Enicospilus grilloi, Fernández-Triana Table Of Contents, 2005

FERNÁNDEZ-TRIANA, JOSÉ L., 2005, The taxonomy and biogeography of Cuban Ophioninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Zootaxa 1007 (1), pp. 1-60 : 45-46

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Enicospilus grilloi

sp. nov.

25. E. grilloi View in CoL sp. nov. ( Fig. 10p View FIGURE 10 )

This new species seems to be related to a complex of rather similar species: dispilus , wahli and hansonorum ( Table 3). The most easy to see characters to separate this species are the low value of AI index: 0.41 (the others has AI over 0.75), the more twisted mandibles (70º againts 25–50º in the others) and fore wing sclerites ( Fig. 10p View FIGURE 10 ).

DESCRIPTION. HEAD: Mandibles short, with a small proximoventral lobe, apically twisted about 70º; upper mandibular teeth broken in the specimen, the lower teeth compresed and apically acute; outer mandibular surface with scattered pubescence. Labrum 0.15 times as long as broad; malar space 0.40 times as long as basal mandibular width. Clypeus in profile rather flat, weakly convex, margin blunt; clypeus in front view 1.62 times as broad as long, the margin truncate apically. Lower face 0.7 times as broad as long, flat, centrally rather polished and finely punctate. Head in dorsal view with genae constricted behind eyes; posterior ocellus close to eye; FI = 56 %; occipital carina complete, joining to hypostomal carina about 0.67 times the basal mandibular width away from mandible. Antenna long and slender, with at least 47 flagellar segments (both antennae are broken); 20th segment 2 times as long as broad. MESOSOMA: Mesoscutum polished, finely and closely punctate, in profile rounded; notauli vestigial. Mesopleuron polished, the upper part punctate to punctostriate, the lower part punctostriate to striate; epicnemial carina curved towards anterior margin of pleuron, almost touching margin. Scutellum in profile weakly convex, laterally carinate for almost all of its lenght, smooth, with some transversal rugae anteriorly and longitudinal rugae posteriorly. Metapleuron weakly convex, from shallowly and sparcely punctate with scattered and weak striae to diagonally striate. Submetapleural carina evenly anteriorly broadened; posterior transverse carina of mesosternum complete. Propodeum in profile declivous; anterior transverse carina complete, posterior transverse carina absent; anterior area short, with isolated rugae; spiracular area long and smooth; lateral longitudinal carina complete and joined to spiracular margin by a short carina. Fore wing length 15 mm; AI = 0.41; CI = 0.25; ICI = 0.44; SDI = 1.03; cu­a proximal to the base of Rs & M by 0.1 times its own length; marginal cell proximally narrowly glabrous close to Rs+2r; 1st subdiscal cell with scattered hairs. Hind wing with 6 hamuli on R1; 1st and 2nd abscissa of RS straight. Middle leg with longer tibial spur 1.5 times length of the shorter. Hind leg with coxa in profile 2 times as long as deep; trochantellus dorsally 0.1 times as long as broad; 4th segment lacking. Claws of female long with short pectinae. METASOMA: Metasoma slender; tergite 2 in profile 7 times as long as posteriorly deep, thyridia elliptical and separated from anterior margin of tergite by 6 times its own length. Ovipositor slender, its sheat narrow. COLOUR: Pale yellowish brown, with head, mesopleuron, pronotum and scutellum yellowish; mesoscutum with three brownish longitudinal stripes; metasoma with tergites 3+ more brownish. Pterostigma orange–yellow; wings more or less hyaline.

ETYMOLOGY: I dedicate this species to my friend and colleage Dr. Horacio Grillo (UCLV) as a gesture of thanks for all he has taught to me in entomology during last 16


MATERIAL EXAMINED: Holotype ♀, Cuba: Gran Piedra, Caney, Oriente , [Santiago de Cuba], EC, V­1954, P. Alayo ( IES, CN: 7.001.342).


Wellcome Collection of Bacteria, Burroughs Wellcome Research Laboratories

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