Glyptasida rugosissima ( Champion 1884 )

Lockwood, Stephanie A. & Pollock, Darren A., 2009, A review of the genus Glyptasida Casey (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Asidini), Zootaxa 2023, pp. 1-27 : 23

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Glyptasida rugosissima ( Champion 1884 )


Glyptasida rugosissima ( Champion 1884)

( Figs. 3, 6, 9 View FIGURES 1 – 9 , 24–25 View FIGURES 18 – 27 , 28 View FIGURE 28 )

Asida rugosissima Champion 1884:53 , Tab. 3 Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 9 [Type locality: Mexico: Hacienda de San Miguelito, Saltillo in Coahuila. Type Repository: BMNH]; Champion 1892:492; Blackwelder 1945:516.

Glyptasida rugosissima: Casey 1912:104 ; Wilke 1922:269; Gebien 1937:704; Blackwelder and Arnett 1975:R73.22; Poole and Gentili 1996:435; Fagerlund 2000:36; 435; NMGF 2008.

Diagnosis. Specimens of G. rugosissima are diagnosed on the basis of the following unique combination of characteristics: Pronotum with very coarse and close punctures ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10 – 13 ); discal costae of elytra fine and highly elevated, with an abrupt change in elevation between the lateral elytral margin and the lateral costa ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ).

Description. With general features of Glyptasida , and the following specific characteristics: GHW 3.0– 3.9mm; GPW 6.3–8.5mm; GEW 7.7–10.7mm; HL 2.2–3.0mm; PL 3.9–5.0mm; EL 11.0– 14.9mm; TL 17.1–22.9mm; Ratio of GPW/GEW 0.69–0.95. Body small, dull black, may appear brown due to debris between costae; pronotum with or without pronounced acute hind angles; pronotal punctures coarse ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10 – 13 ), punctures close, in some specimens overlapping ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10 – 13 ), areas without punctures may appear as globular masses; discal costae of elytra fine, highly elevated, abrupt change in elevation between lateral elytral margin and the lateral costa ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). Male genitalia with median lobe flared basally ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 18 – 27 ).

Notes about type material. Asida rugosissima . One female and two male specimens were examined. The female lectotype has the following label information: [round label, white with purple border] “LECTO- TYPE ”/ [round label, white with orange border] “ TYPE ”/ [round label, white with light blue border] “SYN- TYPE ”/ “Sa. De S. Miguelito Dr. Palmer”/ [handwritten det. label] “ Asida rugosissima Champ. ”/ “Sp. Figured”/ [handwritten det, label] “= sordida var. Lec.”/ “B.C.A.Col. IV.1. Asida sordida rugosissima interrupta ”/ “ LECTOTYPE Ψ Asida rugosissima Champ. Examined by K.W. Brown Feb. 1969.” The lectotype has the following identifying features: left antenna with only three basal segments, eight antennomeres on card on pin, ovipositor extended, right hind leg on card on pin.

Distribution. The geographic range of this species is Mexico, from Chihuahua to northern Jalisco and from western Chihuahua to mid San Luis Potosi ( Fig. 28 View FIGURE 28 ).

Material examined. Fifty-two non-type specimens were examined from the following localities: MEXICO, Chihuahua: 1.1 mi S Col. Alvaro Obregón, 20.vii.73, R. and M. Murry, (2, TAMU); 10 mi N Jiménez, 10.ix.50, R. Smith, (2, AMNH); 50 mi W Chihuahua, 1.ix.57, Tanner and Robinson, (1, BYUC); 7–8 mi W Matachic, 11.viii.89, J. Stamov, (3, AMNH); Catarina, 25.vii.47, Schramel, (1, KWBC) (4, AMNH); Chihuahua City, 10.vii.58, Tanner and Robinson, (1, BYUC); Colonia Dublan, (1, BYUC); Rte. 16, 7.6 mi SE Madera, 1.ix.74, Frania and Ball, (1, UASM); Santa Eulalia, W. Foshag, (1, USMN); Valle de Olivas, 20.vii.47, Cazier, (2, AMNH); Valle de Olivas, 20.vii.47, Gertsch, (1, AMNH). Durango: Promontorio, (16, USNM); Yerbanis, Cuencame Dist., 19.viii.47, Gertsch, (1, KWBC) (1, AMNH); Yerbanis, Cuencame Dist., 19.viii.47, Spieth, (2, AMNH); Yerbanis, Cuencame Dist., 19.viii.47, Schramel (1, AMNH); state record only, (1, FMNH). Jalisco: 15.5 mi NE Lagos de Moreno, 26.vii.62, (1, SEMC). San Luis Potosi: state record only, Wickham, (1, KWBC), (3, USNM). Zacatecas: Fresnillo, 15.viii.47, Cazier, (1, AMNH); Meseta de la Zarca, (1, ANSP). Country records: (3, USNM).


American Museum of Natural History


University of Alberta, E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Field Museum of Natural History


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia














Glyptasida rugosissima ( Champion 1884 )

Lockwood, Stephanie A. & Pollock, Darren A. 2009

Glyptasida rugosissima:

Fagerlund 2000: 36
Poole 1996: 435
Gebien 1937: 704
Wilke 1922: 269
Casey 1912: 104

Asida rugosissima

Blackwelder 1945: 516
Champion 1892: 492
Champion 1884: 53
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