Dryopteris Adans. sect. Marginatae Fraser-Jenk.

Roux, Jacobus P., 2011, The fern genera Dryopteris and Nothoperanema (Dryopteridaceae) in Madagascar and neighbouring Indian Ocean islands, including Saint Paul, Adansonia (3) 33 (1), pp. 7-67 : 25-26

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scientific name

Dryopteris Adans. sect. Marginatae Fraser-Jenk.


Dryopteris Adans. sect. Marginatae Fraser-Jenk.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany 14 (3): 194 (1986).

— Type: Dryopteris marginata (Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) H.Christ ; Aspidium marginatum Wall. ex C.B.Clarke.

A group of about 26 species throughout southern and eastern Asia and Africa, with one species reaching Yemen (Fraser-Jenkins 1986: 194).


1. Lamina generally with one or more proliferous buds adaxially on the rachis near the lamina apex; sori exindusiate ........................................................................... 5. D. manniana View in CoL

— Lamina never with proliferous buds along the lamina axes; sori indusiate ................... 2

2. Lamina axes with or without hairs and scales, generally with some glands .................. 3

— Lamina axes with hairs and scales, but never with glands ............................................ 4

3. Segments adaxially and abaxially closely set with capitate glands along and between the vein branches .......................................................................................... 2. D. bernieri View in CoL

— Segments without conspicuous glands between the vein branches .............. 3. D. bojeri View in CoL

4. Lamina with 2-celled hairs mostly along the axes and abaxially on the veins .................. ................................................................................................................ 6. D. pentheri View in CoL

— Lamina without 2-celled hairs occurring along the lamina axes and veins ................... 5

5. Larger stipe base scales with oblong glands along the margins and on the scale laminae .......................................................................................................... 1. D. aquilinoides View in CoL

— Larger stipe base scales occasionally with glands along the margins, but never on the scale laminae ...................................................................................................................... 6

6. Plants with fronds up to 1.9 m long; lamina to 3-pinnate ................... 4. D. comorensis View in CoL

— Plants with fronds up to 1.2 m long; lamina to 2-pinnate-pinnatifid ..... 7. D. subcrenulata View in CoL

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