Clerodendrum splendens G.Don var. splendens

Meerts, Pierre, 2023, The genus Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) in the flora of Central Africa (D. R. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi), Phytotaxa 594 (1), pp. 1-42 : 30

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Plazi (2023-04-24 09:41:22, last updated 2024-11-26 02:48:26)

scientific name

Clerodendrum splendens G.Don var. splendens


22a. Clerodendrum splendens G.Don var. splendens View in CoL View at ENA

= Clerodendrum gilletii De Wildeman & T.Durand (in Durand & De Wildeman 1899a: 113); Baker (1900: 302); Durand & Durand (1909: 439); De Wildeman (1912b: 91) ≡ Clerodendrum splendens var. gilletii (De Wild. & T.Durand) Thomas (1936: 58) ; Moldenke (1980: 219). Type:—D.R. CONGO. Env. De N’Dembo, 1898, Gillet s. n. (holotype: BR0000008978806!).

= Clerodendrum splendens var. longicuspe Moldenke (1953a: 289 ; 1980: 219). Type:—D.R. CONGO. Kisantu, 01(?) November 1924, Vanderyst 13894 (holotype: BR0000008978608!; iso-: NY 00137388 (fragm.)).

Shrub 1–3 m high, or liana up to 10 m. Stem quadrangular, shortly pubescent, hollow; persistent petiole bases 1–5 mm. Leaf: petiole 0.2–2.5 mm, puberulent; lamina ovate-elliptic, 7–19(–22) × (2.7–)4–13(–15) cm, base rounded to subcordate, apex acuminate, the uppermost ones somewhat clasping, 5 to 9 veins on either side, upper surface shiny and glabrous, lower surface paler and densely gland-dotted, margin entire, ciliolate. Inflorescence corymbiform, comprising axillary cymes in the 2 distal nodes, 2.5–7 × 4–9 cm, occasionally with subsidiary axillary cymes on 1–2 lower nodes, axes shortly pubescent to subglabrous, peduncle 1–10 cm; individual cymes ca. 3–4 × 4–8 cm. Flower: pedicel 1–5(–15) mm, glabrous or puberulous; calyx narrowly campanulate, 5–9(–12) mm long, 3–4 mm wide at throat, glabrous, base obtuse, lobes narrowly triangular, very acute, 3–4.5(–7) mm long, reddish; corolla: tube 14–20 mm, glabrous, with a few sessile golden yellow glands, lobes 10–11 mm long, glabrous, with sessile golden yellow glands; stamens exserted 20–40 mm, anther 2–3 mm long. Fruit 9–12 × 11–12 mm, deeply 4-lobed, smooth, subtended by cupuliform dark red calyx 9 × 10 mm.

Distribution in Central Africa:—D.R. Congo.

Distribution elsewhere:— Angola, Benin, Cabinda, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone.

Habitat:—Fallow field, savannah, young regrowth, secondary forest, degraded forest; a heliophilous species; 0–1000 (?) m.

Selection of representative specimens:—D.R. CONGO. Mayombe: Temvo, 10 February 1919, Vermoesen 1799 (BR!); Kangu, 4 March 1921, Wellens 51 (BR!). Bas-Congo: Milu, Maluku, 29 August 1975, Breyne 2810 (BR!), M’vuazi, 13 August 1957, Delhaye 232 (BR!); M’Vuazi, Vallée de la Kokosi, 7 October 1958, Compère 523 (BR!); Kisantu, 10 August 1935, Louis 16 ( P). Kasaï: Vallée de la Kamtsha, July 1921, Vanderyst 10079 (BR!); Port-Francqui [Ilebo], May 1938, Gillardin 379 (BR!); Kintuminika, 13 August 1959, Pauwels 4023 (BR!, WAG). Bas-Katanga: Thielen, s.d., Vanderyst 22054 (BR!). Forestier Central: Bokondji, 23 March 1959, De Wanckel 12 (BR!); Bondo, Uélé-Itimbiri, March 1931, Lebrun 2441 (BR!, P); Yangambi, 25 February 1937, Louis 1383 (BR!); Mobwasa, Itimbiri, 28 January 1909, Thonner [1?]21 (BR!).

Notes:—1. Var. gilletii (De Wild.) Thomas is based on a type with unusually narrow, oblong-elliptic leaves, ca. 3 times longer than broad. Specimens with such leaves are found occasionally (e.g., A. Léonard 4875), but do not appear to deserve taxonomic recognition.

2. Records of C. splendens in Burundi are errors for C. umbellatum .

Baker, E. G. (1900) Clerodendrum. In: Thiselton-Dyer, W. T. (Ed.) Flora of Tropical Africa 5. Lovell Reeve & Co, London, pp. 292 - 314.

De Wildeman, E. (1912 b) Documents pour l'etude de la geo-botanique congolaise. Bulletin de la Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique 51 (3): 1 - 406.

Durand, T. & De Wildeman, E. (1899 a) Materiaux pour la flore du Congo. IV. Bulletin de la Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique 38 (2): 78 - 116.

Durand, T. & Durand, H. (1909) Sylloge florae congolanae [Phanerogamae]. De Boeck, Bruxelles, 716 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 3666516

Moldenke, H. N. (1953 a) Notes on new and noteworthy plants. XV. Phytologia 4 (3): 173 - 183.

Moldenke, H. N. (1980) A sixth summary of the Verbenaceae, Avicenniaceae, Stilbaceae, Chloanthaceae, Symphoremaceae, Nyctanthaceae and Eriocaulaceae of the world as to valid taxa, geographic distribution and synonymy. Phytologia Memoirs, vol. 2. 629 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 12983

Thomas, B. (1936) Die Gattung Clerodendrum inAfrika. Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 68: 1 - 106.


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