Cladiopsocus iscuande, Obando & García Aldrete & Carrejo, 2018

Obando, Ranulfo González, García Aldrete, Alfonso N. & Carrejo, Nancy, 2018, New species and records of Cladiopsocus Roesler (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Psocomorpha: Cladiopsocidae) from Colombia, Zootaxa 4378 (2), pp. 191-223 : 197-198

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scientific name

Cladiopsocus iscuande

sp. nov.

Cladiopsocus iscuande n. sp. Male

( Figs 22–28 View FIGURES 22–28 )

Diagnosis. Belonging in species group 2, subgroup 3, in the classification of Eertmoed (1986). Second and third tarsomeres fused, paraproct tubercle reduced; wings hyaline, without spots and vein stubs as in C. domesticus , C. altamiraensis n. sp., C. pancheorum n. sp., and female of C. clarus Eertmoed. The shape of the phallosome ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 22–28 ) relates it to C. altamiraensis n. sp., and to C. pancheorum n. sp. Unlike the latter, it presents the forewing R3 sinuous and shorter than R2+3 ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 22–28 ); unlike the former it presents the forewing A2 separated distally from A1.

Color. Head ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 22–28 ) brown, vertex and front dark brown; anteclypeus, labrum, mandibles, labium and maxillae pale brown. Compound eyes dark brown, ocelli hyaline in a dark brown area. Antennae and maxillary palps pale brown. Pro-, meso- and metanotum pale brown; thoracic pleurae and legs pale brown. Fore- and hindwing membranes hyaline ( Figs 22, 23 View FIGURES 22–28 ); veins brown, without spots along the veins and at wing margin. Abdomen pale brown to cream. Clunium, hypandrium, epiproct and paraprocts pale brown, phallosome brown.

Morphology. As in diagnosis plus the following: head vertex emarginate, almost at the same level of the upper margin of the compound eyes ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 22–28 ); these large, with few interommatidial setae, D is 0.57 the length of the head in front view. Forewings ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 22–28 ); membrane pterostigma with setae, without spur veins. Hypandrium semioval, crescent-shaped, broad, posterior margin rounded, with medium sized setae and macrosetae ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 22–28 ). Phallosome arched, with internal parameres united posteriorly, endophallic sclerites fused, tongue-shaped, slightly widened distally; external parameres membranous, rounded distally ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 22–28 ). Epiproct semioval, posterior margin rounded ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 22–28 ), with three macrosetae mesally and two near each postero-lateral corner, setal field mostly on posterior margin as illustrated. Paraprocts broad ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 22–28 ) with medium sized setae and macrosetae as illustrated; mesal prong short, little sclerotized, slightly widened distally; sensory fields with 19 trichobothria on basal rosettes.

Measurements. FW: 2525, HW: 1832, f1: 550, f2: 400, f3: 325, f4: 275, Mx4: 200, IO: 210, D: 380, d: 250, IO/d: 0.84, PO: 0.66.

Specimens studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Nariño. Santa Bárbara de Iscuandé, La Ensenada , 2° 37’41.4” N: 78°4’57.4” W, 5 m. 3–4.XII.2010. F. Sarria & C. Salas. Led light trap in forest canopy. MUSENUV slide code 2888 . GoogleMaps Paratype male, same data as the holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology. This species is dedicated to the Iscuandé, a precolumbian ethnic group already dissapeared, that gave its name to the Iscuandé river.















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