Centrantyx (Vitticentrantyx) clarkei Krikken, 1985

Gennaro, Cyril Di, 2019, Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Al- and Fe- (Oxy) - Hydroxides in Bauxites of Provence and Languedoc (Southern France): Implications for the Potential Recovery of REEs as By-Products of Bauxite Mining, Belgian Journal of Entomology 81, pp. 1-41 : 1-41

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3929/ethz-b-000362745

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scientific name

Centrantyx (Vitticentrantyx) clarkei Krikken, 1985


Centrantyx (Vitticentrantyx) clarkei Krikken, 1985 View in CoL

( Figs 60-65 View Figs 60-65 )

MATÉRIEL ÉTUDIÉ: Une série de ♂♂ et de ♀♀ de la localité type, et de Goba (Balé) collectés sur plusieurs années.


« Holotype (male). - Total length ca 23 mm. Largely green; legs reddish-Brown, partly infuscated, tarsi black, antenna black. Clypeus with High per marginal crest, almost straight in front, rounded laterally (full-face view), anterior crest feebly triséquâtes (adaxial view); derm of clypeal disc abundantly punctata, with 2 pairs of long, more or less erect tufts of setae, one between eyes, one adjacent to eyes; eye-canthi also setose. Pronotal disc finely, abundantly punctata; size of puncture gradually increasing laterad, their shape becoming arcuate in anterolateral and poster latéral corners, mainly with inconspicuous erect seta; lateral border very widely evenly rounded; cretaceousmargin interrupted. Elytron with smooth, low costae; remaining surface densely punctuate, most punctures more or less arcuate to annulate; lateral declivity with (worn) cretaceous spotat ca 0.65 from base; produced apicosutural angle rounded.

Preprosternal apex distinctly protuberant. Downward anterolateral flange of prospectus rectangular. Mesosternal progression short, somewhat rectangular, anteromedially impressed ( Fig. 6 View Figs 6-7 ). Pectus entirely densely punctuate-setose. Abdominal venter medially impressed, derm sparsely punctata-setose; lateral surface densely acuate-striolate, most striolae with long seta. Pygidium with numerous arcuate punctures, most of them with long thin seta; sides with large symmetrical cretaceous markings. Parameres, fig. 8. Fore tibia very broad, with 3 external denticules; terminal spur elongate-acuminate. Middle tibia with external protrusion at ca 0.4 (sharply dentate) and ca 0.65 (feebly produced) from apex; inferior margin of apex sharply bidentate. Hind tibia with external protrusion at ca 0.4 (with arcuate crest) and ca 0.65 (shortly dentate) from apex; inferior margin of hind tibia 3-lobate-dentate. Posterolateral angle of hind coxa angulate (ca 100°), but shortly rounded off.

Measurements in mm. Clypeal width 2.5, maximum cephalic width (incl. eyes) 3.8. Pronotal median length 6.5, maximum width (base) 8.7. Elytral sutural length (apex scutellum-apex elytron) 9.0, maximum longitudinal length 13.7, maximum width combined 10.8.

Identification: In addition to the information given in the key the following characters may aid to identify C. clarkei : its strong ponctuation, especially on the elytra; its bright green color; the very dense, long pilosity on the pectus; the contour of pronotum. » J. KRIKKEN (1985).


« La description, l’illustration et la localité type données par KRIKKEN permettent, sans aucun doute, de déterminer cette espèce. La femelle demeurait inconnue: elle correspond en tous points à la description donnée pour le mâle exception faite de sa taille qui est généralement plus grande, son allure plus massive, la forme de ses protibias et sa pilosité frontale fortement réduite. Chez cette espèce, le dimorphisme sexuel n’est pas marqué au niveau des massues antennaires. » DI GENNARO & LEGRAND, 2005.

DISTRIBUTION: Région de monts Balé, Ethiopie.


- Cette espèce est inféodée aux prairies afro-alpines bordant les forêts de très haute altitude (3500/ 3800 m) au nord du massif du Balé. On rencontre les imagos sur différentes plantes herbacées.

- Cette espèce a des colorations assez variables du bleu violacé au jaune ( Figs 64-65 View Figs 60-65 ). Cependant la plupart des spécimens sont verts.


Duke University Vertebrate Collection













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