río Mutatá, tributary of Río El Valle , ESE of El Valle, 200‒500 m, 8 Aug 1976 (fl, fr), A. Gentry et al. 17411 ( COL) ; km 55 de la carretera Ansermanuevo-San José del Palmar , 1950‒ 1700 m, 19 Mar 1980 (fl, fr), G. Lozano et al. 3171 ( COL) ; entre Ansermanuevo y San José del Palmar , 2‒5 km E de San José del Palmar, 1200‒1500 m, 20 Apr 1979 (fl), J. L. Luteyn et al. 7320 ( COL) ; Bolívar-Quibdó road, ca. 37‒40 km W of El Carmen, 671‒1360 m, ca 5°40´N, 76°15´W, 21‒22 May 1984 (fl, fr), J. L. Luteyn et al. 10674 ( JAUM, NY) GoogleMaps ; Alto Anchicayá , property of CVC hydroelectric station, ca. 3°30´N, 76°50´W, 400‒650 m, 17 May 1988 (fl, fr), J. L. Luteyn et al. 12402 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; San José del Palmar, Cerro del Torrá , vertiente oriental, abajo del helipuerto, ca. 1900 m, 1 Sep 1988 (fl, fr), P. Silverstone et al. 4948 ( CUVC) ; Medellín-Quibdó road, km 186, 15 km E of Tutunendo, c. 5°43´N, 76°27´W, 350 m, 28 Jan 1986 (fl), B. Stein et al. 3308 ( COL) GoogleMaps ; Virudó, Quebrada del Salto , 0‒100 m, 8 Mar 1973 (fl, fr), R. Warner et al. 141 ( GH). Nariño. Barbacoas, km 3 vía Junín-Barbacoas , 1200 m, 6 Jul 1987 (fr), O. de Benavides 8140 ( PSO) ; Tumaco, Cuayacana , 300 m, 20 Mar 1988 (fl), O. de Benavides 9380 ( PSO) ; Barbacoas, corr. Junín, sitio La Guarapería , a 3 km de Junín, vía Junín-Tumaco, margen derecha, 1100 m, Mar 1995 (fl), J. Fernández 12525 ( COL) ; La Planada, Salazar finca 7 km above Ricaurte, 1750 m, 1°08´N, 77°58´W, 29 Nov 1981 (fl, fr), A. Gentry et al. 35201 ( COL) GoogleMaps ; Altaquer, margen derecha de la carretera hacia Tumaco , alt. 1130 m, 20 Feb 1968 (fl. Fr), G. López 225 ( PSO) ; Altaquer-Junín road, ca 12 km W of Altaquer, 1220 m, 26 Feb 1979 (fl), J. L. Luteyn et al. 6862 ( NY, PSO) ; Ricaurte, resguardo indígena Nulpe Medio, Andalucía-Nulpe Medio , 1°5´N, 78°14´W ‒1°18´N, 77°54´W, 800‒1100 m, 5 Jan 1996 (fl, fr), B. Ramírez et al. 9334 ( PSO) GoogleMaps ; Barbacoas, 26‒28 km Junín-Barbacoas, El Peaje-Buenavista , 730 m, 4 Nov 1989 (fl, fr), J. Rosero 323 ( PSO). Risaralda. Mistrató, corregimiento de Puerto de Oro, vía Pisones-Geguadas, Río Mistrató , 1400‒1800 m, 20 Sep 1991 (fl), J. Fernández et al. 9108 ( COL) ; Mistrató, corregimiento de Puerto de Oro, Chirrincha, margen izquierdo del río Aguita , 950 m, 16 Sep 1991 (fl), P. Franco et al. 3566 ( COL) ; Mistrató, hacia San Antonio del Chamí, Quebrada Sutu y Empalados, 1700‒1800 m, 25 Apr 1992 (fl), G. Lozano 6345 ( COL). Valle del Cauca. Río Anchicayá near CVC hydroelectric plant, 400‒500 m, ca. 3°40´N, 76°50´W, 15 Dec 1981 (fl, fr), A. Gentry 35677 ( COL) GoogleMaps ; Anchicayá , near hydroelectric plant, 22 Feb 1971 (fl, fr), H. Kennedy 733 ( A) ; Campamento Tokio (Telecom Towers), above town Queremal , 2000‒2075, 22 Apr 1979 (fl), J. L. Luteyn 7352 ( NY) ; old road Cali-Buenaventura , c. 2‒13 km W of Anchicayá, 300‒490 m, 3°35´N, 76°42´W, 9 May 1984 (fl, fr), J. L. Luteyn et al. 10362 ( JAUM, NY) GoogleMaps ; Queremal, campamento Tokyo ( Telecom towers), ca. 9 km W of Queremal, ca. 3°30´N, 76°42´W, 2000‒2100 m, 21 Apr 1989 (fl), J. L. Luteyn et al. 12589 ( CUVC, NY) GoogleMaps ; Villacarmelo , 1500 m, 10 Jul 1980 (fl), O. Ortega s.n. ( CUVC) ; El Cairo, Las Amarillas, cerca de base de Cerro del Inglés, a 1 hora en jeep de El Cairo, Serranía de Los Paraguas , Cordillera Occidental, vertiente oriental, 2070‒2125 m, 29 Mar 1988 (fl, fr), P. Silverstone et al. 3769 ( NY) ; trail leading from Campoalegre into área controlled by the Corporación Valle del Cauca, ca. 76°40´W, 4°00´N, 400–500 m, 16 Feb 1989 (fr), J. F. Smith et al. 1292 ( COL). GoogleMaps


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Burmeistera multiflora Zahlbr., Repert.

González, Favio 2023

Burmeistera armadana E.Wimm., Repert.

E. Wimm. 1931: 54

Burmeistera multiflora

Zahlbr. 1915: 530
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