Copestylum albertoi, Rotheray & Hancock & Marcos-García, 2007

Rotheray, G. E., Hancock, E. G. & Marcos-García, M. A., 2007, Neotropical Copestylum (Diptera, Syrphidae) breeding in bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) including 22 new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 150 (2), pp. 267-317 : 298-300

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00288.x

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Copestylum albertoi




Diagnosis – male holotype: Face shiny, dust confined to band under the antennae; face yellow with sharply defined cental and lateral black vittae ( Fig. 19 View Figures 19–22 ); frons yellow, dusted, fuscous centrally and black haired; hairs absent from lower margin of the eyes; eye hairs yellow, except for band of black hairs on top of the the flattened, inclined head; mesonotum shiny metallic black with lateral yellow vittae; mesonotum with long hairs white basally and dark apically, and shorter white hairs; no prescutellar bristles; scutellum with yellow basal band, apical depression, and mixed length black hairs; upper half of the sides of the thorax yellow and black below; wings extensively microtrichose; R1 closed; legs entirely black with black hairs, except some yellow hairs on the posterior margin of the mid femorae; abdomen – tergite 1 whitish and white haired, tergite 2 with a pair of large white spots in basal half and a clear black band in the apical half, white haired over the spots, otherwise black haired; tergites 3 and 4 with small yellow spots on the apicolateral margins, base of these tergites with white hairs, otherwise tergites black and black haired; sternites 1 and 2 yellow and yellow haired; sternites 3 and 4 with a broad black band and narrow yellow bands at base and apex, yellow haired; genitalia – surstylus rectangular-shaped with broad rounded apex and basal projection coated in long setae; epandrium with projection at point of articulation with hypandrium; hypandrium without windows; superior lobes with one hook; postanal plate at base of cerci well defined by sclerotization ( Figs 65, 66, 67, 68 View Figures 65–74 ); female – unknown. Length: body, 9 mm; wing, 10 mm (N = 1).

Diagnosis – larva and puparium: Projection bearing antennomaxillary organs nodulate, dorsal lip with a tuft of short setae; lateral lips with stout setae basally and fine setae apically, not meeting apically, feeding channel not deep; thorax not wider than abdomen; anterior fold with a band of 7–9 rows of brown spicules, becoming shorter anteriorly and not reaching sensilla 3 of prothorax; prothorax without spicules; anterior spiracles about as long as broad with three openings across the apex; vestiture of short, fine setae, slightly longer on lateral margins and shorter on ventral surface; lateral margins of mesothorax with three spicules and a paired group of spicules present on antero-ventral margin of metathorax; mesothoracic prolegs comma-shaped, coated in matted pubescense with short, medially arranged crochets; prolegs on abdominal segments 1–6, transverse with three rows of brown-tipped spicules, segmental sensilla mounted on fleshy projections with long apical setae, these projections longer on lateral margins of the abdomen, but not longer than half the length of lappets; lappet 1 about half as long as lappet 2; lappets 2 and 3 on lateral margin; posterior breathing tube orange, less than two times the width of a pupal spiracle, matt and coriaceous basally, shining and lightly punctured above transverse ridge; slightly tapered at extreme apex; three pairs of sinusoidal openings; pupal spiracles orange, long, longer than distance apart, slightly curved, punctate basally, smooth and shining with openings spread apart, mostly further apart than their width across, not on raised bands and reaching below the halfway point, coated in very short, inconspicuous setae, not longer than width of an opening; head skeleton – ventral cornu less than ten times as long as dorsal cornu; dorsal cornu more than half as wide as ventral cornu; dorsal bridge present; sclerotized tentorial bars broader apically beyond ventral bridge; mandibles and mandibular apodeme either as wide as tentorial bars or wider ( Fig. 98 View Figures 93–98 ).

Material examined – holotype: Male with puparium, Mexico, Chiapas, Talquián , 07 June 2002, ex fallen, decaying bromeliad ( Bromeliaceae ), MAM, GER & C. Pérez-Bañón ( CIBIO) .

Etymology: The name ‘ albertoi’ is in reference to my son Alberto (MAM).













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