Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic, 1943), 2021

da Silveira, Luiz Felipe Lima, Roza, Andre Silva, Vaz, Stephanie & Mermudes, Jose Ricardo M., 2021, Description and phylogenetic analysis of a new firefly genus from the Atlantic Rainforest, with five new species and new combinations (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Lampyrinae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 79, pp. 115-150 : 115

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Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny by Pensoft (2021-05-15 07:23:10, last updated 2024-11-30 03:35:57)

scientific name

Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic, 1943)

comb. nov.

Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic, 1943) View in CoL comb. nov. Figs 7A-M View Figure 7 , 22 View Figure 22

Platylampis bisbinotata Pic, 1943:2 (desc.); McDermott, 1966:74 (cat.).

Diagnostic description.

Overall dark brown. Pronotal disc (Fig. 7F View Figure 7 ) dark brown, lacking vittae, pronotal expansions variable, from having anterior small vittae to almost entirely pale yellow, except by posterior margin, which is outlined in brown, blending with the dark brown disc color. Elytron (Fig. 7A, C View Figure 7 ) dark brown or brown, with a pale-yellow longitudinal stripe about 1/2 as long as elytra, usually with a roundish pale yellow spot at posterior 3/4 of elytral length, reaching inner suture, as wide as about 1/3 × elytral width. Legs (Fig. 7B, D View Figure 7 ) dark brown, except for trochanters and, sometimes, metacoxa, which are light brown. Sternum VIII with lateral vitreous spots. Pygidium (Fig. 7H View Figure 7 ) with medial 1/5 brown, with lateral pale-yellow stripes in males, entirely brown in females.

Pronotum (Fig. 7F View Figure 7 ) with sides rounded, divergent posteriorly. Male. Total length = 7.8 mm; Pronotal length = 1.9 mm; Pronotal width = 2.8 mm; Elytral length = 6.2; Elytral width = 2.0 mm. Antennomere III (Fig. 7E View Figure 7 ) with lamella about 2 × longer than core antennomere. Sternum VI (Fig. 7G View Figure 7 ) with lantern of moderate size, occupying the medial 1.4 of the sternum, reaching its anterior margin. Sternum VIII with posterior margin bisinuose. Pygidium (Fig. 7H View Figure 7 ) with sides rounded, posterior corners weakly developed, posterior margin variably rounded to almost straight. Syntergite (Fig. 7I, J View Figure 7 ) with anterior margin mildly curved. Phallus (Fig. 7K-M View Figure 7 ) with dorsal plate almost straight in lateral view, with sides straight and acuminate at apical half. Paramere apex curved ventrally, ventral projection (lateral view) inconspicuous. Female. Total length = 8.0-8.7 mm (aver. 8.35 mm); Pronotal length = 1.8-2.1 mm (aver. 1.95 mm); Pronotal width = 2.6-3.0 mm (aver. 2.8 mm); Elytral length = 6.3-6.7 mm (aver. 6.5 mm); Elytral width = 1.9-2.0 mm (aver. 1.95 mm). Antennomeres III-X with apical corners projected, pointed, sterna VI and VII lacking lanterns.


Platylampis Motschulsky, 1853 is currently a consortium of morphologically very disparate species, with no clear-cut definition to accommodate all its species (cf. Silveira et al. 2019). We did not include the type species P. latiuscula Motschulsky, 1853 in our phylogenetic analyses because we had no permission to dissect any specimen of that species - internal traits constitute an important part of our character list (see section 3.1). However, we did study the external morphology of P. latiuscula Motschulsky, 1853, and were able to contrast its morphology with that of P. bisbinotata Pic, 1943. It becomes evident that the latter is more similar to Costalampys spp. than to P. latiuscula Motschulsky, 1853. Specifically, P. latiuscula Motschulsky, 1853 males have serrate antennae, terga VI and VII with posterior corners well-developed, projected posteriorly and pointed, sternum VII with posterior margin medially notched, sternum IX with posterior margin strongly acuminate, pygidium with well-developed posterior corners, and with central portion acuminate. However, C. bisbinotata (Pic, 1943) comb. nov. males have flabellate antennae with basally branching lamellae, terga VI and VII with posterior corners just slightly produced, sternum VII with posterior margin medially straight, sternum IX with posterior margin rounded, pygidium with weakly developed posterior corners, and with central portion rounded - all of which are defining characters of Costalampys gen. nov. (see above). Along with our phylogenetic analyses, these observations support the transfer of P. bisbinotata Pic, 1943 to Costalampys gen. nov., therefore C. bisbinotata (Pic, 1943). Pic (1943) has not given an etymology for P. bisbinotata , but it could mean "with four spots" (i.e two times double spots) in Latin, referring to its color pattern.

Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic, 1943) comb. nov. is similar to C. capixaba sp. nov. and C. quadriguttata (Gorham, 1880) comb. nov. in the pronotal color pattern (overall dark brown; pronotal disc dark brown, lacking vittae, pronotal expansions somewhat translucent anteriorly, almost entirely pale yellow, except by posterior margin, which is outlined in brown, blending with the dark brown disc color). It differs from both species by the lack of lanterns in females (present on sternum VI in the others). Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic, 1943) comb. nov. differs from C. capixaba sp. nov. by the shorter elytral pale-yellow stripe in both sexes (about 1/2 as long as elytra), and pygidium with lateral translucent spots in males (elytral stripe as long as about 4/5 × elytral length, lanterns present in females, and male pygidium entirely brown in C. capixaba sp. nov.). Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic, 1943) comb. nov. differs from C. quadriguttata (Gorham, 1880) comb. nov. by the sternum VIII and pygidium medially dark brown in both sexes (entirely translucent in C. quadriguttata (Gorham, 1880) comb. nov.).

Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic, 1943) comb. nov. was described from Brazil (Pic, 1943), and the syntype examined was collected in Brazilian state of Bahia (without further details). Here we provide for the first time detailed information on the temporal and geographic occurrence of the species.


Syntype: BRAZIL: Bahia: 1 female (MNHN, col. M. Pic).

Material examined.

BRAZIL: Bahia: 1♂, Camacan, R.P.P.N. Serra Bonita, Alojamento , 15°23 ’16’’ S, 39°33 ’58,6’’ W, 757 m, Varredura, 28-29.II.2012, D. Takiya col. (DZRJ); Uruçuca GoogleMaps : 1♀, P.E. Serra do Conduru, Mirante 2, Malaise trap, 11-13.III.2015, L. Silveira, Khattar & Vaz col. (DZRJ); Serra do Conduru, Parque Estadual Serra do Conduru , Malaise PESC 2 , 1♂, 09-14.III.2015, L. F. Silveira et al. col. (DZRJ).

Gallery Image

Figure 7. Costalampys bisbinotata (Pic) comb. nov. A, Male habitus, dorsal view; B, Male habitus, ventral view; C, Female habitus, dorsal view; D, Female habitus, ventral view; E, Male antena, lateral view; F, Male pronotum, dorsal view; G, Male terminal segments, ventral view; H, Pygidium, dorsal view; I, Syntergite, dorsal view; J, Sternum IX, Ventral view; K, Aedeagus, dorsal view; L, Aedeagus, lateral view; M, Aedeagus, ventral view. Scale bar: 2 mm (A-D); Scale bar: 1.0 mm (E; G); Scale bar: 0.5 mm (F; H-M).

Gallery Image

Figure 22. Distribution map of Costalampys gen. nov. species.













