Fannia roigi, Dominguez, 2007

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 333-334

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

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scientific name

Fannia roigi

sp. nov.

Fannia roigi View in CoL sp. n.

Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 E-F, 17A-D

Diagnosis: Medium to small dark grey species. Frontal vitta 1.25x width of anterior ocellus. Eye bare. Parafacial bare. Antenna grey. Palpus yellow-orange. Scutum grey, with broad brown vitta along acr, dc and ia lines, dc line absent in apical 1/4 of scutum. T 2 constricted at base, with a weak subbasal protuberance; with 1 submedial and 1 truncate apical pd. C3 with two hair-like setulae at apex of posterior margin. F3 thin with a preapical protuberance on anterior, ventral and posterior surface; with 1 row of distally curved av, as long as femoral width, forming a preapical tuft; and a tuft of long pv, coinciding with preapical protuberance. Hind tarsomere 1 expanded and flattened. Wing clear. Halter yellowish-white. Abdomen yellow-orange in antero-lateral margins of tergites 3 and 4.

Ethymology: The species name is a patronym in honour of Dr. Sergio Roig-Juñent, to whom it is dedicated for his help in collecting the type series.

Type material examined: Holotype o Argentina: Córdoba , San Javier, 3-XII-2000, cols. Domínguez & Roig ( IADIZA) . Paratypes: 23 o same data as holotype; 1 o Argentina: Tucumán: V . Padre Monti, 7-II-1948, col. E. Golbach. ( FIML); 1 o, 1 n, Tucumán: Lacavera, 23/25-XI-95, cols. Aczel & Golbach ( FIML); 1 o, Tucuman: Qda La Loma , 21-XII-95, R . Golbach ( FIML); 1 n, Tucumán: Qda. Cain, 18/19-XII-95, col. R . Golbach ( FIML) .


Male (female unknown): body length 3.75-4.25 mm.

Head: Frontal vitta black, at narrowest point 1.25x width of anterior ocellus. Fronto-orbital plate covered with heavy silvery pruinescence, at uppermost fr slightly narrower than anterior ocellus. Twelve very long fr, 1.5x length of flagellum. Eye bare, antero-internal eye facets very large, more than 2x diameter of remaining; pocl of regular length. Face and parafacial silvery pruinose; parafacial at base of flagellum as broad as same and bare. Facial carina black, gena dark grey. Scape and pedicel dark grey, flagellum short and broad, 1.6x as long as broad and heavily covered with silvery grey to brown pruinosity. Arista light brown at base, black at apex; short pubescent. Palpus yellow-orange, slightly clavate, the apex 2x width of base. Lower oral margin concave, straight and groove less.

Thorax: Scutum grey, with broad brown vitta along acr, dc and ia lines, dc line absent in apical fourth of scutum; pleuron and apex of scutellum grey; pprn scarcely covered with setulae; 2 very short and thin pra near spal, almost indistinguishable from ground setulae; prealar area covered with setulae; 2 prepm surrounded by numerous setulae.

Legs: Completely dark brown, tarsi black. F1 thin (length/width = 6.3) with 1 row of pd as long as femoral width; 1 row of hair-like p as long as femoral width; 1 row of pv as long as femoral width. T 1 with 1 very long subapical pd; 1 apical v; 1 apical pv; 1 submedial and 1 apical ad, lacking medial row of ad. Fore tarsomere 1 0.3x length of T 1, tarsomere 4 as broad as long. F2 with 1 row of ad and 1 row of av; 1 row of long, curled and hair-like pv; 1 row of p, longer and ventrally directed towards apex. T 2 constricted at base, with a weak subbasal protuberance; pubescence on ventral surface very long, as long as tibial width; 1 submedial and 2 apical a; 1 subapical ad; 1 strong and curved av-v; 1 submedial and 1 truncate apical pd; lacking apical pv and p ( Fig. 1I View FIGURE 1 ). C3 with two hair-like setulae at apex of posterior margin. F3 thin (length/width = 10); with a preapical protuberance on anterior, ventral and posterior surfaces, with 1 row of ad longer and dorsally directed towards apex; 1 row of curled av, as long as femoral width, forming a preapical tuft 2x width of f3 and 1 preapical av separated from row; tuft of long pv, 2.5x width of femur, coinciding with preapical protuberance ( Fig. 1J View FIGURE 1 ). T 3 with 1 submedial and 1 subapical d; 1 submedial and 1 apical ad, lacking medial row of ad; 1 strong apical and 3 subapical av; ventral and posteroventral surfaces with a strong apical ctenidium ( Fig. 1J View FIGURE 1 ). Hind tarsomere 1 expanded and flattened ( Fig. 1J View FIGURE 1 ).

Wing: Clear; lower calypter oval, upper rounded, both white. Knob of halter and stalk yellowish-white, light brown at base.

Abdomen: Heart-shaped, tergite 2 2x width of tergite 4. Dark brown, with yellow markings on antero-lateral margins of tergites 3 and 4.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 indented and bearing most setae, with few setae on central longitudinal line ( Fig. 20A View FIGURE 20 ). Hypandrial arms with broad lateral expansions and directed outwards; postgonite inconspicuous, aedeagus membranous ( Fig. 20B View FIGURE 20 ). Epandrium broadened in anterior region, bell-shaped; cercal plate fused, slightly bilobated at base; bacilliform process curved at base, and straight in median and apical portion; surstyli long, simple and medial, weakly connected to epandrium ( Fig. 20C, D View FIGURE 20 ).

Distribution: NEOTROPICAL: Northern Argentina, provinces of Córdoba and Tucumán.

Discussion: Fannia roigi does not seem to belong to any opf the previously proposed Neotropical species group of Fannia . It show similarities in the structure of the male terminalia (in the shape of surstylus) with F. los gateados. This species can be separated from the remaining species of Fannia of southern South America by the yellow colouration of the abdomen, and the shape of hind tarsomere 1, which is expanded and flattened.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


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