Euphorbia ambovombensis Rauh & Razaf. var. ambatomenaensis Rebmann, 2003

Haevermans, Thomas, Rouhan, Germinal, Hetterscheid, Wilbert, Teissier, Marc, Belarbi, Karim, Aubriot, Xavier & Labat, Jean-Noël, 2009, Chaos revisited: nomenclature and typification of the Malagasy endemic Euphorbia subgenus Lacanthis (Raf.) M. G. Gilbert, Adansonia (3) 31 (2), pp. 279-299 : 295

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scientific name

Euphorbia ambovombensis Rauh & Razaf. var. ambatomenaensis Rebmann


124. Euphorbia ambovombensis Rauh & Razaf. var. ambatomenaensis Rebmann

Succulentes 2003 (3): 20 (2003). — Type: “Collines de sables calcarifères sud-est d’Amboasary, 2 septembre 1999 ”.


In the original description of the new variety ambatomenaensis, Rebmann (2003) does not specify any Herbarium where the designed type is conserved. Therefore, this name of variety is treated as a nomen invalidum, according to McNeill et al. (2006: Art. 37.7).

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