Formicaphagus mariae Cicchino and Valim, 2008

Cicchino, Armando C. & Valim, Michel P., 2008, Three new species of Formicaphagus Carriker, 1957 (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae), parasitic on Thamnophilidae and Conopophagidae (Aves, Passeriformes), Zootaxa 1949 (1), pp. 37-50 : 40-41

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scientific name

Formicaphagus mariae Cicchino and Valim

sp. nov.

Formicaphagus mariae Cicchino and Valim , n. sp.

( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1–13 , 14–15, 27–29 View FIGURES 23–29 , 30 View FIGURES 30–32 , 33)

Diagnosis: Both sexes more slender than the remaining two species of this group (two from Conopophagidae ), having the narrowest temporal, prothoracic, pterothoracic, and abdominal widths. Male genitalia distinctive, differing in the shape of endomeral complex, and Y-shaped (instead T shaped) penial sclerite. Female without posterior tergal setae VII–VIII and fewer setae on gonapophysis (6 on each side).

Male ( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1–13 , 14, 28 View FIGURES 23–29 ): general habitus as in Fig. 14. Head longer than wide ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–13 ), wider than abdominal width. Preantennal region elongated, with lateral preantennal margins concave and apical portion noticeably produced (as in Fig. 27 View FIGURES 23–29 ); ANW deeply emarginate. Dorsal anterior plate slightly longer than wide. Temples little expanded. Tergoposterior setae present on VI, 1, VII, 1–3 setae, and VIII, 1 seta on each side. Genitalia: mesosomal complex with margin slightly rounded at posterior margin and convergent in its sides, bearing two marginal sensilla on each side; penial sclerite Y-shaped, and paramera globular ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 23–29 ). Measurements (n=1): HL 0.410, ANW 0.071, POW 0.276, OW 0.371, ADPL 0.139, ADPW 0.115, PL 0.152, PW 0.219, PTL 0.162, PTW 0.286, AL 0.762, AW 0.390, GLT 0.212, GLM 0.195, GW 0.068, TL 1.362.

Female ( Figs. 15, 27, 29 View FIGURES 23–29 –30,33): habitus as in Fig. 15. Head ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 23–29 ) and thoracic features much as for male. Tergoposterior setae on each abdominal hemitergites VI, 0–1, and VII, 0. Vulvar margin with 20 spinose and 9 slender setae ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 23–29 ), subgenital plate with 12 setae, and gonapophysis with 6 setae on each side. Measurements (n=1): HL 0.438, ANW 0.071, POW 0.276, OW 0.419, ADPL 0.146, ADPW 0.122, PL 0.171, PW 0.248, PTL 0.190, PTW 0.343, AL 0.990, AW 0.467, TL 1.638.

Prevalence: the prevalence of F. mariae n. sp. is very low, 1.694 % (1 out of 59 individuals examined).

Etymology: this species is dedicated in honour of Maria Ogrzewalska (Ph.D. student Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal of Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), in recognition of her interest in collecting and making this material available.

Specimens examined: male holotype and female paratype deposited in ECIOC, BRAZIL: São Paulo; Pontal do Paranapanema , 03-II-2006, M. Ogrzewalska col.

Type host: Rufous Gnateater , Conopophaga lineata . Usually found close to the ground, in the undergrowth of humid Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil , northeast Argentina and Paraguay.

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