Glossopleura sp.

Foster, John R., 2022, Continuous character variation within the Glossopleura-Anoria-Sonoraspis plexus: Dolichometopid trilobites from the Cadiz Formation (Cambrian: Miaolingian, Wuliuan), California, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 18) 25 (2), pp. 1-25 : 18-19

publication ID 10.26879/1173

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Glossopleura sp.


Glossopleura sp.

Sonoraspis torresi Stoyanow, 1952 (in Cooper et al., 1952), p. 53–54, pl. 14, figs. 1–4.

Sonoraspis gomezi Stoyanow, 1952 (in Cooper et al., 1952), p. 54–55, pl. 14, figs. 5, 6.

Glossopleura sp. Lochman, 1952 (in Cooper et al., 1952), p. 137, pl. 31, figs. 8–14.

Glossopleura leona (part) Cuen-Romero et al., 2018, p. 230.

Occurrence. Arrojo Formation, Sonora; Glossopleura Assemblage Biozone, Interval Biozone

(Morgan, 2021) undesignated, (Wuliuan, Miaolingian).

Material examined. USNM 116333, USNM 116349, USNM 116348, USNM 116350 (all originally S. torresi by Stoyanow, 1952); USNM 116335, USNM 116334, both originally S. gomezi by Stoyanow, 1952), all nearly complete specimens.

Remarks. These specimens compare well with those of “ S. californica ” (and thus Glossopleura mohavensis ), especially in the number of thoracic segments, length of pleural spines, and medium length eyes in those preserving the structures. The preservation, features, and axial nodes of USNM 116334 especially are similar to “ S. californica ”. These specimens are then rather similar to G. mohavensis from the Cadiz Formation , although they are not formally assigned to that species here. Comparison with Glossopleura leona is more difficult given the preservation of nearly complete specimens in shale for the present specimens versus cranidia and pygidia only in limestone for G. leona (Lochman in Cooper et al., 1952).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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