Chrysocoris andamanensis Atkinson

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 220-222

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


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scientific name

Chrysocoris andamanensis Atkinson


Chrysocoris andamanensis Atkinson

( Figs. 2a View Figure 2 , 3a View Figure 3 , 4a View Figure 4 , 5a View Figure 5 , 6a View Figure 6 , 7a View Figure 7 , 8a View Figure 8 , 9a View Figure 9 ; Plate III-A)

Chrysocoris andamanensis Atkinson, 1887: 177

Diagnosis: Body metallic green or blue, basal area of head black, antero-lateral pronotal margins slightly depressed, pygophore with dorso-lateral setal patch, spermathecal duct dilation globular.

Colour: Dorsum metallic green or violaceous blue with black spots over pronotum and scutellum. First antennal segment, I and II labial segment ochraceous, II to IV antennal segment; III and IV labial segments brown to black, coxae, femora and tibiae black with violaceous tinge, tarsal segments black, body with fine and thick punctations except head.

Head:( Fig. 2a View Figure 2 ) slightly produced anteriorly, lateral margins of head deeply sinuated before eyes, breadth 1.2 xs to length, eyes protruded laterally and almost touched anterior pronotal angles, preocular distance 2x to postocular while interocular 2.12 xs to interocellar distance, ocelli placed more near to eyes than to each other.

Antennae: Five segmented; located ventrally on head near to eyes; II smallest; III segment 8.75x to II segment; IV longest and 1.1x to III segment; V subequal to IV segment, small black hairs over III and onward segment.

Labium: Four segmented, I segment smallest; II 2x to I; III 0.8x to II and IV segment 0.8x to III; total labial length 7.55 and extended upto II abdominal segment.

Pronotum: ( Fig. 3a View Figure 3 ) convexed at base, anterior margin deeply sinuated, anterior pronotal angles obtuse and slightly produced anteriorly, lateral pronotal margins sinuated deeply just before lateral angles, distance between lateral angles 2.2x to anterior angles; 8 black pronotal spots, 3 variable sized small spots near anterior pronotal margin while 5 variable sized spots located in posterior row, 3 out of these large, elongated on disc towards posterior margin, 1 small spot at each lateral pronotal angles.

Scutellum: ( Fig. 4a View Figure 4 ) with base convexed, oval in shape, anterior scutellar margin straight or slightly convexed; covered whole of the abdomen; length 1.5x to breadth, apex rounded, possessed 7 scutellar spots present, 6 in pair situated laterally and 1 elongate spot at middle more towards base.

Legs: with fore, middle and hind femora measured 3.9, 4.5 and 6.1, respectively, while fore, middle and hind tibiae measured 4.2, 4.6 and 5.9, respectively, tibiae and tarsal segments possessed small and black hairs and very few on femora.

External efferent system of metathoracic scent gland: ( Fig. 5a View Figure 5 ) with ostiole moderate sized, oval in shape, peritreme small and black, not grooved medially; evaporatorial surface extended upto mesothoracic segment.

Abdomen: Ventrally convexed throughout the length, a submarginal series of black spots present on all abdominal sternites except fused I and II segments; punctations very sparse and located only toward lateral sides; number and position of spiracles and trichobothria same as other species of this genus. Male genitalia with pygophore ( Fig. 6a View Figure 6 ) having posterior margin convex, lateral margins round, strigil present in patch form, inner margin invaginated on to lateral sides, proctiger elongated.

Aedeagus: ( Fig. 7a View Figure 7 ) with vesica sclerotized and anteiorly sharp, I conjunctival appendages broad at base, medially bent while apically round; completely sclerotized; II pair longest, sclerotized at tip and at basal portion, medially membranous and wrinkled, III pair completed sclerotized, elongated apically spined; vesica hooked or notched apically, duct clear.

Paramere: ( Fig. 8a View Figure 8 ) with robust stem, basal part broader to apical, not strongly sclerotized, blade curved upwardly and a tufts of hairs at the junction of base and stem.

Female genitalia with ovipositor having VIII paratergites fused distally, each eighth paratergite triangular, posterior margin almost straight; IX paratergites comparatively small and elongated, round toward inner side, first pair of gonocoxae with posterior margin straight, inner angle round.

Spermatheca: ( Fig. 9a View Figure 9 ) with bulb somewhat elongated with apical end round, distal and proximal flanges of pump distinct; distal funnel shaped, broader than proximal; basal part of pump region membranous, distal spermathecal duct almost 0.5x to proximal, median spermathecal duct sclerotized and broad, more than 2x to proximal part, spermathecal dilation membranous, large and spherical in shape.

Body size: Female 20.5 and male 19.5 long

Material examined (NPC): 1 and 1, India: Andaman Island , 1, (without any data); Uttarakhand: Masoori , 1, ix-x.1920, coll. Mackenzie, host unknown .

Comments: Species described by Atkinson (1887) with detail on its morphological characters, after him Distant (1902) also studied the species in its morphological characters as well as its habitat and body size. Here an addition made to its morphometric characters, male and female genitalic characters alongwith detail description of morphological characters.














Chrysocoris andamanensis Atkinson

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013

Chrysocoris andamanensis

Atkinson 1887: 177
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