Carinoseius improvisus ( Kolodochka, Bondarev & Gwiazdowicz, 2015 ), 2023

Kolodochka, L. A., 2023, The Predatory Mites (Phytoseiidae, Parasitiformes) In The Fauna Of Ukraine: Genera Paragigagnatus, Carinoseius, Kampimodromus, Eharius, Typhlodromips, And Euseius, Zoodiversity 57 (6), pp. 477-506 : 482-484

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scientific name

Carinoseius improvisus ( Kolodochka, Bondarev & Gwiazdowicz, 2015 )

comb. nov.

Carinoseius improvisus ( Kolodochka, Bondarev & Gwiazdowicz, 2015) , comb. n. ( fig. 2 View Fig )

Typhloseiella improvisa Kolodochka, Bondarev & Gwiazdowicz, 2015: 843 .

M a t e r i a l. Type. Holotype} (marked #1): #C–533/323, Ukraine, Luhansk Region, Sverdlovsk [currently Dovzhansk] District, env. vil. Provallia, branch of the Luhansk Natural Reserve, flood plain of River Verkhnie Provallia, glandular globe thistle Echinops spherocephalus (N 48° 08´, E 39° 49´), microslide of sample, 10.06 2012 (Bondarev); paratypes} (marked #2), in the same slide, location and date as holotype; paratypes 2}, #6211, ibid., glandular globe-thistle (N 48° 09´, E 39° 50´), ibid., 11.07 2012 (Kolodochka); paratypes 2}, #6224, Donetskaya oblast, Shakhtinsky District, 8 km East of Khartsizk, the Regional Landscape Park “Zujevsky”, metgrass steppe, miscellaneous herbs part, hoary alyssum Berteroa incana DC View in CoL (N 48° 03´, E 38° 16´), 12.07 2012 (Kolodochka) (SIZK).

R e d e s c r i p t i o n. F e m a l e. Dorsal shield ( fig. 2 View Fig , 1 View Fig ) weakly sclerotised, smooth, with 5 pairs of solenostomes (it, iv, il, is, ic; absent id, isc). Setae of dorsal shield medium-sized, pointed, many of them with 1–2, rarely with 3 serrations, except for smooth AD1 and PD2 . Setae PM2 and PD3 are available. Setae AM3 and PL2 absent. Crater-shaped solenostoms penetrate deep into the idiosoma ( fig. 1, 1 View Fig ,12); solenostomes iv the largest ( fig. 1 View Fig , 8 View Fig ); il, is, ic smaller ( fig. 1 View Fig , 9 View Fig –11), and it minimal. Some individuals have a transverse fold on the dorsal shield between a pair of solenostomes iv and/or a pair of il (both folds in the holotype), which is an artifact that occurs during the preparation. All ventral setae short, smooth, sharp, and thin, except for weakly serrated PV, which are longer than others. The boundaries of the sternal shield and the location of setae ST1–ST3 and Mst in this zone are difficult to study even with the help of immersion and a phase-contrast device because of the very thin and highly transparent shields. Ventrianal shield ( fig. 2, 2 View Fig ) with one pair of preanal setae PrA2; anal pores absent. Setae V3 missing on interscutal membrane surrounding the shield. Peritremes short and wide, reaching only level of setae AS ( fig. 2 View Fig , 7 View Fig ). Metapodal scutes narrow, anterior smaller than posterior ( fig. 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig ). The posterior part of the peritremal shield is caudally narrowed and rounded at the end ( fig. 2 View Fig , 4 View Fig ). There are 2 teeth on Df of the chelicerae, and 1 small on Dm ( fig. 2 View Fig , 5 View Fig ). The spermatheca is saucer-shaped with a small atrium, the neck is not pronounced ( fig. 2 View Fig , 6 View Fig ). Legs without macrochaetes.

Measurements. Lds 312, Wds 160; Lvas 79, Wvas 56; Ltar IV 88; setae length: AD1 23; AD2 35; AD3 34, AD4 36; PD2 40; PD3 36; PD4 12; AL1 40; AL3 43; AL4 45; AM1 39; AM2 34; PL1 40; PL3 37; PM1 40; PM2 40; PM3 45; PM4 47; AS 44; PS 41; PV 34.

M a l e unknown.

Diagnosis. Mites of this rare representative of the genus are easily recognizable by the main feature of the genus, the presence of 7 pairs of dorsocentral setae in a row (4 AD + 3PD), while all other genera of mites of the Ukrainian fauna have 6 pairs of setae in this row (PD3 is absent).

D i s t r i b u t i o n, h a b i t a t, o c c u r r e n c e: Europe ( Ukraine). In Ukraine: steppe zone, grasses; rare.

Notes. 1. The discovery and description of the species Typhloseiella improvisa Kolodochka, Bondarev, & Gwiazdowicz, 2015 provided the basis for restoring the validity of the independent genus Carinoseius Wainstein, 1980 as well with the type species Carinoseius perforantus Wainstein, 1980 (unknown in fauna of Ukraine) and introducing C. improvisus into it, simultaneously excluding both species from the composition genus Typhloseiella ( Athias-Henriot, 1958) , which again became monotypic.

2. The transverse fold on the dorsal shield of mites of this species occurs during preparation because the dorsal shield is more convex than in other species and is elastic due to very weak sclerotization, and is an artefact that differs in location and configuration.

Subtribe Kampimodromina Chant & McMurtry

Genus Kampimodromus Nesbitt, 1951 View in CoL

Kampimodromus Nesbitt, 1951: 53 View in CoL ; Kolodochka 1978: 44; 2006: 88; Beglyarov, 1981 b: 8; Chant & McMurtry 2007: 36; Papadoulis et al. 2009: 37.

Ty p e s p e c i e s: Typhlodromus aberrans Oudemans, 1930c: 48 .

Paradromus Muma, 1961: 286 .

Amblyseius (Kampimodromus) : Pritchard & Baker, 1962: 294.

Amblyseius (Kampimodromus) section Kampimodromus View in CoL : Wainstein 1962, 14.

aberrans group: Chant, 1959: 101.

Genus profile. Dorsal shield of female with 16 pairs of setae and up to 5 pairs of solenostomes (it, iv, il, is, ic). Dorsum bears16 pairs of setae: AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4; PD2, PD4; AM1, AM2; AL1, AL3, AL4; PL1, PL3, PM1, PM3, PM4 — on the dorsal shield; AS, PS (both on interscutal membrane). The degree of sclerotization of the dorsal shield of different species varies from weak to moderate. The sculpture is often tuberculate, sometimes combined (folded-reticulate-scaly with elements of parallel striation). Setae of dorsal shield smooth or serrate, may vary in length; however, longest setae are not scab-shaped. Setae AD1 are placed very close to each other. Perithremes shortened (reaching level of theca setae AL1 or slightly extending frontally behind it) or short (reaching only level of theca setae AS). Sternal shield square, often notched along posterior margin. Ventrianal shield elongated, with lateral emarginations, bearing 3 pairs of preanal setae. The anal pores are small, sometimes poorly visible. There are 4 pairs of setae around the ventral shield. Macrosetae only on basitarsus of leg IV or absent. Chelicerae on Df with 2–4 teeth, on Dm 0–1 tooth.

The genus Kampimodromus contains 17 nominal species ( Chant & McMurtry, 2007), but according to Demite et al. (2023), the World Fauna contains 14 species of which 3 were recorded in Ukraine.














Carinoseius improvisus ( Kolodochka, Bondarev & Gwiazdowicz, 2015 )

Kolodochka, L. A. 2023

Typhloseiella improvisa Kolodochka, Bondarev & Gwiazdowicz, 2015: 843

Kolodochka, L. A. & Bondarev, V. Ju. & Gwiazdowicz, D. J. 2015: 843

Amblyseius (Kampimodromus)

Pritchard, A. E. & Baker, E. W. 1962: 294


Muma, M. H. 1961: 286


Chant, D. A. 1959: 101


Papadoulis, G. Th. & Emmanouel, N. G. & Kapaxidi, E. 2009: 37
Chant, D. A. & McMurtry, J. A. 2007: 36
Kolodochka, L. A. 2006: 88
Beglyarov, G. A. 1981: 8
Kolodochka, L. A. 1978: 44
Nesbitt, H. H. J. 1951: 53
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