Filicicoris rubramaculus, Anna Namyatova & Gerasimos Cassis, 2016

Anna Namyatova & Gerasimos Cassis, 2016, A remarkable new genus and six new species of fern-inhabiting plant bugs endemic to the Society Islands (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae: Filicicoris gen. nov.), Insect Systematics & Evolution 47, pp. 285-312 : 302-306

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scientific name

Filicicoris rubramaculus

sp. nov.

Filicicoris rubramaculus sp. nov. Figs. 3 View Fig. 3 K–M, 5G, H, 6A


This species is named so for the bright red markings on dorsum. From the Latin ‘rubra,’ meaning red and ‘macula’, meaning mark or spot.


Holotype. French Polynesia: Society Islands: Tahiti Island: Mt. Marau, 17.61805°S 149.38333°W, 1400 m, 18 Aug 1977 – 21 Aug 1977, W. C. Gagne, Piper latifolia (Piperaceae) BHG HERB SPEC. #1349, 1♂ (00042618) ( BPBM).

Paratypes. French Polynesia: Society Islands: Tahiti Island: Mt. Marau, 17.61805°S 149.38333°W, 1400 m, 18 Aug 1977 – 21 Aug 1977, W. C. Gagne, Piper latifolia (Piperaceae) BHG HERB SPEC. #1349, 3♀ (00042621–00042623), 8♂ (00042615–00042617, 0 0 0 42619, 0 0 0 42620, 0 0 0 42624, 0 0 0 42977, 00042978) ( BPBM).


Recognized by the following combination of characters: body mostly yellow, head and marking covering posterior margin of clavus and inner part of corium bright red ( Fig. 1 View Fig. 1 ); head slightly elongate and acute dorsally (as in Fig. 2 View Fig. 2 A); antennal segment I ca. 0.8–1.1× in male and ca. 1.0× in female longer than head width; vesica with four lobes, one of them with small tubercles apically; interramal lobes on posterior wall small, distance between them subequal to interramal lobe width.


Male. Total length 3.8–4.0. Coloration ( Fig. 1 View Fig. 1 ). Head. Bright red or dark red; eye dark brown to black; labium yellow; antennal segments I–II yellow, antennal segments III–IV pale brown. Thorax. Collar and calli red, posterior part of pronotum yellow; scutellum uniformly yellow; thoracic pleura and scent gland evaporative area uniformly whitish yellow to yellow. Hemelytron. Mostly whitish yellow, large marking covering posterior part of clavus and inner part of corium bright red, sometimes this marking almost indistinct; membrane whitish yellow or with brownish tinge, membrane cell yellow or reddish. Legs. Uniformly whitish yellow to yellow. Abdomen. Uniformly whitish yellow to yellow. Surface and vestiture. As in generic description, without dark setae on head and pronotum. Structure and measurements. As in generic description. Body ca. 3.5–3.9× longer than pronotum; head slightly elongate and acute dorsally (as in Fig. 2 View Fig. 2 A); vertex ca. 1.5–1.8× wider than eye diameter; antenna distinctly longer than body; antennal segment I subequal to head width; ca. 0.8–1.1× longer than head width and ca. 0.6–0.8× longer than pronotum width; antennal segment II ca. 2.3–2.5× longer than head width, ca. 1.7–1.9× longer than pronotum width; antennal segment III ca. 0.75× longer than segment II; mesoscutum not exposed or slightly exposed; pronotum ca. 1.8–2.0× wider than long and ca. 1.3–1.4× wider than head. Male genitalia. ( Figs. 3 View Fig. 3 K–M). Right paramere curved dorsally ( Fig. 3 View Fig. 3 L); left paramere slightly swollen basally ( Fig. 3 View Fig. 3 M); vesica with four lobes without small sclerotized spicules, one of them bearing small scarce tubercles, ( Fig. 3 View Fig. 3 K).

Female. Total length 4.2–4.3. Coloration ( Fig. 1 View Fig. 1 ). As in male. Surface and vestiture. As in male. Structure and measurements. Structure as in male; body ca. 3.4–3.7× longer than pronotum width; vertex ca. 1.6–1.7× wider than eye; antennal segment I subequal to head width and ca. 0.6–0.7× longer than pronotum width; segment II ca. 2.3–2.4× longer than head width, ca. 1.5–1.6× longer than pronotum width; pronotum twice wider than long and ca. 1.4–1.6× wider than head. Female genitalia ( Figs. 5 View Fig. 5 G, H). Anterior margin of dorsal labiate plate more or less sclerotized ( Fig. 5 View Fig. 5 G); sclerotized ring on dorsal labiates plate relatively large, ca. 0.3× longer than dorsal labiate plate length ( Fig. 5 View Fig. 5 G); distance between interramal lobes subequal to interramal lobe width. ( Fig. 5 View Fig. 5 H).


The species is known from the single location, Mt Marau (Tahiti Island) ( Fig. 6 View Fig. 6 A).

Host plant

All specimens were collected from Piper latifolia (Piperaceae) .


Filicicoris rubramaculus is similar to F. raiatea and F. viridis in the vesical lobes. However, F. raiatea differs by the yellow coloration lacking any red markings ( Fig. 1 View Fig. 1 ), the antennal segment I being shorter than the head width and the distance between interramal lobes being ca. 0.3× as long as the interramal lobe width ( Fig. 5 View Fig. 5 F). Filicicoris viridis can be separated from F. rubramaculus by its pale green to yellow coloration ( Fig. 1 View Fig. 1 ), lacking any red markings and the short and rounded anteriorly head ( Fig. 2 View Fig. 2 D).













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