Disparrhopalites patrizii (Cassagnau and Delamare, 1953)

Fanciulli, Pietro Paolo, Caruso, Domenico & Dallai, Romano, 2006, On some Collembola from a Sicily cave, with the description of a new species of Serroderus Delamare, 1948 (Collembola, Cyphoderidae), Journal of Natural History 40 (19 - 20), pp. 1241-1251 : 1243

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222930600803241



persistent identifier


treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-08-20 06:42:18, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 04:47:12)

scientific name

Disparrhopalites patrizii (Cassagnau and Delamare, 1953)


Disparrhopalites patrizii (Cassagnau and Delamare, 1953) View in CoL

Material. Numerous individuals found in different sites of the cave.

Disparrhopalites patrizii View in CoL is a troglophilic species with a southwestern European distribution ( Bretfeld 1999). It has been collected both in open ( Dallai 1973; Schleuter 1985) and cave habitats ( Dallai and Malatesta 1982; Christian 1998; Bretfeld 1999). For many years the genus was believed to be monospecific with only one species ( D. patrizii View in CoL ) ( Dallai 1970); however, a new species, D. tergestinus View in CoL was recently described by Fanciulli et al. (2005), from a cave near Trieste (NE Italy). The two species can be easily separated from each other by means of some characters such as: the eye patch, that is absent in D. tergestinus View in CoL , and is present with eight ocelli in D. patrizii View in CoL ; the number of the subarticles of antennomere IV, that consists of 14 in D. tergestinus View in CoL but only 12 in D. patrizii View in CoL ; the shape of the hindfoot complex provided with an untoothed claw in D. tergestinus View in CoL and a toothed claw in D. patrizii View in CoL .

Bretfeld G. 1999. Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola. Volume 2, Symphypleona. Abhandlungen und Berichte Naturkundemuseum Gorlitz 71: 1 - 318.

Christian E. 1998. Die Fauna der Katakomben des Wiener Stephans-domes. Verhandlungen der Zoologisc- Botanischen Gesellschaft Osterreich 135: 41 - 60.

Dallai R. 1970. Ricerche sui Collemboli. IX. Contributo alla conoscenza di Disparrhopalites patrizii (Cassagnau e Delamare, 1953). Redia 52: 149 - 160.

Dallai R. 1973. Ricerche sui Collemboli. XVII. Le isole Eolie. Lavori della Societa Italiana di Biogeografia 3: 481 - 590.

Dallai R, Malatesta E. 1982. Collemboli cavernicoli italiani (Ricerche sui Collemboli XXVI). Lavori della Societa Italiana di Biogeografia 7: 173 - 194.

Fanciulli PP, Colla A, Dallai R. 2005. Disparrhopalites tergestinus (Collembola, Sminthuridae): a new cave species from northeastern Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology 72: 67 - 173.

Schleuter M. 1985. Zur Kenntnis der Collembolenfauna des Naturparkes Kottenforst-Ville: das Artenspektrum. Decheniana 138: 149 - 156.











