Furodon crocheti Solé, Lhuillier, Adaci, Bensalah, Mahboubi, and Tabuce, 2014b

Solé, F, Essid, E, Marzougui, W, Temani, R, Khayati Ammar, H, Mahboubi, M, Marivaux, L, Vianey-Liaud, M & Tabuce, R, 2016, New fossils of Hyaenodonta (Mammalia) from the Eocene localities of Chambi (Tunisia) and Bir el Ater (Algeria), and the evolution of the earliest African hyaenodonts, Palaeontologia Electronica 10 (15), pp. 1-23 : 5-7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26879/598

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scientific name

Furodon crocheti Solé, Lhuillier, Adaci, Bensalah, Mahboubi, and Tabuce, 2014b


Furodon crocheti Solé, Lhuillier, Adaci, Bensalah, Mahboubi, and Tabuce, 2014b

Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 , Table 2

Referred specimens. CBI-1-550, right P2; CBI-1- 551, right maxillary fragment bearing P2; CBI-1- 552, right M1; CBI-1-612, right dp3; CBI-1-553, fragment of left m1 (trigonid); CBI-1-554, fragment of right m3 (trigonid).

Measurements. Table 2.

Description. Two P2s were found in CBI-1 ( Figure 2.1-4 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 ). The teeth are simple: the parastyle and protocone are absent, while the postmetacrista was probably poorly developed (low and short). The teeth are asymmetric in lateral view, the distal crest of the paracone being longer and more oblique than the mesial one.

The M1 is characterized by the reduction of the parastyle and paracone, and the elongation of the postmetacrista ( Figure 2.5-6 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 ). The short parastyle allows referring the tooth as a M1. The apices of the paracone and metacone are not fused; the two cusps were probably similar in height. The paraconule and metaconule are present despite the reduction in length of the protofossa. The stylar shelf is reduced. There is no trace of lingual cingulum.

CBI-1-612 ( Figure 2.7-9 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9. 1 ) is mesiodistally elongated. The paraconid is clearly individualized; at its base, the lingual cingulid forms a bulge. The talonid is very short and displays two tiny cusps (protostylid and hypoconulid) ( Figure 2.8 View FIGURE 2 ). A strong cingulum is present along the lingual part of the talonid.

The trigonid CBI-1-554 is characterized by the mesial position of the paraconid and the elongation of the paracristid ( Figure 2.10 View FIGURE 2 -12). The metaconid is clearly smaller and narrower than the paraconid and protoconid. The precingulid along the labial side of the paraconid is large. The second fragment of the lower molar (CBI-1-553) is smaller than CBI-1-553 ( Figure 2.13 View FIGURE 2 -15), and its paracristid is less mesiodistally oriented.

Discussion. Concerning the loci of the fragmentary molars, we think that the trigonid CBI-1-554 is a part of a m3, due to the mesial position of the paraconid and elongation of the paracristid, and that the trigonid CBI-1-553 corresponds to that of a m1 because of its small size and its less mesiodistally oriented paracristid.

The fossils from Chambi CBI-1 described above display secant morphology, especially the molars. The elongation of the paracristid and postmetacrista on lower and upper molars, respectively, and the reduction of the metaconid on m3 remind the distinctive features of Furodon crocheti . This hyainailourine has been recently described based on a dentary and upper molars from the Gour Lazib ( Algeria). Furthermore, the size of the fossils from CBI-1 matches that of the specimens from the Gour Lazib. In this context, we confidently attribute this new material from Chambi to Furodon crocheti .

The case of the two P2s and of the dp3 is less clear because these loci were unknown for Furodon crocheti . The morphology of the two upper teeth is compatible with that of the P2 known in hyainailourines, and their sizes agree with the measurements made on the base of the roots of the p2 present on the holotype of Furodon crocheti . The morphology of CBI-1-612 (e.g., large paraconid and presence of a lingual cingulum) reminds that of several dp3s known for Hyaenodon ( Bastl et al., 2011, 2014). Moreover, the size of the tooth agrees with that of the premolars of Furodon crocheti . Consequently, we consider that CBI-1-612 represents a dp3 of this species.

The reference to Furodon crocheti of CBI-1- 550, CBI-1-551, and CBI-1-612 seems to be the most appropriate taxonomic option.

Age and locality. Late Ypresian or early Lutetian; Chambi CBI-1 ( Tunisia).

PARVAVORODON Solé, Lhuillier, Adaci, Bensalah, Mahboubi, and Tabuce, 2014b

Type species. Parvavorodon gheerbranti Solé, Lhuillier, Adaci, Bensalah, Mahboubi, and Tabuce, 2014b











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