Flavina bachmana, Constant & Pham, 2024

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2024, Issid planthoppers from Bach Ma and Phong Dien in Central Vietnam. I. Tribe Parahiraciini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 975, pp. 1-64 : 16-23

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.975.2769

publication LSID


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scientific name

Flavina bachmana

sp. nov.

Flavina bachmana sp. nov.


Figs 2 View Fig , 7–11 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig


Flavina bachmana sp. nov. can be recognized by:

(1) the narrow dorsal margin of the frons, equal to 0.27 of the length of the frons in midline;

(2) the vertex with median carina distinct only in basal portion;

(3) the pronotum with median carina very weak or indistinct;

(4) the mesonotum with median carina very weak or indistinct but with supplementary carinae between midline and peridiscal carina and in lateral fields, respectively;

(5) the pygofer subquadrate in lateral view, slightly tapering from ventral ⅓ towards dorsal margin;

(6) the anal tube with apical margin rounded and lateral lobes moderately developed, rounded;

(7) the capitulum of the gonostylus massive, wide, subtriangular (higher than wide), dorsally hooked cephalodorsad, and with wide neck;

(8) the lateroventral processes of the aedeagus short, slender, more or less straight and pointing cephalad.

Differential diagnosis

The closest species are F. acuta and F. quangi sp. nov. which differ by much longer, curved lateroventral processes of the aedeagus ( Ran & Liang 2006: figs 7–8; Fig. 17E, K View Fig ) as opposed to short and straight in F. bachmana sp. nov. ( Fig. 9E, K View Fig ). Flavina acuta also differs by a truncate apical margin of the anal tube in dorsal view ( Ran & Liang 2006: fig. 5), which is rounded in F. bachmana ( Fig. 9D View Fig ), and a much more elongate and narrow capitulum of the gonostylus without strong apical hook ( Ran & Liang 2006: figs 4, 6), which is wider, shorter and apicallly hooked in F. bachmana ( Fig. 9A–B View Fig ). Flavina quangi also differs by the obsolete carinae of the mesonotum ( Fig. 16A View Fig ) which are well marked in F. bachmana ( Fig. 8A View Fig ), the anal tube with truncate apex in dorsal view ( Fig. 17D View Fig ) which is rounded in F. bachmana ( Fig. 9D View Fig ), and with lateral lobes strongly developed, angularly rounded and projecting posteroventrad ( Fig. 17 A–B View Fig ) instead of rounded in F. bachmana ( Fig. 9A–B View Fig ).


The species epithet refers to Bach Ma National Park, where the species was first discovered.

Type material

Holotype VIETNAM • ♂ (dissected – Figs 7–9 View Fig View Fig View Fig ); Thừa Thiên-Huế Province, Bach Ma National Park ; 16°11′44″ N, 107°50′44″ E; 22 May 2023; 1200–1300 m a.s.l.; J. Constant and L. Semeraro leg.; roadside; VNMN. GoogleMaps

Paratypes VIETNAM – Thừa Thiên-Huế Province • 1 ♂; same data as for holotype; I.G.: 34.640; RBINS 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; Bach Ma National Park ; summit; 16°11′18″ N, 107°50′56″ E; 11–21 May 2023; 1300– 1400 m a.s.l.; J. Constant and L. Semeraro leg.; VNMN GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; I.G.: 34.640; RBINS GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Bach Ma National Park , Pheasant trail; 16°13′38″ N, 107°51′20″ E; 10–20 May 2023; 500–600 m a.s.l.; J. Constant and L. Semeraro leg.; I.G.: 34.640; RBINS GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; Bach Ma National Park , summit; 16°12′ N, 107°52′ E; 15–16 Jul. 2011; [1300–1400 m a.s.l.]; J. Constant and J. Bresseel leg.; day [time] collecting; I.G.: 31.933; RBINS GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Bach Ma National Park ; 16°12′ N, 107°52′ E; 10–16 Apr. 2017; J. Constant and J. Bresseel leg.; I.G.: 33.447; RBINS GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Bach Ma National Park ; 600 m a.s.l.; 8 May 2003; V.T. Hoang leg.; VNMN 1 ♂; Bach Ma National Park , Rhodo[dendron] trail; 27 May 2023; 1158 m a.s.l.; N.T.T. Hoai leg.; VNMN. Quang Tri Province • 1 ♂; Da Krong Nature Reserve ; [16°36′32″ N, 106°52′50″ E]; 2 Apr. 2004; 200–300 m a.s.l.; T.D. Tran leg.; VNMN GoogleMaps .


MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. LT: ♂ (n = 5): 8.6 mm (8.2–8.8), ♀ (n = 5): 9.2 mm (9.0–9.6); LT/BB = 1.91; LTg/BTg = 2.58; LW/BW = 1.39; BV/LV = 1.10; LF/BF = 1.62.

HEAD ( Fig. 8A–D View Fig ). Narrower than thorax and rather elongate, with about half of vertex length surpassing eyes. Vertex yellowish with black markings apically, and laterally in distal portion, strongly concave (longitudinally grooved), about 0.9 times as long in midline as broad basally, with sides evenly converging towards rounded apex; rather weak median carina, sometimes nearly obsolete, not reaching apex, yellowish; all margins carinate, lateral ones strongly elevated; posterior margin angularly concave. Frons blackish brown, darker along sides and dorsal margin, with minute yellowish points in central portion and often rather large yellowish marking in middle; series of small yellowish tubercles along lateral margins; median carina well marked, extending from dorsal margin to slightly before clypeal suture; dorsal margin concave and narrow, 0.27 times as wide as length of frons in midline. Posterior side of head yellowish. Genae yellowish with black-brown marking between eye and anterodorsal angle, between anteroventral angle of eye and lateral margin of frons, and above clypeus. Clypeus coloured as frons, often with mediobasal yellowish spot, flat in middle portion, moderately elongate, subtriangular with fronto-clypeal suture moderately rounded; anteclypeus mostly yellowish, brown apically, with median blunt carina. Labium yellowish, elongate and narrow, nearly reaching metacoxae, with apical segment elongate, nearly as long as penultimate. Eyes reniform (not emarginate) protruding laterally; ocelli absent. Antennae rather short with scape yellowish, ring-shaped, and pedicel dark brown, barrel-shaped, slightly longer than broad.

THORAX ( Fig. 8A–D View Fig ). Pronotum with disc (delimited by peridiscal carina) yellowish, with central depression often washed with brownish, lateral fields blackish brown, paranotal lobes coloured like frons, darker along posterior margin, yellowish tubercles on disc and along posterior margin of lateral fields and paranotal lobes; 0.63 times as long as mesonotum in midline; anterior margin strongly protruding anteriorly between eyes, with carinae directed obliquely posteriorly, not reaching hind margin of pronotum; posterior margin nearly straight, slightly elevated; median carina obsolete with impressed point on each side; paranotal lobes (lateral view) broad with hind margin rounded, somewhat angularly rounded posteroventrally. Mesonotum variegated yellowish, often with two black points on each side; subtriangular with nearly complete transverse anterior carina and with obsolete median carina but with supplementary carinae between midline and peridiscal carina and in lateral fields, respectively; disc smooth, slightly depressed in midline. Tegulae dark brown.

TEGMINA ( FigS 7A–C View Fig , 10 View Fig ). Variegated yellowish brown, sometimes washed with green, with apex of clavus blackish brown and more or less extensive, scattered, irregular blackish brown markings; sometimes with posteromedian whitish marking; tegmina subcoriaceous with longitudinal veins moderately elevated and with dense reticulum of paler veinlets; shape elongate and convex with sides broadly rounded, subparallel in middle portion, about 2.6 times as long as wide; rather narrowly rounded apically. Postclaval margin straight, slightly notched at apex of clavus. Clavus closed, reaching about 3/5 of tegmen. Venation ( Fig. 7A, C View Fig ): ScP+R moderately developed, forking into subparallel ScP+RA and RP; MP forking rather close to base into subparallel MP 1+2 and MP 3+4; MP 1 and MP 2 separated at about ¾ of tegmen length, MP 3 and MP 4 separated at about basal ⅓ of tegmen, MP 3 not reaching apex of tegmen, only running to about MP 1 -MP 2 fork; CuA unforked, parallel to claval joint and curved at apex of clavus, then parallel to postclaval margin; Pcu fused with A1 at ⅔ of clavus length; Pcu+A1 fused with CuP slightly before apex of clavus.

HIND WINGS ( Fig. 8E View Fig ). Dark brown with paler area basally and along costal margin, following vein ScP+R; veins mostly coloured as background; wing broader than tegmen and deeply bilobed at CuP; costal margin rather weakly sinuate; CuP-Pcu-A1 lobe about 1.5 times as wide as ScP-R-MP-CuA lobe, the two lobes almost the same length; both lobes somewhat angularly rounded apically; postclaval margin broadly rounded; A2 lobe brown, reduced and narrow. Venation: main veins present; ScP+R merging with costal margin at nodal line, MP and CuA running more or less parallel, with numerous cross-veins; Pcu strongly curved around basal half of wing towards CuP; A1 curved, more or less parallel to postclaval margin; CuP-Pcu-A1 lobe with dense network of cross-veins; vein A2 distinct.

LEGS ( Fig. 7A–E View Fig ). Coxae brown; trochanters variegated yellowish and brown. Pro- and mesofemora brown with median yellowish ring and more or less dense yellowish pitting in brown zones; ventral face darker than dorsal; elongate, rather slender and slightly flattened dorsoventrally. Pro- and mesotibiae yellowish with some brown pitting forming more or less distinct subbasal ring; apex brown; tibiae weakly flattened dorsoventrally, narrower and longer than corresponding femora. Pro- and mesotarsi elongate and brown. Metafemora dark brown with elongate yellowish marking along posterodorsal portion ending in subapical dorsal band. Metatibiae variegated yellowish with some brown pitting, with one lateral spine near base (sometimes weak to obsolete), 2–3 lateral spines and 8 apical spines, all spines brown, distally black. First metatarsomere elongate and slender, with a strong spine at each side and a row of 6 smaller spines in between ventrally along posterior margin; second metatarsomere short with one spine at each side, all spines black-brown apically. Metatibiotarsal formula: (3–4) 8 / 8 / 2.

ABDOMEN ( Fig. 7B View Fig ). Brown, each sternite with large, darker, crescent-shaped marking along hind margin.

MALE TERMINALIA. Pygofer (Py – Fig. 9A–D View Fig ) about 2.0 times as high as long (at midheight) in lateral view, with anterior margin weakly sinuate and posterior margin more or less straight, weakly oblique along dorsal ⅔ then abruptly rounded at posterodorsal angle, slightly excavate in ventral ⅓; posterior margin dorsally with deep, U-shaped excavation. Gonostyli (G – Fig. 9A–C View Fig ) (in lateral view) longer than high (without dorsal capitulum), projecting posteriorly in distinct elongate lobe rounded apically and with ventral margin more or less straight; capitulum (ca – Fig. 9A–C View Fig ) with rather long, wide neck, directed dorsad, with distal portion moderately elongate and twisted, with apical hook directed dorsocephalad and with basal lamina projection directed lateroventrad in caudal view. Aedeagus ( Fig. 9E–J View Fig ) symmetrical, evenly curved dorsad (in lateral view); pair of pointed, short, slender, straight lateroventral processes (lvp) directed cephalad; ventral lobe of periandrium (vl) rather wide, spatulate, shorter than aedeagus (ae) and dorsal lobe (dl); aedeagus bilobed apically, each lobe with apical triangular process pointing laterocephalad. Connective (co) well developed, elongate, weakly curved, with tectiductus (te) well developed, widely open. Anal tube (An – Fig. 9A–D View Fig ) dorsoventrally flattened, in dorsal view widening from base towards apex, forming narrow, rounded lateral lobe and with large middle portion of apical margin rounded; lateral lobes distinct in lateral view, more or less rounded and moderately developed; anal opening before basal ½.

FEMALE TERMINALIA. Hind margin of sternum VII (St VII – Fig. 8F View Fig ) concave, moderately inflated in middle portion.


Flavina bachmana sp. nov. was collected between April and July in montane evergreen tropical forest as well as in lowland evergreen forest in Bach Ma, at altitudes between 500 and 1400 m a.s.l. ( Fig. 2A–D View Fig ); in Da Krong the species was found at a lower altitude, 200–300 m a.s.l. The species lives on tree trunks densely covered in lichens and mosses, on which it is very cryptic, but some specimens were also found sitting on leaves of lower plants and bushes, and collected by sweeping ( Fig. 10 View Fig ). When disturbed, they tend to walk away and hide on the opposite side of the trunk or branch, and jump away as a last solution.


Vietnam: Thừa Thiên-Huế Province, Bach Ma National Park, and Quang Tri Province, Da Krong Nature Reserve ( Fig. 11 View Fig ).


Vietnam National Museum of Nature


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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