Encarsia stirlingia, Schmidt & Polaszek, 2007

Schmidt, Stefan & Polaszek, Andrew, 2007, The Australian species of Encarsia Förster (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae), parasitoids of whiteflies (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aleyrodidae) and armoured scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccoidea: Diaspididae), Journal of Natural History 41 (33 - 36), pp. 2099-2265 : 2240-2241

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scientific name

Encarsia stirlingia

sp. nov.

84. Encarsia stirlingia n. sp.

( Figures 269–272 View Figures 269–272 )


Female. Colour: head yellow, postgena with narrow dark transverse band (sometimes faint), stemmaticum with brown spots adjacent to ocelli, area around mouth dark. Body entirely yellow except more or less pronotum, anterior margin of mesoscutal midlobe, longitudinal stripe on midlobe, mesoscutal side lobes anteriorly, and axillae anteriorly slightly brown. Gaster on T1–T5 laterally slightly brown or with faint transverse brown bands. Antenna yellow with apex darker. Fore wing hyaline. Legs yellow.

Morphology [measurements of holotype in square brackets]: stemmaticum with rugosereticulate to rugose-strigose surface sculpture ( Figure 271 View Figures 269–272 ). Antennal formula 1,1,4,2. Pedicel subequal in length to F1. F1 2.13–2.72 [2.72] times as long as its maximum width, shorter than or subequal in length to F2 (0.83–1.00) [1.00] and shorter than F3 (0.77– 0.81) [0.81]. F2 shorter than F3 (0.77–0.92) [0.81]. Flagellomeres with the following numbers of sensilla: F1: 0, F2: 0–1, F3: 2, F4: 2–3, F5: 3, F6: 3. Midlobe of mesoscutum with (9–)10–11(–12) [11] setae, side lobes with three setae each. Scutellar sensilla close together, separated by a distance of approximately 1.0–1.3 times the maximum width of a sensillum. Distance between anterior pair of scutellar setae smaller than between posterior pair. Fore wing 2.5–2.7 [2.7] times as long as width of disc. Marginal fringe 0.20–0.27 [0.20] times as long as width of disc. Basal cell with five to seven setae, costal cell distally with one or two setae. Submarginal vein with two setae, marginal vein anteriorly with seven or eight setae. Tarsal formula 5-5-5. Apical spur of midtibia longer than half the length of the corresponding basitarsus (0.79–0.90) [0.79]. Tergites laterally with the following numbers of setae: T1: 0(–1), T2: 1, T3: 1, T4: 1, T5: 3, T6: 3, T7 with four setae. Ovipositor longer than midtibia (1.06–1.30) [1.06] and 2.32–2.70 [2.32] times as long as clava. Third valvula 0.40–0.44 [0.44] times as long as second valvifer.

Male. Head yellow, postgena with transverse brown band. Mesosoma yellow except pronotum, mesoscutal midlobe anteriorly and medially, side lobes anteriorly, axillae largely, mesopleuron, and propodeum mostly brown. Metasoma brown, tergite 2 anteriorly darker. Legs pale. Antenna brown, radicle and base of scape paler, apical 2 segments fused, sensilla only very slightly overlapping.

Species group placement. E. strenua group.

Distribution. Australia: Western Australia.

Host. Aleyrodidae .

Material examined

Western Australia: Holotype: ♀, Stirling Range National Park, Toolburup , 11 November 1999 (S. and O. Schmidt) ( ANIC) . Paratypes: 2♀, 1 „, same data as holotype ( ANIC, ZSMG); 1 „, Walpole-Nornalup National Park , 13 November 1999 (S. and O. Schmidt) ( ZSMG) ; 3♀ Pemberton , 14 November 1999 (S. and O. Schmidt) ( ANIC, ZSMG) ; 1♀, 1 „, Eagle Bay , 16 November 1999 (S. and O. Schmidt) ( BMNH), all reared from hardbodied whitefly ; 1♀, Walpole-Nornalup National Park , 17–21 January 1987 (J. S. Noyes) ( BMNH) ; 1♀, Bremer Bay, Little Boat Harbour Rd , 9 October 2005 (A. Polaszek, S. and O. Schmidt), ex hard-bodied whitefly ( ZSMG) .


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