Carabodes (Carabodes) guatemalaensis, Ermilov, 2023

Ermilov, Sergey G., 2023, A new species of Carabodes (Acari, Oribatida, Carabodidae) from Guatemala, with a key to known species from the Neotropical region, Ecologica Montenegrina 61, pp. 1-7 : 2-5

publication ID 10.37828/em.2023.61.1

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scientific name

Carabodes (Carabodes) guatemalaensis

sp. nov.

Carabodes (Carabodes) guatemalaensis sp. nov.

( Figs 1–7 View Figures 1–3 View Figures 4–7 )

Diagnosis. Body length: 480–540. Notogaster (except tuberculate marginal zone) foveolate. Translamella present. Interlamellar region with rectangular elevated structure. Basal part of prodorsum depressed. Rostral seta medium-sized, setiform, slightly barbed; lamellar seta medium-sized, thick, barbed; interlamellar seta long, narrowly phylliform, dilated in median part, with short setiform apex, barbed; bothridial seta long, spoon-shaped, barbed. Notogastral setae c, la, lm, lp long, slightly dilated distally, spoon-shaped, barbed; h 1 – h 3, p 1 – p 3 medium-sized, setiform, barbed. Epimeral and anal setae short, spiniform, roughened. Genital, aggenital and adanal setae medium-sized, setiform, slightly barbed; two pairs of aggenital setae present. Leg tarsus IV with 12 setae.

Description of adult. Measurements. Species of comparatively large size. Body length: 540 (holotype: female), 480, 495 (two paratypes: both males); notogaster width: 315 (holotype), 270 (two paratypes).

Integument. Body color brown. Body covered by thick layer of gel-like cerotegument including dense granules. Rostrum, notogaster (except marginal zone), subcapitular mentum, partially anogenital region, lamella, tutorium, genital and anal plates, pedotecta I, II, lateral part of prodorsum and epimeres I, II foveolate (diameter of foveola up to 15). Marginal zone of notogaster tuberculate (diameter of tubercle up to 11).

Prodorsum. Rostrum broadly rounded. Lamella long, broad, with indistinct distal triangular projection. Translamella present. Interlamellar region strongly elevated into nearly rectangular structure which anteriorly forming short triangular ridge. Basal part of prodorsum (under posterior margin of elevated rectangular structure) deeply depressed. Tutorium long, ridge-like. Rostral seta (26–30) setiform, slightly barbed. Lamellar seta (37–41) thick, barbed, inserted on ventrolateral side of lamella. Interlamellar seta (80– 86) narrowly phylliform, dilated in median part, with short, setiform apex, barbed, inserted on elevated structure. Bothridial seta (71–75) with long stalk and shorter, spoon-shaped head, barbed. Bothridium interrupted ventrally. Exobothridial seta not observed.

Notogaster . Anterior notogastral margin nearly straight. Humeral processes well visible. Dorsocentral region evenly convex; dorsolateral region slightly depressed. Notogastral setae dimorphic: c, la, lm, lp (49–54) slightly dilated distally, spoon-shaped, barbed; h 1 – h 3, p 1 – p 3 (30–34) setiform, barbed. Opisthonotal gland opening and lyrifissure im slightly visible; lyrifissures ia, ip, ih, ips not observed.

Gnathosoma . Typical for Carabodidae (e.g., Ermilov & Starý 2020; Ermilov & Kontschán 2022). Subcapitulum size: 112–116 × 82–90. All subcapitular setae (a: 15–17; m: 13–15; h: 7–11) spiniform, roughened. Palp (length: 63–67) setation: 0–2–1–3–9(+ω). Postpalpal seta (7) spiniform, roughened. Chelicera (112–116) with two setiform, barbed setae (cha: 37–41; chb: 22–26).

Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Epimeral setation: 3–1–3–3. Epimeral setae (7–11) spiniform, roughened. Discidium elongate tubercle-like. Sternal region between sejugal apodemes with small concavity.

Anogenital region. Genital (22–26), aggenital (19–22) and adanal (26–30) setae setiform, slightly barbed (except g 1 distinctly barbed); two pairs of aggenital setae present. Anal setae (7–11) spiniform, roughened. Adanal lyrifissure removed from anal aperture and located anteromedial to adanal seta ad 3.

Legs. Claw of each leg strong, sparsely barbed dorsally, with tooth ventrobasally. One porose area on all femora distinct, porose areas on trochanters not observed. Formulas of leg setation and solenidia: I (1–4– 3–4–16) [1–2–2], II (1–4–3–3–15) [1–1–2], III (2–3–1–2–15) [1–1–0], IV (1–2–2–2–12) [0–1–0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 1. Famulus of tarsus I short, erect, slightly swollen distally, located posterior to solenidion ω 2. Phylliform setae absent on all femora and genua.

Note: Roman letters refer to normal setae, Greek letters to solenidia (except ɛ = famulus); single quotation mark (’) designates setae on the anterior and double quotation mark (”) setae on the posterior side of a given leg segment; parentheses refer to a pair of setae.

Material examined. Holotype (female) and two paratypes (two males): Guatemala, 6.3 km NE Higway , sifting dry leaf litter, 8.VII.1986 (leg. J.M. Campbell).

Type deposition. The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Canada; two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology , Tyumen, Russia . All specimens are preserved in 70% solution of ethanol with a drop of glycerol.

Etymology. The species name refers to the country of origin, Guatemala.

Remarks. In having large prodorsal elevation in the interlamellar region, deep concavity in the mediobasal part of the prodorsum, long bothridial seta, dimorphic notogastral setae, foveolate notogaster, Carabodes (Carabodes) guatemalaensis sp. nov. is similar to C. (C.) gibbiceps Berlese, 1916 from the Nearctic region (see redescription in Reeves & Norton 1990). However, the new species can be distinguished from the later by the direction and morphology of bothridial seta (lateroposteriad; head short, well swollen versus dorsoanteriad; head elongate, narrowly dilated), and the morphology of dorsal notogastral setae (c, la, lm, lp slightly dilated distally; h 1, h 2 setiform versus c, la, lm, lp, h 1, h 2 distinctly dilated distally).

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