Catumiri chicaoi, Guadanucci, José Paulo Leite, 2004

Guadanucci, José Paulo Leite, 2004, Description of Catumiri n. gen. and three new species (Theraphosidae: Ischnocolinae), Zootaxa 671, pp. 1-14 : 6

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scientific name

Catumiri chicaoi

sp. nov.

Catumiri chicaoi View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs. 5–9 View FIGURES 1 – 9 )

Material examined — Holotype: Male, IBSP 9514, Brazil, Bahia, Una; K. Kato leg., XII.1999. Paratype: Female, IBSP 9514, Brazil, Bahia, Una; K. Kato leg., XII.1999.

Distribution — Brazil, Bahia, Una, 1Ψ ( IBSP 8615).

Etymology — A patronym to my friend Kenji Kato “Chicão”, who collected the specimens.

Diagnosis — Males differ from those of other species by the presence of two apical spines on the retrolateral branch of tibial spur, one of them partially bifurcate ( Figs 5–6 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). Females differ from those of other species by the presence of 4–5 pairs of small white spots on the dorsal side of the opisthosoma.

Description — Male (Holotype). Total length: 11.62. Carapace: length 5.14; width 4.07. Eye tubercle: length 0.75; width 1.03. Labium: length 0.40; width 0.88. Sternum: length 2.35; width 2.28. Cheliceral furrow with 9 teeth on the prolateral margin. Labium with 2 cuspules. Gnathocoxae with 19–21 cuspules. Sternum rounded. Palp: femur 2.54/ patella 1.77/ tibia 2.19/ cymbium 1.03/ total 6.50. Legs I: femur 4.03/ patella 2.88/ tibia 3.18/ metatarsus 2.71/ tarsus 2.03/ total 14.83. II: 3.60/ 2.33/ 2.50/ 2.29/ 1.78/ 12.50. III: 3.31/ 1.78/ 2.20/ 2.84/ 1.69/ 11.82. IV: 4.45/ 2.20/ 3.56/ 4.54/ 2.07/ 16.82. Spines: tarsi without spines; Palp: femur (d) 0­1­p2, patella 0, tibia (v) 0­p1­1, (p) v1­2 ­d1; Legs: I: femur (d) 0­1­p2, patella 0, tibia (v) r2­r2­r1, 0­0­1, metatarsus (v) 2­r1­0; II: femur (d) 0­ 1­p2, patella 0, tibia (v) r2­1­ap3, (p) 1­1­0, metatarsus (v) r2­0­0, (p) 2­0­ap1; III: femur (d) 1­3­3, patella (r) 1, (p) 1, tibia (r)1­1­1, (v) 3­1­ap2, (p) 1­2­ap1, metatarsus (d) 0­0­1, (r) 1­1­0, (v) 3­2­ap3, (p) 1­1­1; IV: femur (d) 1­5­3, patella (r) 1, tibia (r) 2­2­1, (v)2­1­2, (p) 2­2­ap1, metatarsus (r) 1­1­1, (v) 3­2­3, (p) 1­1­1. Carapace reddish brown. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior straight. Lobes of cymbium of equal size. Male palpal bulb long and straight ( Figs. 7–8 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). Tibial spur formed by one branch with two spines on the apical portion, one of them toothed in the middle part. Curved spine occupying the position of the internal branch, which is absent (figs. 5–6). Metatarsus I bends retrolaterally to the branch of tibial spur. Paired tarsal claws I and II with teeth on the prolateral side. Prolateral paired tarsal claw III with teeth on the prolateral side, IV smooth. Scopulae on metatarsi: I totally occupied by scopula, less dense on the basal portion, II half occupied by scopula, III with scopula restricted to two bands of setae on the apical half of the segment, IV with scopula restricted to two bands of setae on the apical quarter of the segment. Scopulae on tarsi: I and II undivided, III and IV divided by a longitudinal band of setae. Opisthosoma black, with 4–5 pairs of small rounded white spots on the dorsal side.

Female (Paratype). Total length: 12.87. Carapace: length 4.93; width 3.81. Eye tubercle: length 0.69; width 0.91. Labium: length 0.38; width 0,85. Sternum: length 2.22; width 2.11. Cheliceral furrow with 8–9 teeth on the prolateral margin. Labium with 2 cuspules. Gnathocoxae with 21–23 cuspules. Sternum rounded. Palp: femur 2.4/ patella 1.68/ tibia 1.45/ tarsus 1.63/ total 7.16. Legs I: femur 3.18/ patella 2.31/ tibia 2.25/ metatarsus 1.77/ tarsus 1.38/ total 10.89. II: 2.8/ 1.96/ 1.86/ 1.64/ 1.32/ 9.58. III: 2.64/ 1.54/ 1.77/ 2.22/ 1.38/ 9.55. IV: 3.67/ 1.98/ 2.89/ 3.54/ 1.73/ 13.81. Spines: tarsi without spines; Palp: femur (d) 0­0­p1, patella 0, tibia (v) 1­2­ap3, (p) 0­1­0; Legs: I: femur (d) 0­0­1, patella 0, tibia (v) 0­1­0, (p) 0­0­p1, metatarsus (v) 0­1­0; II: femur (d) 0­0­p1, patella 0, tibia (r) 0­0­ap1, (v) 0­1­0, metatarsus (r) 0­0­ap1, (v) 0­1­0; III: femur (d) 0­2­2, patella (r) 1, (p) 1, tibia (r) 1­2­1, (v) 1­1­ap3, (p) 1­2­1, metatarsus (d) 0­0­r1, (r) 1­1­1, (v) 2­1­2, (p) 1­2­2; IV: femur (d) 0­0­2, patella (r) 1, (p) 1, tibia (r) 1­2­1, (v) 1­1­ap3, (p) 1­2­1, metatarsus (d) 0­ 0­r1, (r) 1­1­1, (v) 2­1­2, (p) 1­2­2. Carapace reddish brown. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior straight. Spermathecae paired with inward facing termini ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). Paired tarsal claws without teeth. Scopulae on metatarsi: I three quarters occupied by scopula, II with apical half occupied by scopula and III and IV with apical one quarter occupied by scopula. Scopulae on tarsi: I–IV divided by a longitudinal band of setae. Opisthosoma black, with 4–5 small white spots on its dorsal side.


Instituto Biologico de Sao Paulo













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