Calycorectes O. Berg (1856: 317)

Giaretta, Augusto, Lucas, Eve, Souza, Marcelo Da Costa, Mazine, Fiorella F. & Sano, Paulo, 2018, Nomenclatural notes on Eugenia with closed calyces: Calycorectes O. Berg and Mitranthes O. Berg (Myrtaceae), Phytotaxa 362 (3), pp. 282-286 : 283-284

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.362.3.4

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Calycorectes O. Berg (1856: 317)


1. Eugenia section Umbellatae O. Berg (1856: 204) . Type species: Eugenia umbellata De Candolle (1828: 273)

Type:— BRAZIL. Goiás, “Vao do Paranau”, s.d., Martius s.n. (M [0171149-photo!]).

Calycorectes O. Berg (1856: 317) View in CoL , syn. nov. Eugenia section Calycorectes (O.Berg) Mattos (2005: 3) . Eugenia View in CoL subgenus Calycorectes (O.Berg) Mattos (2005: 3) View in CoL . Type species: Calycorectes grandifolius O. Berg (1856: 317) View in CoL . Type:— SURINAME. ‘Guiana Batava, in sylvis reg. inter. ad fl. Surinam. pr. stationem Victoriam’, December 1843, Kappler 1365 (lectotype P!, first-step lectotype designated by McVaugh (1969: 224), second-step lectotype designated here P! [00780939]; isolectotypes G!, LE! [2 sheets], M [0171259- photo], MO [2527970-photo!], P! [00780937, 00780938], U, W! [2 sheets]).

Calycorectes section Tetrapetalae Mattos (1990: 3) , syn. nov. Eugenia View in CoL (subgenus Calycorectes section Calycorectes ) subsection Tetrapetalae (Mattos) Mattos (2005: 3) . Type species: Calycorectes mexicanus O. Berg (1856: 318) View in CoL . Type:— MEXICO. ‘Habitat in montibus Cordilleras ad Oaxaca’, April 1840, Galeotti 2867 (lectotype designated here W [0075416-photo!]; isolectotypes BR [000000523056-photo!] (pro parte; two branchlets at sheet top), G! [00227496], K! [000565056 (pro parte; left-hand branchlet at sheet bottom), 000277093 (pro parte; left-hand branchlet)], LE! [00004069, 00004070], P! [05229271]).

Calycorectes View in CoL (subgenus Brevitubia ) section Eucalycorectes Niedenzu (1893: 82) , nom. inval.

Notes:— Calycorectes grandifolius View in CoL (currently Eugenia neograndifolia Mattos (2005: 10)) View in CoL emerged within Eugenia sect. Umbellatae according to the phylogeny of Giaretta et al. (in prep.) and Calycorectes View in CoL is here synonymized. Although McVaugh (1969) designated a lectotype in P for the type species Calycorectes grandifolius View in CoL , two specimens with different herbarium codes presented ambiguity and motivated the second-step lectotypification here designated. The lectotype was chosen as the most representative of the species since no clear reference was made in his original publication. Although the type species Calycorectes mexicanus View in CoL is not sampled in the molecular phylogeny of Giaretta et al. (in prep.), Calycorectes section Tetrapetalae is here synonymized motivated by a consistent Caribbean clade nested in Eugenia section Umbellatae (see Vasconcelos et al. 2017). Careful examination revealed a branchlet bearing two leaves on the bottom left-hand of the BR sheet and a loose leaf, not belonging to the type specimen of Calycorectes View in CoL subsection Tetrapetalae . Two labels (Galeotti 2867 and Galeotti 593) are attached to the K sheet (K000565056). It is assumed that the labels Galeotti 2867 placed close to the respective branchlets correspond to the respective collection. Also, branchlets corresponding to two different collections are attached to the K sheet (K000277093); it is assumed that left-hand branchlet corresponds to the Galeotti 2867.

2. Eugenia section Schizocalomyrtus (Kausel) Mattos (2005: 3) . Schizocalomyrtus Kausel (1967: 367) . Schizocalyx O. Berg (1856: 319) , nom. illeg., non Schizocalyx Scheele (1843: 575) , non Schizocalyx Hochstetter (1844: 1) , non Schizocalyx Weddell (1854: 73 , nom cons.). Calycorectes subgenus Schizocalyx Kiaerskou (1893: 117) . Calycorectes section Schizocalyx Niedenzu (1893: 82) . Calycorectes subgenus Schizocalomyrtus (Kausel) Mattos (1990: 3)

Type species: Schizocalyx pohliana O. Berg (1856: 319) . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro, ‘ Habitat in Brasiliae prov. Rio de Janeiro’ , s.d., Pohl 5844 (lectotype designated here W! [0071556]; isolectotypes G [not found], GH [00068863-photo!], OXF! [00067686], W! [0071557]) .

Calycorectes View in CoL (subgenus Calycorectes section Tetrapetalae ) subsection Subpaniculatae Mattos (1990: 4) . Type species: Calycorectes cucullatus Mattos (1989: 10) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo, Serra do Mar, na descida Jequitiba-Miracatu, [20] September 1969, M. Kuhlmann s.n. (holotype HAS [87502-photo!]; isotypes FLOR, SP! [006200, 114160-herbarium number]).

Calycorectes View in CoL subgenus Eucalycorectes Kiaerskou (1893: 116) , nom. inval.

Notes:— Eugenia section Schizocalomyrtus is here assigned to ‘clade 7’ (sensu Mazine et al. 2014)replacing the previous name Eugenia section Calycorectes (O.Berg) Mattos assigned by Mazine et al. (2016). Infrageneric classification of Kiaerskou (1893) and Niedenzu (1893) are indirect references to the respective replacement names, therefore, both are treated as nomen novum according to Art. 41.3 of the ICBN (also see Art. 58.1). Schizocalomyrtus is a legitimate replacement name to Schizocalyx View in CoL , however, Schizocalomyrtus pohliana (O.Berg) Kausel View in CoL is not in accordance with Art. 6.10 since it is based on an illegitimate basionym. Mattos (2005) proposed the new sectional rank Eugenia section Schizocalomyrtus (Kausel) Mattos based on the legitimate Schizocalomyrtus , therefore, the later available name to be used. Calycorectes View in CoL subsection Subpaniculatae is synonymized here since the holotype of Calycorectes cucullatus View in CoL fits within the morphological circumscription of Eugenia section Schizocalomyrtus (Giaretta et al., in prep.) as does its Atlantic forest range.












Calycorectes O. Berg (1856: 317)

Giaretta, Augusto, Lucas, Eve, Souza, Marcelo Da Costa, Mazine, Fiorella F. & Sano, Paulo 2018

Calycorectes section Tetrapetalae

Mattos, J. R. 2005: )
Mattos, J. R. 1990: )
Berg, O. C. 1856: )


Niedenzu, F. 1893: )


Kiaerskou, H. 1893: )

Calycorectes O. Berg (1856: 317)

Mattos, J. R. 2005: )
Mattos, J. R. 2005: )
McVaugh, R. 1969: 224
Berg, O. C. 1856: )
Berg, O. C. 1856: )
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