Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) dolichocerus Ashmead, 1887

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, Zootaxa 2456, pp. 1-243 : 145-147

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Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) dolichocerus Ashmead, 1887


Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) dolichocerus Ashmead, 1887 View in CoL

( Figs 294–296 View FIGURES 294 – 296 )

Gonatocerus dolichocerus Ashmead 1887: 192 View in CoL . Holotype female [USNM] (not examined). Type locality: Jacksonville, Duval Co., Florida, USA.

Gonatocerus dolichocerus Ashmead View in CoL : Girault 1915b: 8; Huber 1988: 72 –75 (subsequent references, redescription, diagnosis, distribution, host associations); Yoshimoto 1990: 40 (list, ater species group); De Santis & Fidalgo 1994: 124 (catalog); Huber & Beardsley 2000: 57 (records from the Hawaiian Islands); Triapitsyn 2006a: 26 (comparison with G. ashmeadi Girault View in CoL ).

Gonatocerus marilandicus Girault 1917a: 115 View in CoL –116. Holotype female [USNM] (not examined). Type locality: Glenn Dale, Prince Georges Co., Maryland, USA. Synonymized under G. dolichocerus View in CoL by Huber 1988: 72.

Gonatocerus marylandicus Peck: Peck 1951 View in CoL : 412 (unjustified emendation of G. marilandicus Girault View in CoL ). Lymaenon dolichocerus (Ashmead) : Burks 1958: 63 (catalog [not listed but a new combination proposed referring to the previous listing in Peck (1951)]); Peck 1963: 22 (catalog).

Lymaenon marylandicus View in CoL [sic] (Girault): Burks 1958: 63 (catalog [not listed but a new combination proposed referring to the previous listing in Peck (1951)]); Peck 1963: 23 (catalog).

Material examined. MEXICO. VERACRUZ, Fortín de las Flores, 30.x.1982, J.T. Huber, A. González- Hernández [1 ♂, UCRC] .

Extralimital records. FRENCH POLYNESIA. Tuamotu Archipelago, Society Islands , Moorea Island , Témaé Airport , 15.xii.2004, J. Grandgirard [1 ♀, UCRC] . MEXICO. NUEVO LEÓN: Municipio Allende, Raíces, Río Ramos , 9.vii.1983, A. González-Hernández [1 ♀, UCRC] . Municipio El Carmen: El Carmen , 10.vii.1983, A. González-Hernández [4 ♀, 9 ♂, UCRC] . Hacienda Bernabé Villarreal , 10.vii.1983, M.A. Rodríguez-Pérez [1 ♀, 2 ♂, UCRC] . USA. FLORIDA, Wakulla Co., vicinity of Wakulla Beach , 13.x.1975, E.D. McCoy, J.R. Rey (on Distichlis spicata ) [1 ♀, UCRC] . LOUISIANA, East Baton Rouge Parish, Baton Rouge , 2–4.iv.2002, S.V. Triapitsyn [2 ♀, UCRC] . MISSOURI, St. Clair Co., Chapel View Prairie , 29.vi.1999, M. Gates [1 ♀, UCRC] . PENNSYLVANIA, Carbon Co., Lake Harmony , 23–25.vi.2003, J. Munro [2 ♀, UCRC] .

Redescription. See Huber (1988).

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) dolichocerus is a member of the bucculentus subgroup of the ater species group. Female antenna as in Fig. 294 View FIGURES 294 – 296 . Pronotum concolorous with remainder of mesosoma; propodeum ( Fig. 295 View FIGURES 294 – 296 ) with submedian carinae converging anterodorsally, not extending to anterior margin of propodeum; forewing ( Fig. 296 View FIGURES 294 – 296 ) usually with a complete cubital row of setae and without darker bands or spots. Superficially, it is easily confused with G. (Cosmocomoidea) ashmeadi Girault , but this latter species lacks an occipital sulcus from the back of the head so the gena, in lateral view, do not appear constricted next to the eye. In G. dolichocerus there is an occipital sulcus that is wider than long, flattened or indented above the foramen.

Distribution. NEOTROPICAL*: Mexico (Veracruz). NEARCTIC: Canada ( Huber 1988), Mexico (Nuevo León), and USA. OCEANIA: French Polynesia (Society Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago: Tahiti Island ( Grandgirard et al. 2007) and Moorea Island), and Hawaiian Islands ( USA: Hawaii) ( Huber & Beardsley 2000). Huber (1988) mentioned occurrence of this species in Mexico without providing further details on its distribution there.

Hosts. Gyponana sp. ( Cicadellidae ), as well as Stictocephala bisonia Kopp & Yonke [as Ceresa bisonia Kopp & Yonke ] and Tortistilus pacificus (Van Duzee) [as Stictocephala pacifica Van Duzee ] ( Membracidae ) ( Huber 1988).


University of California, Riverside














Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) dolichocerus Ashmead, 1887

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A. 2010

Lymaenon marylandicus

Peck 1963: 23
Burks 1958: 63

Gonatocerus marylandicus

Peck 1963: 22
Burks 1958: 63
Peck 1951: 412

Gonatocerus marilandicus

Huber 1988: 72
Girault 1917: 115

Gonatocerus dolichocerus

Huber 2000: 57
De 1994: 124
Yoshimoto 1990: 40
Huber 1988: 72
Girault 1915: 8

Gonatocerus dolichocerus

Ashmead 1887: 192
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