Coneuplecta (Durgellina) calculosa, (Gould, 1852)

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F., 2010, A morphological phylogenetic analysis and generic revision of Australian Helicarionidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora), and an assessment of the relationships of the family 2462, Zootaxa 2462 (1), pp. 1-148 : 109-110

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scientific name

Coneuplecta (Durgellina) calculosa


Co neuplecta (Durgellina) calculosa (Gould, 1852) View in CoL

Figures 16D, H View FIGURE 16 , 26G View FIGURE 26 , 27G View FIGURE 27 , 28G View FIGURE 28 , 39D View FIGURE 39 , 40D–F View FIGURE 40

Helix calculosa Gould, 1852: 48 .

Helix umbraculorum Cox, 1864 : Addendum, species No. 136.

Helix dendrobia Crosse, 1868: 96–97 , pl. i, fig. 5.

Helix (Conulus) russelli Brazier, 1875b: 668 .

Sitala View in CoL ? rimicola (Benson) Blanford and Godwin-Austen, 1908: 236–237 View in CoL .

Coneuplecta (Durgellina) calculosa: Baker, 1941a: 234–236 View in CoL , pl. 44, figs 8–9, pl. 55, figs 4–5, pl. 62, fig. 13; Solem, 1961: 471; Solem, 1988: 544, figs 173, 177–178; Smith, 1992: 227.

Material examined. New South Wales: AM C374873 (one shell measured, photographed), Coffs Harbour, behind N end of Park Beach (30º17' S, 153º8' E), on leaves of sapling trees in littoral rainforest, Feb. 1983, M. Shea GoogleMaps ; AM C377743 (one specimen dissected), Zeehan Rd. at Cooks Creek Trail (30º31' S, 152º45' E), arboreal, rainforest regrowth, 13 Nov. 1999, J. Waterhouse GoogleMaps ; AM C377891 (one specimen dissected), Nymboi–Binderay National Park N of Bosterbrick, Mills Road 200–300 m from Moonpar Rd. (30º13' S, 152º39' E), arboreal, tall wet sclerophyll, vine thicket understorey, 9 Nov. 1999, M. Shea GoogleMaps .

Description. External morphology: Shell ( Figures 16D, H View FIGURE 16 , 26G View FIGURE 26 , 27G View FIGURE 27 , 28G View FIGURE 28 ) 4.7–5.1 whorls, pale golden brown, not glossy; protoconch sculptured with spiral and radial ribs (spirals stronger); teleoconch with spiral and radial lirae (radials stronger); shell shape as for genus. Animal white. Sole of foot and caudal apparatus as for genus; caudal horn very small.

Mantle cavity: As for genus. Mantle with pigmentation of black and white spots, mantle gland present.

Digestive system: As for genus.

Genital system ( Figure 39D View FIGURE 39 ): As for genus. Free oviduct long; capsular gland present. Bursa copulatrix very short, shorter than free oviduct; duct of bursa copulatrix wide, not distinguishable from bursa copulatrix. Vagina short. Penis moderately long, epiphallus enters penis through simple pore; penis internally smooth; basal diverticulum on penis present. Penial sheath present, enclosing only penis. Epiphallus shorter than penis.

Radula ( Figure 40D–F View FIGURE 40 ): As for genus. Central tooth with large ectocones and smaller accessory cusps. Two lateral teeth present, distinguished from marginal teeth by presence of endocone; marginal teeth with endocones absent; ectocones approximately same length and breadth as mesocone, subdivided into two to five extra teeth (increasing towards the outer edge). Radular formula ( × 102 rows.

Range and habitat. Within Australia, this species is found from Narooma, southern New South Wales to islands of Torres Strait in far northern Queensland and in the northwestern part of Northern Territory. Outside Australia, Coneuplecta calculosa has been recorded from India, New Caledonia, Western Samoa and the Society Islands ( Solem 1988).

Remarks. The anatomy and radula figured here for Coneuplecta calculosa is identical to that figured by Baker (1941a) for this species. No anatomical details are available for the type species of Durgellina , Coneuplecta vitrina ( Thiele, 1928) , which Schileyko (2002a) gives as a synonym of C. calculosa , although we were unable to confirm this.

Solem (1988) is followed in including Helix dendrobia Crosse, 1868 and Sitala rimicola (Benson) Blanford and Godwin-Austen, 1908 as synonyms of Coneuplecta calculosa . The species figured by Odhner (1917) as Sitala wilcoxi ( Cox, 1865) may also be C. calculosa , based on the radula and reproductive system. It is possible that wilcoxi , which has since been synonymised with Sodaleta umbraculorum ( Iredale 1937c) , is also a synonym of C. calculosa . Alternatively, Odhner (1917) may have misidentified the species he dissected. He did not figure a shell.

In the phylogenetic analysis, Coneuplecta calculosa grouped with the other species of Coneuplecta and diverged from the base of the tree ( Figures 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ). In the molecular phylogenetic analysis of Hyman et al. (2007), C. calculosa also occupied a relatively basal position as the sister taxon to ( Trochomorphidae + Microcystinae ) ( Figure 44A View FIGURE 44 ).


Australian Museum














Coneuplecta (Durgellina) calculosa

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F. 2010

Coneuplecta (Durgellina) calculosa: Baker, 1941a: 234–236

Smith, B. J. 1992: 227
Solem, A. 1988: 544
Solem, A. 1961: 471
Baker, H. B. 1941: 236


Blanford, W. T. & Godwin-Austen, H. H. 1908: 237

Helix (Conulus) russelli

Brazier, J. 1875: 668
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