Coronedax longiceps Ren, Tian, Grossi, Zou & Gustafsson, 2024

Ren, Mengjiao, Tian, Chunpo, Grossi, Alexandra A., Zou, Fasheng & Gustafsson, Daniel R., 2024, Cryptic genera, cryptic species: phylogeny of the genus Philopteroides Mey, 2004, sensu lato, with descriptions of two new genera and one new species, Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 82, pp. 585-605 : 585-605

publication ID 10.3897/asp.82.e114351

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persistent identifier

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Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny by Pensoft

scientific name

Coronedax longiceps Ren, Tian, Grossi, Zou & Gustafsson

sp. nov.

Coronedax longiceps Ren, Tian, Grossi, Zou & Gustafsson sp. n.

Figures 12 View Figures 2–17 , 18–19 View Figures 18, 19 , 20–23 View Figures 20–23 , 24 View Figures 24, 25

Type host.

Terpsiphone incei (Gould, 1852) – Amur paradise flycatcher.


Morphologically similar to Coronedax terpsiphoni (Najer & Sychra [in Najer et al.], 2012 b), but can be separated by the following characters: 1) head proportionately longer and narrower in C. longiceps than in C. terpsiphoni (Figs 24 View Figures 24, 25 , 25 View Figures 24, 25 ); 2) dorsal anterior plate more slender in C. longiceps than in C. terpsiphoni (Figs 24 View Figures 24, 25 , 25 View Figures 24, 25 ); 3) female vulval margin of C. terpsiphoni with short vss, but these are absent in C. longiceps (Fig. 23 View Figures 20–23 ); 4) male subgenital plate with only 1 macroseta on each side (on segment VII) in C. longiceps (Fig. 18 View Figures 18, 19 ), but with 2 macrosetae on each side (on segments VII – VIII) in C. terpsiphoni .

Possibly, head sensillum s 4 is absent in C. terpsiphoni , but these sensilla are easily overlooked and as no specimen of C. terpsiphoni were examined, this cannot be verified; s 4 is present in C. longiceps . Differences in the male genitalia between C. longiceps and the illustrations of Najer et al. (2012 b) (Figs 11 View Figures 2–17 , 12 View Figures 2–17 ) may not be diagnostic as much of the distal genitalia are largely soft, and thus affected by mounting.


Head structure and chaetotaxy as in Fig. 20 View Figures 20–23 ; head long and slender; dorsal anterior plate slender (Fig. 20 View Figures 20–23 ); head sensillum s 4 present; os much shorter than mts 3; mts 1 intermediate in length between os and mts 3. Thoracic and abdominal segments and chaetotaxy as in Figs 18 View Figures 18, 19 , 19 View Figures 18, 19 . Male abdominal chaetotaxy: ss present on segments II – VIII; tps present on segments II – VIII (2 on each side on II – VI, 1 on each side on VII – VII); psps present on segments III – VII; aps absent; ps present on segments IV – VIII. Female abdominal chaetotaxy: ss present on segments II – VIII; tps present on segments II – VIII (1 on each side); psps present on segments III – VII; aps absent; ps present on segments IV – VIII. Central sternal plates present on segments II – VI in both sexes; accessory sternal plates absent in male (but some central sternal plates with modified lateral ends) and present on segments III – VI in female. Each of sternal plates II – VI in both sexes with 1 thorn-like and 1 normal seta on each side; on segments II – V thorn-like setae median to normal setae, but on VI thorn-like setae lateral to normal setae. Basal apodeme slender, not conspicuously thickened laterally, bulging distally (Fig. 21 View Figures 20–23 ). Mesosome as mainly dorsal thickening of distal mesosome centrally; 2 lpmes microsetae visible on each side. Gonopore reduced, extending slightly beyond distal margin of basal apodeme, with slight nodi distally (Fig. 22 View Figures 20–23 ). Parameres completely fused to basal apodeme proximally, soft and flexible, may be displaced dorsally; pst 1 sensillum, pst 2 distal seta, as long as paramere. Female subgenital plate with triangular extension distally (Fig. 23 View Figures 20–23 ). Vulval margin bulging, with 2 vms mesosetae on each side. Subvulval plates roughly triangular.


Male (n = 3, except for TL, where n = 1 and PW where n = 2): TL = 1.26; HL = 0.39–0.41; HW = 0.35–0.37; PRW = 0.22–0.26; PTW = 0.31–0.35; AW = 0.41–0.48. Female (n = 1, total length not measured due to breakage in pterothorax): HL = 0.42; HW = 0.37; PRW = 0.25; PTW = 0.30; AW = 0.41.


Specific name derived from “ longus ”, Latin for “ long ”, and “ - ceps ”, Latin for “ - headed ”, referring to the relatively long head of this species compared to the only other known member of the genus.

Type specimens.

Holotype ♂, CHINA: Yunnan Province, Banna Prefecture, Mengla County, primary forest near Xinhuikuan and Manpa villages , 6 Jun. 2013, coll. D. Su & Y. Zhao, bird ID: J 1124, louse ID: GD-PHTH- 901 ( IZGAS) . Paratypes: 2 ♂, 1 ♀, same data as holotype, louse ID: GD-PHTH-00899 –900, 902 ( IZGAS) .


Georgian Academy of Sciences, Insititute of Zoology











