Dragmatucha kabarolensis Park, 2020

Park, Kyu-Tek, Koo, Jun-Mo, Agassiz, David J. L. & Aarvik, Leif, 2020, A taxonomic review of the Afrotropical genus Dragmatucha Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Lecithoceridae, Torodorinae), with descriptions of eleven new species, Zootaxa 4786 (2), pp. 151-175 : 154

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Dragmatucha kabarolensis Park

sp. nov.

2. Dragmatucha kabarolensis Park View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A–G)

Type material. Holotype: male, Uganda, W. Kabarole Distr., Ruwenzori Mts., Nyakalengija , 0 o 20’994“N 30 o 01’820“E, 1,700 m, 10–11 xi 2007, leg. L.Aarvik & M. Fibiger; gen. slide no. CIS-7193; wing slide no. CIS-7469; COI barcode CBNU087, in NHMO . Paratype: 1♂, SW, Kabale Distr., Ruhija 2,330 m, 01°03’088’’S 29°46’703’’E, 4–7 xi 2007, leg. L. Aarvik & M. Fibiger; gen. slide no. CIS-7460, in NHMO .

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the next new species D. galbinea sp. nov., by the forewing which has the orange-white antemedian band strongly broadened toward costa in the anterior half, and a small orange-white costal patch, a remnant of the postmedian band; the hind wing evenly orange white. The male genitalia can be distinguished from those of D. galbinea sp. nov. by the cucullus without median ridge.

Description. Male ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Wingspan 21.0 mm. Head: Pale orange dorsally. Antenna as long as forewing; basal segment elongated, broadened distally, pale orange dorso-anteriorly and dark brown on posterior surface; flagellum pale orange throughout, without distinct annulations, finely ciliate. Second palpomere of labial palpus thickened, arched, fuscous in basal 1/3, then yellowish brown on outer surface, yellowish white on inner surface; 3 rd palpomere slender, strongly upturned, as long as 2 nd palpomere. Thorax: Tegula pale orange; thorax pale orange, speckled with dark-brown scales anteriorly. Hind tibia roughly scaled with yellowish- brown setae on inner surface medially; orange white on outer surface. Forewing ground color dark yellowish brown; antemedian band yellowish white, broadened toward costa, width on costa more than twice width on dorsum, postmedian band not developed; costa slightly arched beyond basal 2/3, with small, triangular, orange-white costal patch on 3/4 of costa; apex acute; termen oblique; fringe with narrow, yellowish white basal line, then dark yellowish brown medially, yellowish white in distal half; venation ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ) similar to that of the type species. Hind wing evenly yellowish white; apex more or less obtuse; venation also similar to that of the type species. Abdomen ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ): Spinous zones on dorsal surface broadly developed with strong spines; sternite VIII concave antero-medially.

Male genitalia ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 D–F): Uncus slender, heavily sclerotized, slightly bent beyond 4/5, not exceeding apex of basal plate of gnathos, acute apically. Basal plate of gnathos narrowed in distal half; median process short, strongly bent beyond middle, with sharply pointed apex. Tegumen sclerotized, with deeply concave anterior margin. Valva broad basally; costa with basal expansion anteriorly, deeply concave beyond; ventral margin nearly straight, slightly concave before cucullus; sacculus weakly sclerotized, triangular in basal 1/3; cucullus short, densely setose, with rounded outer margin, triangularly produced apically; apex sharply pointed, bent inwardly. Juxta trapezoidal, narrowed distally, with crescent median plate on caudal margin; anterior margin with conic protrusion medially. Aedeagus stout, slightly shorter than valva, gently bent medially; dorsal surface terminated with semi-ovate protrusion, slightly upturned; cornuti consist of a round plate and an irregularly shaped, small plate apically.

Female unknown.

Distribution. Uganda (Kabarole and Kabale districts).

Etymology. This species’ name is derived from the type locality.


Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

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