Chthonius espanyoli, Zaragoza, Juan A. & Pérez, Toni, 2013

Zaragoza, Juan A. & Pérez, Toni, 2013, Hypogean pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Jaén province (Andalusia, Spain), with descriptions of four new species and a new synonymy, Zootaxa 3700 (2), pp. 201-225 : 207-210

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Chthonius espanyoli

sp. nov.

Chthonius View in CoL (E.) espanyoli sp. nov.

( Figs 3 View FIGURES 2 – 5 , 6–12 View FIGURES 6 – 9 View FIGURES 10 – 12 )

Type material. Holotype ♂, Spain, Andalusia, Jaén province, Cazorla, Cueva Secreta del Poyo Manquillo (37°53′18.46″N, 2°52′12.80″W; 1500 m.a.s.l.), 21.IX.2008, lgt. G.E.V. (DEUA: 20025). Paratypes: 1 ♂ (MCNB: 2013-2541 MZB), same locality as holotype, 03.VII.2011; 1 ♀ (DEUA: 20009), Spain, Andalusia, Jaén province, Peal de Becerro, Complejo del Arroyo de la Rambla (PB-4) (37º48′1.22″N, 2º53′36.65″W, 1000 m.a.s.l.), 13.X.2007; same locality, 4 ♀, 2 T (2 ♀ DEUA: 20039, 20052, 1 ♀ MCNB: 2013-2542 MZB, 1 ♀ MNCN: 20.02/ 1728, 2 T DEUA: 20053, 20054), 26.VIII.2010; 1 ♀ (DEUA: 20026), 04.XII.2011; 1 ♀ (DEUA: 20030), Spain, Andalusia, Jaén province, Hornos de Segura, Sima Jesusín (38º10′31.90″N, 2º46′58.45″W; 769 m. a.s.l.), 11.VII.2010. All paratypes lgt. G.E.V.

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to the memory of Dr Francesc Español Coll (1907–1999), specialist in Coleoptera , one of the greatest biospeleologists in the World, invertebrate Curator and later Director of Museo de Zoología de Barcelona (Museu de Ciències Naturals) for more than 50 years. Dr Español collected a pseudoscorpion specimen in the Cueva Secreta del Poyo Manquillo in 1953, identified as Neobisium (O.) perezi and recorded in this paper for the first time.

Diagnosis. Strongly troglomorphic facies. No eyes or eye-spots. Chelicera with 6 (rarely 7) setae on palm and one microseta; isolated subapical tooth absent on movable finger; spinneret strongly reduced in males, prominent and apically rounded in females. Carapace with two macrosetae on posterior margin, without preocular microsetae. Pedipalp: femur length 0.99–1.03 (7.6–8.1×) (♂), 0.91–0.94 (6.5–7.2×) (♀); chela length 1.37–1.44 (length/depth 6.6–7.0) (♂), 1.27–1.29 (length/depth 5.8–6.5) (♀); fixed finger with 26–27 (♂), 21–22 (♀) teeth; movable finger with 18–19 (♂), 14–15 (♀) teeth and raised lamina with 8–13 rounded vestigial teeth; trichobothrium ist distinctly distal of esb.

Description. Male holotype, followed (when different) by male paratype in parentheses and female paratypes in square brackets. Large species; strongly troglomorphic; integument depigmented, pale yellowish-brown; weak hispid granulation on lateral surfaces of ocular and posterior areas of carapace, on cheliceral palm, on base of paraxial face of pedipalpal femur, on base of movable finger and on dorsodistal surface of pedipalpal hand.

Carapace ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 6 – 9 ) as long as broad or slightly longer than broad, distinctly constricted posteriorly; anterior margin ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 6 – 9 ) weakly prominent, medially dentate, without epistome. Without eyes or eye-spots. Chaetotaxy: 18 (19) setae, without preocular microsetae, formula: 4:6:4:2:2 (4:6:4:3:2), anteromedial seta 0.12 [0.13] mm long, ocular seta 0.06 mm. Five lyrifissures in anterior and ocular areas, two in posterior area.

Pedipalpal coxa 5 setae (including 2 on manducatory process), coxa I 3 + 3 marginal microsetae, II 4 + 9–10 (10–11) [10–11] bipinnate coxal spines, III 5 + 6 [5–7] bipinnate coxal spines, IV 6; intercoxal tubercle bisetose.

Chaetotaxy of tergites I–XI: 4:4:4:4:6:6:6:6:6:4:1T2T1. Genital area with 9 setae on sternite II in males and females; sternite III with genital opening flanked by 8 setae on each side, 4+4 internal glandular setae and (3)7(3) marginal setae. Chaetotaxy of sternites IV–XI: (2)7(2):7:6:6:6:6:7:0; male paratype with 9 [7–8] marginal setae on sternite III, IV: 6, V: 6 [7–8], X: 6 [6–7]. Anal cone 0+2 setae.

Chelicera ( Figs 8–9 View FIGURES 6 – 9 ) with 6 [6–7] setae and 1 microseta laterally on palm, seta vb 0.05 mm long, microseta 0.035 mm long; seta gl 0.55 [0.56] from base of movable finger. Fixed finger with 11 teeth, two distal teeth distinctly larger than others, proximally decreasing in size. Movable finger without an isolated subapical tooth (di), with a large distal tooth and 10 contiguous teeth reduced in size proximally; spinneret in males strongly reduced, almost absent, prominent and apically rounded in females. Rallum with 11 blades. Serrula exterior with 16 [17–18] blades, serrula interior with 14 [13] blades.

Pedipalp ( Figs 10–12 View FIGURES 10 – 12 ) with femoral chaetotaxy 3:6:3:5:1 [3:6–7:3:5–6:1], four lyrifissures: 1 antiaxial and 3 paraxial. Chelal hand depressed at level of ib-isb, with a low, rounded hump distad of ib-isb in males, slightly more prominent in females, and a weak ventral hollow just before base of movable chelal finger; chaetotaxy 4:5:4. Fixed finger with 26 (27) [21–22] pointed teeth, all with dental canals except the two small distal ones, dental row reaching proximad of trichobothrium sb; third distal tooth from tip modified, little wider than others; four microtubercles at base; tip of finger with an accessory tooth (td) on antiaxial face; four teeth at level of est/it occupying 0.1 mm, distance between apices 0.025 [0.025–0.03] mm. Distal half of movable finger with 18 (19) [14–15] pointed teeth, all with dental canals except the two tiny distal ones; proximal half of finger with slightly raised lamina with 13 (8) [10–13] rounded vestigial teeth reaching slightly distad of halfway between trichobothria b and sb, level with coupled sensilla pc, three microtubercles at base; basal apodeme long and apically indented. Trichobothria as in figs 11–12; ist markedly distal of esb, distance ist to esb 0.06 [0.05–0.08] mm, distance esb to eb 0.03 [0.03–0.04] mm; distance between st–sb 2.3 (1.8) [2.1–2.2] longer than that between sb–b.

Leg IV tactile seta ratios: tibia 0.57 (0.54) [0.54–0.55], basitarsus 0.45 (0.44) [0.40–0.42], tarsus 0.31 [0.27– 0.29].

Measurements and ratios. Male holotype, followed by male paratype from Cueva Secreta del Poyo Manquillo in square brackets. Body 1.78 [1.88]. Carapace 0.54/0.55 (1.0) [0.59/0.53 (1.1)]. Chelicera palm 0.56/0.25 (2.2) [0.55/0.25 (2.2)], movable finger 0.28 [0.29]. Pedipalp femur 0.99/0.13 (7.6) [1.03/0.13 (8.1)]; patella 0.40/0.16 (2.4) [0.41/0.17 (2.5)]; chela 1.37/0.20 (6.8) [1.44/0.20 (7.0)], depth 0.21 (6.6) [0.21 (7.0)]; hand 0.54 (2.7) [0.55 (2.7)], length/depth (2.6) [(2.6)]; movable finger 0.84 [0.88]; ratio movable finger/hand 1.6; ratio femur/movable finger 1.2; ratio femur/carapace 1.3; ratio chela/carapace 1.8 [1.7]. Leg I: femur 0.52/0.08 (6.2) [0.56/0.08 (6.7)]; patella 0.28/0.08 (3.7) [0.27/0.08 (3.6)]; tibia 0.30/0.06 (5.0) [0.33/0.06 (5.5)]; tarsus 0.60/0.05 (11.8) [0.61/0.05 (12.0)]; ratio femur/patella 1.9 [2.1]. Leg IV: femur+patella 0.81/0.27 (3.0) [0.83/0.27 (3.1)]; tibia 0.56/0.11 (5.2) [0.57/0.11 (5.4)]; basitarsus 0.28/0.08 (3.4) [0.30/0.08 (3.6)]; telotarsus 0.64/0.05 (14.0) [0.66/0.05 (13.3)]; ratio telotarsus/basitarsus 2.3 [2.2].

Female paratypes from Complejo del Arroyo de la Rambla (PB-4). Body 1.74–1.94. Carapace 0.57–0.59/0.52– 0.55 (1.1). Chelicera: palm 0.53–0.55/0.23–0.25 (2.2–2.3), movable finger 0.27. Pedipalp: femur 0.91–0.94/0.13– 0.14 (6.5–7.2); patella 0.37–0.40/0.15–0.17 (2.4); chela 1.27–1.29/0.20–0.21 (5.9–6.6), depth 0.20–0.22 (5.8–6.5); hand 0.50–0.51 (2.4–2.6), length/depth (2.3–2.5); movable finger 0.76–0.78; ratio movable finger/hand 1.5; ratio femur/movable finger 1.2; ratio femur/carapace 1.5–1.7; ratio chela/carapace 2.2. Leg I: femur 0.48–0.50/0.08 (6.0–6.2); patella 0.25–0.26/0.07 (3.7–3.8); tibia 0.25–0.28/0.06 (4.5–4.9); tarsus 0.54–0.55/0.05 (11.1–11.4); ratio femur/patella 1.9–2.0. Leg IV: femur+patella 0.70–0.72/0.24–0.25 (2.9); tibia 0.49–0.51/0.10–0.11 (4.9); basitarsus 0.25/0.08 (3.1–3.4); telotarsus 0.52–0.56/0.05 (10.7–12.4); ratio telotarsus/basitarsus 2.1–2.2.

Distribution. Andalusia, Spain.

Remarks. Up to now it has not been possible to obtain specimens of both sexes in the same cave. On the basis of the obtained data, we consider the different populations to belong to the same species, but this remains to be verified by the collection of new specimens.

The new species shares with C. (E.) cazorlensis , C. (E.) perezi , Chthonius (E.) torremarinae Carabajal Márquez, García Carrillo & Rodríguez Fernández, 2012 (Almería, Spain) (Carabajal Márquez et al. 2012), Chthonius (E.) ventalloi Beier, 1939 (Valencia, Spain) (Zaragoza 1985a) and C. (E.) verai (Alicante, Spain) (Zaragoza 1985b) the following characteristics: eyeless, raised lamina present on movable chelal finger, without isolated subapical tooth on movable finger of chelicera, only two macrosetae on posterior margin of carapace and absence of preocular microsetae. C. (E.) espanyoli sp. nov. shares with C. (E.) verai a long pedipalp femur (about 0.90–1.00 mm) and chela (about 1.20 mm or more); C. (E.) espanyoli has an even slenderer chela (male 6.6–7.0, female 5.8–6.5) than C. (E.) verai (male 6.1, female 5.7–6.0); C. (E.) espanyoli has a higher number of teeth on the fixed and movable fingers, with both dental rows reaching proximad of trichobothrium sb, as opposed to that of the fixed finger row being level with sb, with only that of the movable finger reaching proximad of sb in C. (E.) verai .















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