Celetrigona euclydiana, Camargo, João M. F. & Pedro, Silvia R. M., 2009

Camargo, João M. F. & Pedro, Silvia R. M., 2009, Neotropical Meliponini: the genus Celetrigona Moure (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Apinae), Zootaxa 2155, pp. 37-54 : 46

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.188869



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scientific name

Celetrigona euclydiana

sp. nov.

Celetrigona euclydiana View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1, 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 , 7 View FIGURES 5 – 9 , 16 View FIGURE 16 ; Tab. I)

Diagnosis (worker). Basal half of scape with 3–5 bristles, long and robust, 1–3 very long ca. 4x scape diameter; on distal half as long as or slightly shorter than scape diameter; on pedicel and flagellum only short bristles, the longest on fl.1 ca. 1.3–1.5x fl.3 diameter ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 9 ), others ca.1–0.25x fl.3 diameter decreasing in length to apex of antenna.

Holotype, worker (Tab. I).

Dimensions. Total length, 3.60 mm; forewing length, from apex of costal sclerite to wing tip, 3.60 mm (including tegula, 4.03 mm); maximum head width, 1.67 mm; abdomen width (TIII), 1.34 mm.

Integument color. Black, except for yellow-ferruginous antennal scape, pedicel, fl.1, all tarsomeres, trochanters I and III, coxa III; yellow: last flagellomere, mandible, except condyles, labrum, lower third of gena. On face, yellowish clypeus, except for one black stripe on distal margin and another ‘T-shaped’ on median line (incomplete in holotype but complete in some paratypes); parocular area (maculation broadened below, gradually narrowed to little above the tangent of interorbital maximum) and the supraclypeal area, like C. longicornis . Additional color characteristics as described for the genus.

Vestiture. Base of scape, on posterior surface, with one very long bristle about 4.3x scape diameter followed by some 3–4 shorter bristles, about 2x scape diameter, approximately aligned (as in Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 9 ); remaining bristles of scape shorter, not longer than scape diameter; pedicel and fl.1 having short bristles, at most as long as 1.3x fl.3 diameter; on remaining flagellomeres erect bristles shorter than fl.3 diameter. Additional characteristics of pilosity as described for the genus.

Integument sculpture. As described for the genus.

Form and proportions (measurements in Table I). General shape of body as described for the genus. Head 1.2x wider than long. Eyes 2.3x longer than wide, approximately subparallel ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). Malar area 2.0x longer than fl.3 diameter. Clypeus 0.6x shorter than its maximum width, and 0.3x clypeocellar distance. Mandible length 0.55x clypeocellar distance; shape of mandible and labrum as described for the genus. Scape length 1.2x alveolocellar distance, slightly flattened in the middle. Interocellar distance 1.3x longer than ocellorbital distance and 2.4x median ocellus diameter. Scutellum 0.5x shorter than wide. Tibia III 1.0x longer than head width and 3.9x longer than wide. Basitarsus III 1.9x longer than wide and 0.75x tibia width ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). Forewing 2.45x longer than wide and 2.2x longer than head width; wing venation as described for the genus.

Male. Unknown

Type material. Holotype, worker, from “ BRASIL. Acre. Parque / Nacional Serra do Divisor / 07º26’36”– 73º40’28””, “ 10/XI/1996 E. F. Morato / Morro Queimado Sítio 1/ no. 970851”, deposited in RPSP. Paratypes, 19 workers, from holotype locality, numbers 970633–635, 970639–640, 970642, 970646–647, 970767, 970771– 773, 970841, 970843, 970856, 970864, 971016, 971019, 971021. All deposited in RPSP.

Additional material examined. PERU. San Martin: Bella Vista, 10.XII.1946, Alt. 1500 ft., J. C. Pallister Coll. Donor Frank Johnson (1w, AMNH); San Antonio de Cumbaza, S 06 24,522’ W 76 24,409, 415 masl, IV.2003, Claus Rasmussen leg. (1w, RPSP); Tarapoto – Yurimaguas road, km 20, “BIODIVERSIDAD”, S0634/W7620, 950 masl, I.2003, Rasmussen leg. (1w, RPSP).

Etymology. Homage to Euclydes Rodrigues Pimenta da Cunha, author of “Os Sertões” and who participated, in 1905, in the “Comissão Mista Brasileiro-Peruana de Reconhecimento do Alto Purus”, Acre, where C. euclydiana is found.

Geographical distribution. Only known from Acre, Brazil and San Martin, Peru ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ).

Nesting. Unknown.

Remarks. Celetrigona euclydiana sp. nov. is distinguished from other Celetrigona by the very long bristles on basal half of antennal scape, and short, slender bristles on pedicel and flagellum.













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