Flemingia latifolia Benth. (1852: 246)

Do, Truong Van & Gao, Xin-Fen, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the genus Flemingia (Leguminosae) from Indo-Chinese floristic region, Phytotaxa 429 (1), pp. 1-38 : 28

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.429.1.1

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scientific name

Flemingia latifolia Benth. (1852: 246)


15. Flemingia latifolia Benth. (1852: 246) View in CoL . Flemingia congesta var. latifolia (Benth.) Baker (1879: 229) . Type:— INDONESIA. Java: Ungaram mont., alt. 3-4000 ft., Junghuhn s.n. (Holotype, L?; isotype CAL-0000012304!) Flemingia latifolia var. hainanensis Y.T.Wei & S.K.Lee (1985: 169) . Type:— CHINA. Hainan, Hainan Exped. 00670 (Holotype, SCBI).

Flemingia latifolia var. siamensis Craib (1928: 470) View in CoL . Type:— THAILAND. Rachasima: Sak Chong, alt. 300m, 2 January 1924, Marcan

1591 (Holotype, ABD!; isotype, BM-000958669!).

Shrubs, erect, up to 2 m tall. Young branchlets trigonous-prismatic, pubescent with adpressed golden yellow hairs, and glabrous, when old. Stipules lanceolate, 1–3 cm long, apex acuminate, caducous. Petiole 5–10 cm long, tawny puberulous, trigonal, narrowly winged or not, much flattened on the upper surface; petiolules 3–6 mm long, densely reddish pubescent. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate; terminal leaflet elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, rarely obovate, 8–16 cm long, 4–8 cm wide, leaflets papery to thickly papery; base broadly cuneate or rounded, apex acuminate or acute; lateral leaflets oblique, broadly lanceolate, base rounded and narrowly cuneate; adaxial surface with black sessile glands, glabrous or almost glabrous, abaxial surface sparingly puberulous, more on the nerves, dense tawny pubescent with silky hairs; basal veins three, lateral veins 4–6 pairs. Inflorescence racemose, axillary, solitary or in clusters; inflorescence axis 4–11 cm long, longer than the petiole, densely rusty villous. Bracts elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 8–10 mm long, outside densely rusty villous, apex obtuse, caducous. Flowers clustered; pedicel 3–5 mm long. Calyx 7–8 mm long with densely rusty villous; lobes subulate, 4–6 mm long, longer than tube, densely covered with rusty villous, the lower one longest, ca. 9 mm long, the others shorter and sub-equal. Corolla 1.1–1.3 cm long, purple or pink; standard obovate or obovate-elliptic, ca. 8–9 mm, base acuminate, auricles tooth-like; wings oblong to obovate-oblong, slightly curved, with long slender claw; keel semi-orbicular, wider than wings, clawed, with acute auricle. Pods elliptic, 12–14 cm long, 7–8 mm diam., inflated, with rusty villous, apex acute. Seeds 2, black, suborbicular, ca. 2 mm diam.

Iconography citation: — Wei (1995: 324): plate 78, figures 2–3.

Ecology and phenology: — Flemingia latifolia grows in mountain slopes and evergreen forest at 500–2500 m. Flowering from July to October, and fruiting in December.

Distribution: — Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, and China.

Notes: — Flemingia latifolia is most similar to F. langbiangensis , but readily distinguished from the latter by the combination of some morphological characters of racemes and size of bracts.

Representative specimens: — MYANMAR. Maymyo hills, B.Khan 207 (CAL), Maymyo Plateau, Lace 4311 (CAL) ; Shan States : King Tung, MacGregor 951 (CAL) . CHINA. Yunnan: Malipo , 27 October 1998, Y.Z. Wang et al. 4989 (PE-01596971) ; Maguan: Mammoth , 20 June 1959, Q.N.Wu 8500 (IBSC-0179647) ; Pingbian Miao : 22 August 1955, P.Y.Mao s.n. (IBSC0186410) ; Wenbu: Wuliangshan Dagukou , 15 october 1956, B.Y.Qiu 52834 (KUN0612155) ; Menglian: Lafu, L. Meng et al. 9909 (IBSC). Guizhou: Xingyi, Tang Gong , 11 July 1960, Z.S.Zhang & Y.T.Zhang 6077 (IBSC-0179651). Sichuan: 1913, G. Forrest 11767 (PE-00379643) . VIETNAM. Lam Dong: Da Lat, sn. 852 (VNM-00012540) . LAOS. Ban Sa et Ban Rat , 29 October 1920, M.Poilane 2203 (AAU) .














Flemingia latifolia Benth. (1852: 246)

Do, Truong Van & Gao, Xin-Fen 2020

Flemingia latifolia var. siamensis

Craib, W. G. 1928: )
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