Claudiella anamariae, Benetti, Cesar João & Hamada, Neusa, 2016

Benetti, Cesar João & Hamada, Neusa, 2016, Three new species of Claudiella Reichardt & Vanin, 1976 (Coleoptera, Torridincolidae) from Brazil, Zootaxa 4205 (2), pp. 151-161 : 159-161

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scientific name

Claudiella anamariae

sp. nov.

Claudiella anamariae sp. n.

( Figs. 5–6, 9 View FIGURES 7 – 9 , 12 View FIGURES 10 – 12 , 17–18 View FIGURES 13 – 18 , 23–24 View FIGURES 19 – 24 , 27 View FIGURES 25 – 27 )

Type locality. Brazil: Bahia state, Lençóis county, Lençóis River (12°33'48.4"S 41°23'49.4"W). GoogleMaps

Type material. Holotype male ( INPA): Brazil: Bahia state, Lençóis county, Lençóis River (12°33'48.4"S 41°23'49.4"W), 12.v.2014, leg. N. Hamada, J.M.C. Nascimento and J.O. Silva GoogleMaps . Condition of holotype: stored in ethanol 99% with the dissected male genitalia stored in microvials. Paratypes (44): same data as holotype [one male and one female stored in ethanol, deposited at MZUSP; one male mounted on slides; 15 males and 26 females stored in ethanol, deposited at INPA]. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Claudiella anamariae sp. n. can be distinguished from other species of Claudiella by the following combination of characteristics: tooth-like projection on the hind edge of the metatrochanter conspicuous ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 9 ); anterior edge of the labrum with a median indentation on the dorsal surface; interstices strongly convex; RP vein reaching the oblongum cell in the middle of the rp-mp1 vein ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 25 – 27 ), by the body size (length: 1.78–2.12 mm) and by the shape of the male genitalia, with the median lobe in lateral view slightly curved, with dorsal face convex, ventral face straight and greater width between the base and the middle ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ).

Description. Habitus. ( Fig. 5). Shape oval, convex dorsally. Lateral sides of pronotum rounded. Elytra regularly tapering toward the apex. Lateral outline discontinuous between pronotum and elytra.

Color. Dorsal surface black with shiny golden-reddish colored punctures; ventrally testaceous-brownish, legs dark testaceous ( Figs. 5–6).

Measurements (n = 24). BL: 1.78–2.12 mm; BW: 1.04–1.34 mm; BR: 1.58–1.76; PL: 0.3 5– 0.44 mm; PW: 0.81–0.95 mm; PR: 1.92–2.4; EL: 1.21–1.62 mm; EW: 1.04–1.34 mm; ER: 1.13–1.29; ELPWR: 1.49–1.7.

Head. Frons bearing a pair of longitudinal keels that run from the anterior edge of the eyes to the clypeus. Antennae with nine antennomeres; last antennomere a little shorter than antennomeres 6–8 together. Anterior edge of clypeus truncate and continuous; posterior edge convex; lateral edge parallel; anterolateral angles oblique, almost rounded. Labrum large, with very long recumbent setae anteriorly; anterior edge straight, with a median indentation on the dorsal surface, slightly sinuous on ventral surface; fringed with long fine filiform setae, absent in the median area; lateral edge parallel, slightly convex ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10 – 12 ). Mandibles asymmetrical: left mandible with a bifid apical non-articulated tooth and a bifid articulated subapical tooth, and right mandible with only a bifid apical nonarticulated tooth; left and right mandibles with outer edges convex ( Figs. 17–18 View FIGURES 13 – 18 ). Maxilla: mala without suture dividing it; with three apical laminar processes and a row of subapical setae; palpus with three palpomeres, palpomere I short, palpomeres II and III longer, similar in length; palpomere III bearing sensilla apically. Labium with fused glossae and paraglossae, bearing long setae along its entire length; prementum short and wide, densely pilose; labial palpi short, with elongate basal segment and two small apical segments.

Thorax. Pronotum coarsely punctured with surface microrugose; regularly widened towards the basal third; basal edge with median emargination with two small incisions in the middle; anterior edge concave; lateral edges convex, slightly serrate. Scutellar shield very small, triangular. Elytra coarsely punctured with surface microrugose; wider than the base of the pronotum, widest before the middle; punctures arranged in 13 complete clearly marked striae, 12 dorsal and one sublateral, marginal stria; striae of punctures and interstices equal; interstices strongly convex; humeral callus strongly protuberant; lateral edges serrate only at the base, regularly narrowed towards the apex; apex slightly acute. Metathoracic wings ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 25 – 27 ) fringed around the anterior and posterior edges, except in the costal margin; RP2 vein not reaching the apex of wing; r1 vein well-developed, short, slightly oblique, bifurcated anteriorly; ScP vein not distinctly curved, clearly separated from RA vein; R3 vein extends towards the apex; RP vein slightly marked, disappears before reaching the r1 vein; CuA3+4 vein joins the AA3 vein without change of direction; oblongum cell present; RP vein reaching the oblongum cell in the middle of the rp-mp1 vein. Posterior edge of prosternal process truncate. Metasternal carina present, extending to the posterior edge of the metaventrite; metaventrite without tubercles. Metacoxae with posterior edge covering the trochanter; metatrochanter with tooth-like projection on the hind edge, conspicuous ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 9 ), with inner lateral edge convex; femora and tibiae with a row of long setae on dorsal face; femora ventrally grooved for reception of tibiae; metafemur with middle third as wide as basal third; tarsal formula 4-4-4, tarsomeres 1–2 short, tarsomeres 3–4 four times longer than tarsomere 2.

Abdomen. Ventrites 1–4 with longitudinal carina. Semilunar depression of last abdominal ventrite simple, not prolonged towards the apex, in both sexes. Aedeagus ( Figs. 23–24 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ): phallobase with ventral process. Median lobe (dorsal view) split longitudinally beyond the middle, with lateral edges parallel, converging at the apex; in lateral view, slightly curved, almost straight, gradually narrowed from base to the apex; dorsal face convex, ventral face straight and with greater width between the base and the middle; apex digitiform, curved downward, with very short spines ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 24 a). Parameres short and small, but longer than the phallobase process, with two thin apical setae.

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Ana Maria Oliveira Pes (INPA/CBIO), a good friend and colleague in the field and laboratory, in gratitude for her help in collecting material during the fieldwork, and in thanks for all the shared moments during our long friendship and in recognition of her contribution to the knowledge of aquatic insects in Amazonia.

Distribution and habitat. Northeast Brazil, currently only known in the state of Bahia ( Fig. 28 View FIGURE 28 ). The river is located at 470 m a.m.s.l.; width = 7 m, water temperature = 21°C, pH = 4.1 and electrical conductivity = 20 µS/cm.

Taxonomic comments. This species differs from C. jefersoni sp. n. and I. trombetensis by having the toothlike projection on the hind edge of the metatrochanter pronounced ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 9 ), not pronounced in C. jefersoni sp. n.

( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 – 9 ) and I. trombetensis , by its large size and by the shape of the male genitalia ( Figs. 23–24 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ). C. anamariae sp. n. differs from C. ingens and I. quadridentatus in the shape of the tooth-like projection on the metatrochanter ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 9 ), more conspicuous and well-marked in C. ingens and I. quadridentatus . The new species differs from C. ingens by the shape of the male genitalia in dorsal view, with lateral edges of median lobe parallel, converging towards the apex, starting from the middle ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ), while in C. ingens the lateral edges are parallel converging only at the apex, and in the shape of male genitalia in lateral view, with the apex of median lobe curved downward ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ), while in C. ingens the apex is continuous. Claudiella anamariae sp. n. differs from I. quadridentatus in having two thin setae on the apex of each paramere ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ), while in I. quadridentatus the parameres have only one seta. Also, the parameres are much longer in C. anamariae sp. n. than in I. quadridentatus . The new species differs from C. jeaneae sp. n. in having the anterior edge of the labrum with a median indentation, absent in C. jeaneae sp. n.; anterior edge of the pronotum concave, sinuous in C. jeaneae sp. n.; posterior edge of prosternal process truncate, sinuous in C. jeaneae sp. n. and in the shape of the male genitalia in lateral view, with the apex of the median lobe curved downward ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ), while in C. jeaneae sp. n. the apex is continuous.


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

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