Garra zubzaensis, Tenali & Shangningam & Bhattacharjee & Patel & Kosygin, 2024

Tenali, Diamond Rajakumar, Shangningam, Bungdon, Bhattacharjee, Pampa, Patel, Arun Bhai & Kosygin, Laishram, 2024, Garra zubzaensis, a new fish species (Cyprinidae: Labeoninae) from the Brahmaputra River basin, Nagaland, North-Eastern India, Zootaxa 5512 (4), pp. 579-589 : 580-582

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5512.4.7

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Garra zubzaensis

sp. nov.

Garra zubzaensis , sp. nov., Tenali, Shangningham, Bhattacharjee, Patel, & Kosygin

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 & 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Holotype. COF/ CAU / NG / NS-04 , 40.7 mm SL; Zubza River at Khatoi village in Kohima district, Nagaland, India; 25°43’19.6”N 94°03’08.2”E; Diamond Raja K.T, 8 September 2021. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. COF/ CAU / NG / NS-05–06 , 2 , 57.2–63.7 mm SL; ZSI FF 9143; 1, 52.2 mm SL; same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. A member of the proboscis group of Garra sensu Nebeshwar & Vishwanath (2017) . Garra zubzaensis sp. nov., is characterized by the following combination of characters: a black spot located on the principal ray and first three branched rays of the dorsal (upper) lobe distal part, as well as a black submarginal V-shaped band on the principal ray and whole branched rays of the ventral (lower) lobe of caudal fin; snout with a weakly-developed proboscis, with no transverse groove or transverse lobe, and with 10–12 small tubercles on anterodorsal marginal aspect; 34 lateral-line scales including two pored scales on caudal fin; absence of scales on chest and presence of poorly developed scales on belly; and snout 34–35 % HL. Detailed comparisons in Discussion.

Description. Morphometric data provided in Table 1. Body elongate, spindle-shaped, and laterally compressed towards caudal peduncle. Dorsal head profile slightly convex over snout. Dorsal body profile to dorsal-fin origin arched, and dorsal-to caudal-fin origin nearly straight. Ventral profile to anal-fin origin straight, then curves down towards procurrent rays of caudal fin. Head moderately large, depressed, and slightly convex interorbital region.

Snout broadly rounded when viewed dorsally, with weakly-developed proboscis, with no transverse groove or transverse lobe, and with 10–12 small tubercles on anterodorsal marginal aspect and lateral surface. Proboscis represented by slightly upwards elevated hump, and delineated from anterior and lateral surfaces of snout by crease; anterior margin with two small tubercles, one on each anterolateral marginal aspect. Eyes large, located dorsolaterally in middle of head. Two pairs of barbels; rostral barbel located anterolaterally, longer than maxillary barbel; maxillary barbel located at angle of mouth. Rostral cap large, with wide papillate ventral surface, completely covering upper jaw, and laterally continuous with labellum of gular disc on each side. Gular disc elliptical ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ), shorter than wide and posteriorly positioned; torus thin, and covered with papillae, separated from pulvinus by narrow and deep groove; anterior half of pulvinus greatly rounded than posterior half.

Dorsal fin with ii,8.5 rays; distal margin concave; origin slightly closer to snout tip than to caudal-fin base; inserted anterior to vertical through pelvic-fin origin; first branched ray longest. Pectoral fin with i,14 rays, reaching beyond midway to pelvic-fin origin when adpressed. Pelvic fin with i,8 rays, reaching past midway to anal-fin origin, surpassing anus. Anal fin short with ii,5.5 rays; distal margin slightly concave; origin slightly closer to base of caudal-fin base than to pelvic-fin origin. Caudal fin forked; upper lobe slightly longer; tip of lobes rounded or slightly pointed; 9+8 branched rays. Anus closer to anal-fin origin than to pelvic-fin origin.

Lateral line complete, with 34 scales including two pored scales on caudal fin. Transverse scale rows above lateral line four; between lateral line and anal-fin origin four. Circumpeduncular scale rows 13(2), or 14(2). Predorsal scales 10, regularly arranged. Scales on chest absent and scales on belly small and scarcely arranged.

Coloration. Specimens in live golden grey. Dorsal half of body darker than ventral half. Overall entire body shining with golden grey, with a short black streak at caudal peduncle, and a black spot located on the principal ray and first three branched rays of the dorsal (upper) lobe distal part, as well as a black submarginal V-shaped band on the principal ray and whole branched rays of the ventral (lower) lobe of caudal fin. A vertically elongated iridescent black spot on first scale of lateral line, immediately posterior to upper angle of gill opening.

When preserved in alcohol, overall pigmentation patterns of specimens faded, with some golden color patches visible on body. Iridescent black spot-on upper angle of gill opening clearly visible. Rostral and maxillary barbells appearing cream to light orange. However, the short black streak at caudal peduncle and a black spot on the upper lobe, V-shaped band on the lower lobe of caudal-fin lobes not visible.

Etymology. The species is named after its type locality, the Zubza River. An adjective.

Habitat type. The river is a clear pool-riffle type as shown in ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). The flow of water is very low. River substrate is composed of gravel, cobbles, boulders, sand, and clay particles. The river bank is mostly covered by bushes, shrubs and trees.

Distribution. Presently known from the Zubza River, a headwater of the Brahmaputra River basin in Kohima district of Nagaland, Northeast India ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 & 5 View FIGURE 5 ). Co-occurring species collected from the type locality includes members of Barilius and Glyptothorax .


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