Flemingia stricta Roxb. ex W.T. Aiton (1812: 349)

Do, Truong Van & Gao, Xin-Fen, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the genus Flemingia (Leguminosae) from Indo-Chinese floristic region, Phytotaxa 429 (1), pp. 1-38 : 25

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.429.1.1

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scientific name

Flemingia stricta Roxb. ex W.T. Aiton (1812: 349)


12. Flemingia stricta Roxb. ex W.T. Aiton (1812: 349) View in CoL . Type :— INDIA. Roxburgh s.n. (Holotype, K image!; isotype, G-00365326!) Shrubs, ca. 1–4 m tall. Stems robust; young branchlets distinctly triangular, with sparsely short adpressed hairs. Petiole 8–13(–16) cm long, wings absent or extremely narrow, pubescent; petiolules 4–9 mm long, densely pubescent. Stipules lanceolate, 2–5(–7) cm long, apex acuminate, usually persistent. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate; leaflets ovate, oblong or lanceolate to obliquely ovate-lanceolate, (–10)15–30(–32) cm long, 5–10 cm wide, thinly leathery, glabrous except veins, with scattered black glands, lateral veins 12–20 pairs, base broadly cuneate to obliquely rounded, apex acuminate. Inflorescence racemose, terminal or axillary; inflorescence axes 5–10(–15) cm long, densely pubescent; bracts lanceolate or linear, 12–18 mm long, sparsely hairy, imbricate, caducous; peduncle 2–3 mm long. Flowers 1.1–1.4 cm long, clustered at apex. Calyx 12–13 mm long; lobes lanceolate, equal or subequal to tube, lower one much longer. Corolla as long as of the lowest calyx lobe, purple; standard with darker striae; standard wider, oblong to almost orbicular, strongly contracted and narrowed above auricles, clawed, auriculate, glabrous, apex slightly emarginate; wings obliquely ovate, long clawed, auricle acute; keel almost semiorbicular, long clawed, apex obtuse. Ovary ovoid, pubescent, sessile; style linear, glabrous. Pods elliptic, 12–15 mm long, 6–7 mm diam., pubescent, apex slightly oblique, mucronate. Seeds 2, brown or black, oblong or orbicular, ca. 3 mm diam.

Iconography citation: — Nguyen (1979: 145): plate 23, figures 6–13; Wei (1995: 323): plate 77, figures 1–7; Pham (1999: 970), figure 3885.

Ecology and phenology: — Flemingia stricta grows in open forest, mountain slopes and roadsides, at 500– 800 m. Flowering and fruiting from October to December.

Distribution: — China, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Notes: — Flemingia stricta is a very distinct species from the rest of Flemingia in having distinctly triangular branchlets; large blade leaf with lateral veins up to 20 pairs; lanceolate stipules, up to 7 cm long, persistent.

Representative specimens: — VIETNAM. Lai Chau: Phong Saly, M.E.Poilane 25783 (P). Vinh Phuc: Lang Nuc, Eberhardt 3759 (P). Quang Ninh: Ha Coi, Tai Wong Mo Shan, Tsang 29600 (P). Ha Giang. Dong Van: Y.Peng et al. SE01855 (CDBI). Kon Tum: Kon Plong, Tan Lap, N.T.Nhan 494 (HN) ; Dak Ruong, N.H.Hien 584 (HN). Khanh Hoa: Nha Trang, Poilane 3273 (P). Lam Dong: Laouan, M.E.Poilane 22528 (P). Ninh Thuan: Ca Na, M.E.Poilane 8670 (P, VNM). An Giang: Chau Doc, Pierre s.n. (P) . LAOS. Louang Prabang: Muong Ngoi, M.E.Poilane 20579 (P), Pottier 649 (P), Spire 797 (P). Vientiane: Phou Khao Khouay, Vidal 5637 (P). Sedone: Paksong, M.E.Poilane 28447 (P). Attopeu: Harmand 1239 (P) . CAMBODIA. Pursat: Phnom Thol, Muller 599 (P). Kampot: Trach Kohl, Hahn 26 (P) . THAILAND. Buri Ram: C.Phengklai et al. 3458 (BKF). Chaiyaphum: C. F.van Beusekom et al. 4322 (BKF). Nakhon Ratchasima: Pak Thong Chai, D. Praphat 388 (BKF) ; S.Phengnaren 234 (BKF). Chiang Mai: C. Phengklai et al. 6737 (BKF). Chonburi: Siricha, Kow Kieo, J.F. Maxwell 75-1042 (AAU) ; A.F.G.Kerr 10245 (AAU). CHINA. Yunnan: Ninglang , Xiaohejiang, G.D. Tao 41417 (HITBC) ; Maoma, Mengding , Jingxin, Y.H. Li 2214 (HITBC) ; Mengla, Nanping Nature Reserve , B.Li 40130 (HITBC) . MYANMAR. Tavoy: W.Gomez 5745 (K). Tong Dong: N.Wallich 5745 (K). Magway, Saw, between Saw & Long Shei, P.Srisanga et al. 097174 (SING) .













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