Diospilus angorensis Beyarslan, 2014

Beyarslan, Ahmet, Received, Erhan Çoban & Online, Published, 2014, Checklist of Turkish Helconinae with a new species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 (3), pp. 89-95 : 91-95

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1304-34

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scientific name

Diospilus angorensis Beyarslan

sp. nov.

Diospilus angorensis Beyarslan sp. nov. ( Figures 1a View Figure 1 and 2–7 View Figures 2–7 )

Holotype (female): Body color: Black; legs (except coxae, which are black), mandible and pterostigma dark brown; wing membrane hyaline; veins yellowish-brown.

Body length: 2.9 mm. Antenna length 2.1 mm. Forewing length: 2.9 mm. Mesosoma length: 1.2 mm.

Metasoma length: 1.3 mm. Ovipositor sheath length: 2.2 mm ( Figure 2 View Figures 2–7 ).

Head: Antennal segments 23, G2 shorter than G1 (8:10) and as long as G3, length of G1, G2, and penultimate segments 3.0, 2.4, and 1.3 times their widths, respectively ( Figure 2 View Figures 2–7 ). Last antennal segment sharply pointed. Antenna setiform. Width of head 2.0 times its medial length. Temple roundly narrowed slightly behind the eye and as long as transverse diameter of eye in dorsal view. Vertex smooth, glabrous; ocelli very small, almost positioned in a triangle in which postocellar line longer than the distance between postocellus and front ocellus (7: 5); POL 1.75 times OD, 0.7 as long as 3.5 OOL ( Figure 3 View Figures 2–7 ). Eyes scarcely hairy, longitudinal diameter of eye 1.5 times its transverse diameter. Length of malar space 1.4 times as long as basal width of mandible and 0.3 times longitudinal diameter of eye ( Figure 4 View Figures 2–7 ). Anterior tentorial pit deep and large, clypeal suture very deep; width of face 1.6 times height of face and clypeus combined; face smooth and glabrous. Clypeus, mandible, and temple smooth. Occipital carina distinct. Length of maxillary palp 0.5 times height of head; frons smooth and weakly convex.

Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.3 times its height; pronotum sculptured, glabrous; side of pronotum smooth, posteriorly with crenulae; mesonotum smooth, glabrous, notauli very deep and weakly punctate; mesopleuron smooth, precoxal sulcus distinct and crenulated ( Figure 2 View Figures 2–7 ); scutellar sulcus with wide crenulae; scutellum distinctly convex, smooth, and glabrous; sides of scutellum roughly sculptured; subalar depression deep and punctate; metapleuron finely punctate, medially smooth, and glabrous; metanotum convex laterally; surface of propodeum rugulose and with long, gray setae laterally.

Wings. Forewing: length of pterostigma 3.0 times its maximum width and almost as long as anterior margin of radial cell; medial vein on forewing originating together with basal vein directly from parastigma; r very short; cu-a postfurcal; m-cu antefurcal; vein 1-SR+M almost straight. 3-SR:SR1 = 12:41; 2-SR:3-SR:r-m:2-M = 12:15:12:15. Hind wing: lr-m 2.5 times 2-SC+ R and as long as SC+ R 1 ( Figure 5 View Figures 2–7 ).

Legs. Latero-medial side of hind coxa with a deep depression; ratio of femur:tibia:basitarsus of hind leg = 34:41:9; length of femur, tibia, and basitarsus of hind leg 3.7, 6.6, and 3.3 times their maximum widths, respectively ( Figure 6 View Figures 2–7 ); length of hind tibial spurs 0.40 and 0.38 times hind basitarsus, tibia, and tarsus densely and femur sparsely setose.

Metasoma. Length of first tergite 0.5 times its apical width ( Figure 7 View Figures 2–7 ), its median area smooth, laterally very weakly striato-rugulose; other tergites smooth and glabrous; basal width of second tergite 1.2 times its median length; apical width of second tergite 1.75 times its median length; length of ovipositor sheath 0.9 times of length of metasoma and 0.45 times length of forewing.

Host Information. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific name is from the type locality Angora (the old name of Ankara), Turkish Central Anatolia region.

Type Material. Holotype (female). Ankara, Kalecik, Elmapınar, (40°16′47″N, 33°28′04″E), 912 m, paddy crop, weeds, Salix sp. , 26.V.2007, 2♀♀. Holoptype in Zoological Museum, Trakya University , Edirne. GoogleMaps

Key to the Turkish species of genus Diospilus View in CoL

1. Metasoma articulated with propodeum at same level as hind coxae; body stout; metasoma not longer than mesosoma; body small (Tribe Diospilini ). Medial vein on forewing originating together with basal vein directly from pterostigma; sternauli developed. ........................................ 2

2. Second radiomedial cell trapezoid, anteriorly narrowed, second metasomal tergite separated from laterotergites by sharp bend; metasoma usually not shorter than mesosoma. Genus Taphaeus Wesmael View in CoL ....................... 3

• Second radiomedial cell square or anteriorly broadened; bend between upper part of second metasomal tergite and its basal part uniformly rounded; metasoma shorter than mesosoma. Genus Diospilus Haliday. View in CoL .......... 4

3. Temples shorter than eyes; Mesosoma not cylindrical, mesonotum appreciably raised above level of posteriorly steeply sloping propodeum, mesosoma 1.5 times as long as high, intertentorial line roughly equals tentorio-ocular line; color variable; body 2.5–4.0 mm. ................................... .................................................... Taphaeus hiator Thunberg View in CoL

• Body including head, yellowish dark brown, only propodeum, sides of metathorax, sides of mesonotum and metasomal apex black or dark brown. Antennae roughly with 30 segments; ovipositor as long as or slightly shorter than body; body 3.0–3.5 mm. ....... T. rufocephalus Telenga View in CoL

4. Mesosoma long, 2 times as long as high; antennae as long as body; first flagellar segment 2 times as long as wide, antennae about 30 segmented; ovipositor as long as mesosoma and metasoma together, body 3.0–3.5 mm. ...... .......................................................... D. molorchicola Fischer View in CoL

• Mesosoma short, not more than 1.5 times as long as high. ......................................................................................... 5

5. Mesosoma entirely black. ............................................ 6

• Mesosoma with yellowish dark brown pattern at least on pronotum. Ovipositor as long as metasoma or slightly longer; face sculptured; body black, only pronotum yellowish dark brown; body 3–3.5 mm. ................................. .............................................................. D. melanoscelus Nees View in CoL

6. First metasomal tergite shorter than its width at apex. ......................................................................................... 7

• First metasomal tergite not shorter than its width at apex. ......................................................................................... 9

7. Anterior margin of radial cell longer than pterostigma, first metasomal tergite sculptured. ................... ............................................................... D. inflexus Reinhard View in CoL

• Anterior margin of radial cell not longer than pterostigma, first metasomal tergite smooth only laterally very weakly striato-rugulose. ................................................ 8

8. Anterior margin of marginal cell shorter than pterostigma, cu-a interstitial; 2-SR two times as long as 3-SR; ovipositor sheath 0.9 times of length of metasoma; antennal segments 21, body 2.1 mm. ...................................... .................................................... D. belokobylskiji Beyarslan View in CoL

• Anteriormarginofmarginalcellaslongaspterostigma, cu-a antefurcal; 2-SR as long as 3-SR, ovipositor sheath 1.69 times of length of metasoma; antennal segments 23, body 2.9 mm. ................... D. angorensis Beyarslan sp.nov.

9. Radial cell short, its anterior margin not longer than stigma; ovipositor slightly longer than abdomen; antennae 20–22 segmented; propodeum with fields like first metasoamal tergite, slightly sculptured; body 2–2.5 mm. ..................................................... D. morosus Reinhard View in CoL

• Anterior margin of radial cell longer than stigma, metasoma black. ................................................................... 10

First abdominal tergite longitudinally rugose; anterior margin of clypeus rectilinearly broadly incised; face fairly densely and coarsely punctate; ovipositor as long as body; antennae about 30 segmented; second radiomedial cell anteriorly broadened; palps and legs dark brownish yellow; body 3–5 mm. ....................................... D. rufipes Reinhard View in CoL

10. First abdominal tergite softly sculptured, often smooth in middle; anterior margin of clypeus broadly rounded; face almost smooth, lustrous; antennae 21–25 segmented. ............................................................................ 11

• Ovipositor distinctly shorter than body, but usually longer than metasoma; palps and legs dark brownish yellow or somewhat darkened; second radiomedial cell parallel-sided or slightly broadened anteriorly; body 2.5– 3.0 mm. ............................................................ D. capito Nees View in CoL

11. Ovipositor longer than body, first abdominal tergite and propodeum smooth, lustrous. First abdominal tergite slightly longer than its width at apex; body black; palps dark colored; legs yellowish dark brown but hind femora dark; body 2 mm. ............................. D. productus Marshall View in CoL

* Diospilus belokobylskiji Beyarslan, 2008 View in CoL ( Figure 1b View Figure 1 )

Distribution in Turkey: Amasya, Çankırı, Giresun, İçel, Nevşehir, Sivas (Beyarslan et al., 2008)

Material Examined: Adıyaman, Çelikhan, Balıkburnu, (38°00′11″N, 38°11′52″E), 1284 m, weeds, Elaeagnus sp. , Populus sp. , Salix sp. , 8. VI.2008, 1♀. Ankara, Kalecik, Elmapınar, (40°16′47″N, 33°28′04″E), 912 m, paddy crop, weeds, Salix sp. , 28. V.2007, 4♀♀, 2♂♂; Sincan, Yenikent, İlyakut, (40°04′19″N, 32°28′16″E), 969 m, pinery, weeds, Populus sp. , 8. VI.2007, 1♀. Elazığ, Karaçavuş, (38°40′36″N, 38°56′08″E), 1424 m, weeds, Boraginacae, Lens culinaris , Quercus sp. , Solanum pseudocapsicum , 12. VI.2008, 1♀; Keban, Sağdıçlar, (38°46′19″N, 38°50′45″E), 1221 m, weeds, 11. VI.2008, 2♀♀. Kırşehir, Mucur, Kurugöl, (39°01′54″N, 34°26′41″E), 1046 m, weeds, Medicago sativa , Populus sp. , 7. VI.2007, 1♂. Malatya, Hekimhan, (38°49′44″N, 37°55′00″E), 1094 m, vineyard, weeds, Asteraceae , Populus sp. , Salix sp. , 9. VI.2008, 4♀♀, 4♂♂. Sivas, Gürün, Gökpınar, (38°39′26″N, 37°18′15″E), 1472 m, Populus sp. , 13.VII.2007, 1♂; Tepeönü, (39°39′32″N, 37°08′01″E), 1306 m, weeds, Populus sp. , Salix sp. , 1. VI.2007, 1♂; Ulaş, Yağdonduran, (39°20′28″N, 37°08′43″E), 1630 m, paddy crop, 1. VI.2007, 1♂; Zara, Ağlıkçay, (39°32′11″N, 37°45′39″E), 1427 m, paddy crop, weeds, Salix sp. , 31. V.2007, 1♂.

** Diospilus capito (Nees, 1834) ( Figure 1c View Figure 1 )

Bracon capito Nees 1834: 1–320 .

Diospilus capito Kirchner, 1867: 285 .

Synomym(s): Bracon filator Papp, 1998: 163–184 .

Diospilus oleraceus Tobias, 1973: 23–36 .

Taphaeus fuscipes Kirchner, 1867: 285 .

Hosts: Coleoptera . Attelabidae : Byctiscus betulae (Linné, 1758) . Chrysomelidae : Psylliodes chrysocephala (Linnaeus, 1758) . Curculionidae : Ceutorhynchus picitarsis Gyllenhaal, 1837 , C. assimilis (Paykull, 1792) , C. contractus (Marsham, 1802) , C. leprieuri C. Brisout, 1881 , C. napi Gyllenhal, 1837 , C. pleurostigma (Marsham, 1802) , C. quadridens (Panzer, 1795) , C. rapae (Gyllenhaal, 1837) , C. sulcicollis (Paykull, 1800) , Gymnetron antirrhini (Paykull, 1800) , G. tetrum (Fabricius, 1792) [ Linaria sp. ], Hypurus bertrandi (Perris, 1852) , Magdalis ruficornis (Linnaeus 1758) . Elateridae : Anobium latreillei Dufour, 1843 , A. punctatum De Geer, 1774 . Nitidulidae : Meligethes aeneus (Fabricius, 1775) [ Brassica napus , Brassica oleracea ], m., viridescens (Fabricius, 1787) [ Brassica oleracea ].

Distribution in Turkey: Amasya, Ankara, Antalya, Bilecik, Bolu, Burdur, Çankırı, Çorum, Edirne, Elazığ, Giresun, Gümüşhane, İçel, Karabük, Kastamonu, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Konya, Ordu, Rize, Sakarya, Sinop, Sivas, Tekirdağ, Tokat, Trabzon, Yalova, Zonguldak (Beyarslan et al., 2008).

Material Examined: Adapazarı, Sapanca, İstanbul University Faculty of Fisheries, (40°41′25″N, 30°15′48″E), 60 m, pinery, weeds, 16.VIII.1994, 2♀♀. Afyon, Bolvadin, Kapaklı Mevkii, (38°25′00″N, 31°11′04″E), 1250 m., Cicer sp. , Salix sp. , Semen sp. , 29. VI.1998, 1♂; Evciler, Körkuyu, (38°01′33″N, 30°00′40″E), 950 m, Cuminum cyminum , Pimpinella anisum , 28. VI.1998, 1♀. Ankara, Kalecik, Elmapınar, (40°16′47″N, 33°28′04″E), 912 m, paddy crop, Salix sp. , 28. V.2007, 1♂. Balıkesir, Susurluk, Aksu, (39°55′13″N, 28°09′20″E), 420 m, mixed fruit orchard, 18.IX.1992, 1♂. Bolu, Aladağ, Şerif Yüksel Research Forest, (40°40′11″N, 31°37′43″E), 1550 m, mixed forest, 27.VIII.2003, 1♂; Karacasu, Gölcük, (40°49′00″N, 31°41′54″E), 1200 m, mixed forest, weeds, 26.VIII.2003, 1♀. Çankırı, Korgun, (40°44′00″N, 33°31′25″E), 898 m, weeds, Medicago sativa , Populus sp. , 28. V.2007, 1♀. Diyarbakır, Ergani, Pınarkaya, (38°14′46″N, 39°41′10″E), 960 m, Lens culinaris , Triticum sativum , 19.XI.2007, 1♀. Elazığ, Baskil, Canbeyler, (38°33′24″N, 38°49′00″E), 1116 m, weeds, Prunus armeniaca , 3. VI.2007, 2♀♀; Baskil, Topakent, (38°28′15″N, 38°50′46″E), 903 m, paddy crop, Prunus armeniaca , 3. VI.2007, 1♂; Cip Dam, (38°40′48″N, 39°03′59″E), 1006 m, pinery, Populus sp. , Quercus sp. , 12. VI.2008, 1♀. Eskişehir, 26 km., (39°50′01″N, 30°14′05″E), 830 m, Triticum sativum , 4.IX.2006, 1♀; Alpu, Sündiken m., Geriz, (39°59′06″N, 31°08′06″E), 1266 m, pinery, Rubus sp. , 9.VII.2007, 1♂. Gümüşhane, Kelkit, Yeniköy, (40°19′26″N, 39°29′33″E), 1474 m, mixed fruit orchard, Medicago sativa , 29.VIII.2004, 1♀. Isparta, Arboretum, Aşağı Gökdere, (37°49′35″N, 30°53′34″E), 1340 m, mixed fruit orchard, 15. V.2004, 1♀; Eğirdir, Kasnakmeşesi, (37°52′37″N, 30°49′44″E), 980 m, Quercus sp. , 8. V.2004, 1♀. İzmit, Karasu, (41°05′41″N, 30°42′00″E), 50 m, paddy crop, 8.VII.1993, 2♀♀. Kars, Digor, Sorguçkavaklı, (40°12′52″N, 43°55′8″E), 1563 m, grassland, paddy crop, 25. VI.2012, 1♀, 1♂. Malatya, Akçadağ, Darıca, (38°20′39″N, 37°40′22″E), 1540 m, paddy crop, Medicago sativa , Populus sp. , 5. VI.2007, 1♀; 24. VI.2009, 1♂; Çiftlik, (38°20′01″N, 38°27′31″E), 909 m, paddy crop, Populus sp. , Prunus armeniaca , 3. VI.2007, 1♀; Doğanşehir, Polatdere, (38°08′55″N, 37°57′46″E), 1195 m, Quercus sp. , paddy crop, weeds, 2. VI.2007, 1♀; Hekimhan, (38°49′44″N, 37°55′00″E), 1094 m, vineyard, weeds, Asteraceae , Populus sp. , Salix sp. , 9. VI.2008, 4♀♀, 5♂♂. Ordu, Akkuş, Yukarı Düğencili, (40°45′06″N, 37°02′05″E), 1340 m, weeds, 30. VI.2001, 2♀♀. Tokat, Reşadiye, (41°21′46″N, 37°25′48″E), 520 m, mixed fruit orchard, Medicago sativa , 28.VIII.2004, 1♂. Tunceli, Pülümür, Kangallı, (39°27′10″N, 39°51′43″E), 1343 m, Medicago sativa , Populus sp. , 27.VIII.2008, 1♀.

Distribution: Palaearctic. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslavia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

* Diospilus inflexus Reinhard, 1862 ( Figure 1d View Figure 1 )

Diospilus inflexus Reinhard, 1862: 321–336 .

Synonym: Diospilus ovatus : Papp, 2002: 557–581.

Material Examined: Ardahan, Tazeköy, (41°1′32″N, 42°52′34″E), 1930 m, paddy crop, weeds, 15.IX.2012, 2♂♂. Erzurum, Şenkaya, Sındıran, (40°37′12″N, 42°22′22″E), 1512 m, paddy crop, weeds, Populus sp. , Quercus sp. , 21. VI.2012, 1♀. Kars,Sarıkamış,Horasan way,(40°16′49″N, 42°38′59″E), 2040 m, pinery, weeds, 21.IX.2012, 2♀♀. Ordu, Akkuş, Düğencili, (40°45′06″N, 37°02′05″E) 1350 m, Pinus sp. , 5.VII.2003, 1♀.

Distribution: Western Palaearctic. Finland, Former Yugoslavia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

New species to Turkish fauna.

* Diospilus melanoscelus (Nees, 1834) ( Figure 1e View Figure 1 )

Bracon melanoscelus Nees, 1834: 1–320 .

Diospilus melanoscelus : Marshall, 1896: 1–635.

Hosts: Coleoptera . Anobiidae : Dorcatoma chrysomelina . Sturm, 1837 [ Polyporus hartigi ], Dorcatoma dresdensis Herbst, 1792 [ Phellinus igniarius , Polyporus hartigi ].

Distribution in Turkey: Adapazarı, Bursa, Kastamonu, Kocaeli, Zonguldak (Beyarslan et al., 2008).

Material Examined: Adapazarı, Hendek, Hüseyinşeyh, (40°46′56″N, 30°49′28″E), 220 m, hazelnut orchards, weeds, 27.VI.2001, 1♀. Balıkesir, Burhaniye (39°30′04″N, 26°56′06″E), 400 m, mixed fruit orchard, 18.IX.1992, 1♀. Bartın, Amasra, Kurucaşile (41°50′35″N, 32°42′49″E), 129 m, Rubus sp. , 27.V.2007, 1♀. Bursa, Keles , Baraklı (39°57′51″N, 29°13′39″E), 1150 m, mixed fruit orchard, pinery, Populus sp. , 13.VII.1993, 1♀. Çanakkale, Lapseki (40°20′24′′N, 26°40′47′′E), 10m,6. VI.1993,1 ♂. Kastamonu, Daday , Ballıdağ , Sarpun (41°13′21″N, 33°15′48″E) GoogleMaps , 1350

m, mixed forest, Populus sp. , 1.VII.2001, 1♀. Zonguldak, Devrek, Davulga , (41°12′56″N, 31°59′36″E), 800 m, mixed forest, weeds, 29.VI.2001, 2♀♀ GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Palaearctic. Belarus, Germany, Russia, Slovakia.

* Diospilus morosus Reinhard, 1862 ( Figure 1f View Figure 1 )

Diospilus morosus Reinhard, 1862: 321–336 .

Hosts: Coleoptera . Chrysomelidae : Psylliodes chrysocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) , Phyllotreta nemorum (Linnaeus, 1758) . Curculionidae : Ceutorhynchus assimilis Paykull, 1792 . Erotylidae : Dacne (Dacne) bipustulata (Thunberg, 1781) [ Bjerkandera adusta ].

Distribution in Turkey: Afyon, Amasya, Bartın, Bursa, Düzce, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Kastamonu, Kocaeli, Konya, Tokat (Beyarslan et al., 2008).

Material Examined: Adıyaman, Merkez, Toptepe, (37°49’45”N, 38°22’23”E), 710 m, grassland, 2.VI.2011, 1♂ GoogleMaps .

Distribution: Palaearctic. Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia.

* Diospilus nigricornis (Wesmael, 1835) ( Figure 1g View Figure 1 )

Taphaeus nigricornis Wesmael, 1835: 1–252

Synonym(s): Diospilus rufipes Reinhard, 1862

Taphaeus affinis Wesmael, 1835

Hosts: Coleoptera , Anobiidae : Xestobium plumbeum (Illiger, 1801) , Pogonocherus hispidus Linnaeus, 1758 .

Attelabidae : Byctiscus populi Linne, 1758 . Curculionidae : Ceutorhynchus pleurostigma (Marsham, 1802) , Ceutorhynchus sulcicollis (Paykull, 1800) . Curculio crux Fabricius, 1777 , Rynchaenus salicis (Linnaeus, 1758) . Hymeoptera. Tenthredinidae : Pontania proxima (Serville 1823) , Pontania vesicator (Bremi, 1849) .

Distribution in Turkey: Trabzon (Beyarslan et al., 2008).

Material Examined: Erzurum, Şenkaya, Sındıran , (40°37′12″N, 42°22′22″E), 1512 m, grassland, 21.VI.2012, 3♀♀ GoogleMaps ; Kars, Susuz, İncesu , (40°44′45″N, 43°7′30″E), 1760 m, grassland, Populus sp. , 17.IX.2012, 2♂♂ GoogleMaps .

Distribution: Palaearctic. Austria, Azerbaijan, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Former Yugoslavia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland.

** Diospilus productus Marshall, 1894 ( Figure 1h View Figure 1 )

Diospilus productus Marshall, 1894: 1–635 .

Distribution in Turkey: Afyon, Amasya, Çorum, Denizli, İstanbul, Kütahya, Ordu (Beyarslan et al., 2008).

Distribution: Western Palaearctic. Armenia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

Genus: Taphaeus Wesmael, 1835

Taphaeus Wesmael, 1835: 1–252 . Type species: Taphaeus irregularis Wesmael.

** Taphaeus hiator (Thunberg, 1824) ( Figure 1i View Figure 1 )

Ichneumon hiator Thunberg, 1824: 285–368 .

Synonym: Diospilus polydrusi Gahan, 1916

Helcon speculator Haliday, 1835

Taphaeus irregularis Wesmael, 1835

Distribution in Turkey: Edirne, Samsun, Sivas, Tokat (Beyarslan et al., 2008).

Hosts: Coleoptera . Melandryidae : Orchesia micans .

Curculionidae : Polydrusus impresssifrons . Lepidoptera .

Oecophoridae : Agonopterix subpropinquella .

Distribution: Holarctic. Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, introduced into Canada.

* Taphaeus rufocephalus (Telenga, 1950) ( Figure 1j View Figure 1 )

Diospilus rufocephalus Telenga, 1950: 293–308 .

Distribution in Turkey: Sivas (Beyarslan et al., 2008).

Distribution and Remarks: Taphaeus rufocephalus is a rare species through the Palaearctic, and it is known only from Far East Russia in the Eastern Palaearctic and from Kazakhstan and Germany in the Western Palaearctic. The report from Turkey is the third record of the species for the western Palaearctic.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


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Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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