Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) pratensis ( Ogloblin, 1936 )

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, Zootaxa 2456, pp. 1-243 : 53-57

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Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) pratensis ( Ogloblin, 1936 )


Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) pratensis ( Ogloblin, 1936) View in CoL

( Figs 84–90 View FIGURES 84 – 87 View FIGURES 88 – 90 )

Lymaenon pratensis Ogloblin 1936: 48 View in CoL –50 + plates (láminas) III and IV (illustrations). Type locality (of the lectotype designated here): Loreto , Misiones, Argentina.

Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) pratensis (Ogloblin) : De Santis 1967: 105 (catalog).

Gonatocerus pratensis (Ogloblin) View in CoL : Yoshimoto 1990: 41 (list); Luft Albarracin et al. 2009: 10 (list; distribution in Argentina).

Lymaenon pratensis Ogloblin View in CoL : Loiácono et al. 2005: 17 (information on syntypes).

Type material examined. Lectotype female [MLPA], here designated to avoid confusion about the status of the type specimens of this species, on slide labeled: 1. “ Gonatocerus pratensis A. O. ♀ perplexus [emn] Type. Loreto, Misiones 2.viii.1935. AO.”; 2.”3870”. The lectotype, although uncleared, is in good condition, complete, and mounted dorsoventrally. Paralectotypes [all MLPA]: 1 ♂ on slide labeled: 1. “ Gonatocerus pratensis A. O. ♂ S. E. A 1936. fig. [ip, iR] Loreto. Misiones. 2.xii.1932. A. O. Allotypus”, 2. “3862”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis A. O. [ip] ♂ 25.viii.1932. Loreto. Misiones. A. A. O. fig. [ip, iR] Ant.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis [al ip] imitator [emn, co ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 15.iv.1934 Yerbal.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis [ip] ♂ 10.x.1935. A. A. O. Tucumán Parque Aconquija.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ San Ignacio Misiones 24.iii.1935. A. A. O.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis A. Ogl. ♂ 21.x.1935. A. A. O. Orán. Prov. Salta”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis A. O. [ip] ♂ Loreto. Misiones 28.iv.1932.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 12.x.1933.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis A O [ip] ♂ Loreto Misiones 2.xii.1932.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis A O [ip] ♂ Loreto, Misiones 17.iv.1933. A. O.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis A O [ip] ♂ 19.iv.1933 Loreto, Misiones”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ 22.V.1934. Loreto, Misiones Pasto Jesuitas.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 4.vi 1934.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus pratensis [ip] ♂ 10.iv.1932 Loreto, A. O. Misiones”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus imitator [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 14.iv.1934 Yerbal.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [ip, co ip] pratensis A O [al ip] ♂ 10.i.1932. A. O. Loreto, Misiones.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 15.ix1933.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 18.x.1933.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 10.viii.1934.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [ip, co ip] pratensis A O [al ip] ♂ Loreto. 23.xi.1931 A. O.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus imitator [co ip] pratensis A O. [al ip] ♂ Loreto, Misiones 7.i.1933 A. O.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones 7.iv.1935 A. A. O.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus perplexus [co ip] pratensis [al ip] A. O. ♂ Loreto, Misiones. 9.vi 1933 ”.

This species was described from 1 female and 23 males, all syntypes, collected in Argentina in Loreto and San Ignacio (Misiones), [San Ramón de la Nueva] Orán (Salta), and Parque [Provincial] Aconquija (Tucumán); we accounted for all of them. Among the slides with Gonatocerus in Ogloblin’s collection in MLPA, there are 3 additional males collected prior to August 1936 on which the original manuscript name “ perplexus ” was not changed by him to “ pratensis ”. Apparently he did not count them as the original syntypes, and therefore we do not designate them as paralectotypes. These males are listed below under “Material examined” for G. (Lymaenon) pratensis . Additionally, 1 female on a slide in MPLA, labeled: 1. “ Gonatocerus pratensis [emn co] A. O. ♀ Loreto, Mis. Campo. A. A. O. 5.i.1933. Holotypus!”; 2. “3862”; 3. “not pratensis & not part of its type series J. Huber 2000 ”, does not fit the original description of G. pratensis (whereas the lectotype female does) but belongs instead to G. (Lymaenon) chrysis (Debauche) .

Material examined. ARGENTINA. BUENOS AIRES: Canal San Fernando, A.A. Ogloblin: 12.x.1945 [1 ♀, MLPA]; 12.iii.1947 [1 ♀, MLPA]; 16.iii.1947 [1 ♀, MLPA]; x.1947 [1 ♀, MLPA]. Luján, Universidad Nacional de Luján, 34°35'07"S 59°04'45"W, 32 m, C. Coviella: 17.iii.2005 [1 ♂, UCRC]; 20.x.2006 [1 ♀, UCRC]; 1.xii.2006 [2 ♀, UCRC]; 12–16.iii.2007 [10 ♀, UCRC]. Punta Lara, 22.ii.1947, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♀, MLPA]. Tigre: 15.iii.1945, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♀, MLPA]; 34°23’50’’S 58°34’32’’W, 5 m, 27.xii.2005 – 3.i.2006, G.A. Logarzo [1 ♀, UCRC]. Vieytes, 35°18’26.56’’S 57°34’02.99’’W, 16 m, 29.ii.2008, D.A. Aquino [2 ♀, MLPA]. CÓRDOBA: Río San Marcos (near San Marcos Sierra), 30°46’55.37’’S 64°37’21.19’’W, 681 m, 19.x.2008, D.A. Aquino, J.P. Bouvet [1 ♀, MLPA]. Villa de Soto, 30°50’53’’S 65°10’18’’W, 540 m, 17.i.2003, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♂, UCRC]. FORMOSA, 26.27°S 58.27°W, 60 m, 26.iii.2003, J. Munro [1 ♂, UCRC]. MENDOZA, La Consulta, 33°42’30’’S 69°04’21’’W, INTA – Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta, S. Lanati: 15–19.i.2007 [1 ♀, UCRC]; 22–26.i.2007 [3 ♀, UCRC]; 12–16.ii.2007 [1 ♀, UCRC]; 19–22.ii.2007 [4 ♀, UCRC]; 26.ii–2.iii.2007 [5 ♀, UCRC]. MISIONES: Bernardo de Irigoyen, 25.ii.1962, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♂, MLPA]. Loreto: 1.v.1933, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♂, MLPA]; 12.x.1933, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♂, MLPA]; 23.x.1934, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♂, MLPA]; 14.ii.1935, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♀, MLPA; this is a non-type specimen because there was only one female in the type series of Lymaenon pratensis ]; 25.ii.1935, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♀, MLPA; this is a non-type specimen because it was determined by A.A. Ogloblin as Gonatocerus ? pratensis ]; 1937, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♀, MLPA]; Ruinas Jesuíticas, 27°20’S, 55°31’W: 21–26.viii.2000, P. Fidalgo [1 ♀, UCRC]; 16.i.2001, P. Fidalgo [1 ♀, UCRC]; 27°20’09.0’’S 55°31’36.1’’W, 171 m, 16.ii.2009, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, 2 ♂, UCRC]; 27°20’12.9’’S 55°31’42.6’’W, 176 m, 16.ii.2009, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov, S.V. Triapitsyn [2 ♂, UCRC]; 27°20’15.5’’S 55°31’50.3’’W, 178 m, 19.ii.2009, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, 2 ♂, UCRC]. Parque Nacional Iguazú: Centro Ecológico, 180 m, 24.xii.1990 – 6.i.1991, S. & J. Peck [1 ♀, CNCI]; Puerto Canoas, 200 m, 8.xii.1990 – 6.i.1991, S. & J. Peck [1 ♀, CNCI]; 25.68°S 54.45°W, 200 m, 30.xi– 2.xii.2003, B.V. Brown, G. Kung [5 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]. Reserva de Vida Silvestre Urugua-í, 25°58.471’S 54°06.986’W, 400 m, B.V. Brown, G. Kung: 7–9.xii.2003 [2 ♀, UCRC]; 10–12.xii.2003 [3 ♀, UCRC]. Reserva Provincial Teyú-Cuaré (near San Ignacio, about 200 m from Río Paraná bank), 27°17’05.6’’S 55°35’38.4’’W, 106 m, 16.ii.2009, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, UCRC]. San Ignacio, Chacra Yabebirí (Yabebiry), ii.1950, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♂, MLPA]. S of San Ignacio, Municipal Camping at Río Yabebiry, 27°17’39.0’’S 55°32’12.8’’W, 82 m, 17.ii.2009, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]. Santa Ana, 27.34°S 55.53°W, 77 m, 27.iii.2003, J. Munro [1 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]. 28.65°S 55.66°W, 200 m, 28.iii.2003, J. Munro [1 ♂, UCRC]. SALTA: Canyada La Gotera, 19.ii.1993, S.A. Marshall [1 ♀, CNCI]. Rosario de la Frontera: 20.iii.2003, J.M. Heraty [1 ♀, UCRC]; 25.83°S 64.88°W, 745 m, 20.iii.2003, J. Munro [1 ♀, 2 ♂, UCRC]. 23°08’04’’S 63°44’22’’W, 278 m, 24.iii.2003, J.M. Heraty [2 ♀, UCRC]. SAN JUAN, Media Agua, 8.ii.1939, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♀, MLPA]. SANTA FE, Luis d’Abreu, 15.iii.1949 [1 ♀, MLPA]. URUGUAY. SALTO, Termas de Arapey, 30°56’S 57°32’W, 220 m, 12–28.xii.2002, S. Peck [1 ♀, CNCI].

Redescription. FEMALE (lectotype and non-type specimens). Body length 830–1150 µm. Body ( Fig. 85 View FIGURES 84 – 87 ) and appendages mostly brown to dark brown, scape and pedicel (partially) light brown, base of gaster brown, legs light brown to brown.

Antenna ( Fig. 84 View FIGURES 84 – 87 ) with radicle about 3.8x as long as wide, about 0.5x total length of scape, rest of scape 3.6–4.2x as long as wide, faintly striate; pedicel much longer than F1; F1 shorter than F2; F3 and F4 subequal, longer than F2 and shorter than following funicle segments; F5–F7 subequal, F8 a little shorter; F1–F4 without mps, F5–F8 usually each with 2 mps (F6 occasionally with just 1 mps); clava with 10 or 11 mps, 3.6–4.1x as long as wide, almost as long as combined length of F6–F8.

Mesosoma ( Fig. 85 View FIGURES 84 – 87 ). Mesoscutum, scutellum, and axillae with weak sculpture. Propodeum with faint submedian lines, the distance between them a little shorter basally than distally. Forewing ( Fig. 86 View FIGURES 84 – 87 ) 3.0–3.1x as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.2–0.25x maximum wing width. Forewing disc almost hyaline (with a slight brownish tinge), almost bare behind submarginal vein, setose behind marginal vein (sparsely next to cubital row of setae). Hind wing ( Fig. 87 View FIGURES 84 – 87 ) 18–19x as long as wide; disc with 2 rows of setae along margins and setose apically, slightly infumate; longest marginal seta 2.6–2.7x maximum wing width.

Metasoma longer than mesosoma. Petiole trapezoidal, about 2.7x as wide as long. Ovipositor 0.7–0.8x length of gaster, exserted beyond its apex by at most 0.1x own length; ovipositor length: mesotibia length ratio 1.5–1.6:1. External plate of ovipositor with 4 distal setae.

Measurements (µm) of the lectotype. Body: total body length: 1150; head 148; mesosoma 418; petiole 24; gaster 560; ovipositor 464. Antenna: radicle 72; rest of scape 139; pedicel 58; F1 21; F2 34; F3 44; F4 45; F5 70; F6 70; F7 70; F8 64; clava 213. Forewing 1007:333; longest marginal seta 76. Hind wing 805:42; longest marginal seta 110.

MALE (paralectotypes and non-type specimens). Body length 700–930 µm [up to 1220 µm according to Ogloblin (1936)]. Similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features and the following. Antenna ( Fig. 88 View FIGURES 88 – 90 ) with scape plus radicle about 2.2x as long as wide, notably striate. Forewing ( Fig. 89 View FIGURES 88 – 90 ) about 3.2x as long as wide. Genitalia as in Fig. 90 View FIGURES 88 – 90 .

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) pratensis is characterized by the female antenna ( Fig. 84 View FIGURES 84 – 87 ) with 2 mps on F5–F8 and a wide forewing (3.0–3.1x as long as wide), with the area on the disc between the marginal vein and the cubital row of setae more or less setose (sparsely setose immediately next to the cubital row of setae) ( Fig. 86 View FIGURES 84 – 87 ). It differs from the much lighter colored G. (Lymaenon) chrysis (Debauche) , which also has mps on F5–F8, by its wider forewing and also in having 10 or 11 mps on the clava (narrower forewing and only 6 mps on the clava in G. chrysis ). Gonatocerus pratensis differs from the lighter colored G. (Lymaenon) litoralis (Haliday) in having usually 2 mps on F6 of the female antenna (female antenna of G. litoralis usually lacks mps on F6 but may occasionally have 1 mps in very large specimens).

Distribution. NEOTROPICAL: Argentina, and Uruguay *.

Hosts. Unknown.














Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) pratensis ( Ogloblin, 1936 )

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A. 2010

Lymaenon pratensis

Loiacono 2005: 17

Gonatocerus pratensis

Luft 2009: 10
Yoshimoto 1990: 41

Lymaenon pratensis

Ogloblin 1936: 48
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