Gouldipoma sumichrasti ( Crosse & Fischer, 1874 )

Watters, G. Thomas, 2014, A revision of the Annulariidae of Central America (Gastropoda: Littorinoidea), Zootaxa 3878 (4), pp. 301-350 : 318-320

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scientific name

Gouldipoma sumichrasti ( Crosse & Fischer, 1874 )


Gouldipoma sumichrasti ( Crosse & Fischer, 1874)

Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 A – L M–S, 12 B

Type material. Choanopoma sumichrasti Crosse & Fischer, 1874 : authors type mentioned at “Mus. Smithsonianae Institutionis,” there are four lots at NMNH but none are listed as the type, dispostion unknown; JDC [most specimens incorporated into MNMH], figured type, fide Chevallier (1965); MNHN (3), syntypes, one may be JDC specimen; FMNH 108571 (1), paratype, fide Solem (1961). Choanopoma trochleare var. majus Martens, 1890 : same specimen as Choanopoma sumichrasti Fischer & Crosse, 1890 : pl. 41, fig. 8, presumably at MNMH.

Type locality. Choanopoma sumichrasti Crosse & Fischer, 1874 : “ in isthmo Tehuantepacensi, reipublicae Mexicanae.” Choanopoma trochleare var. majus Martens, 1890 : “Chiapas.”

Type figured. Choanopoma sumichrasti Crosse & Fischer, 1874 : Chevallier (1965) gave figured type as Fischer & Crosse, 1890: pl. 41, figs, 9, 9a. Choanopoma trochleare var. majus Martens, 1890 : Fischer & Crosse, 1890: pl. 41, figs. 8.


Choanopoma sumichrasti Crosse & Fischer, 1874: 283 –284; Pfeiffer, 1876: 156 –157; Martens, 1890: 13 –14; Fischer & Crosse, 1890: 184 –185, pl. 41, figs, 9, 9a; Bequaert, 1957: 225; Chevallier, 1965: 28 [in synonymy of Choanopoma chiapasense Crosse & Fischer, 1877 ]; Thompson, 1966: 28, fig. 3 [operculum]; Watters, 2006: 497 –498.

Choanopoma trochleare var. majus Martens, 1890: 13 . Solem, 1961: 196 [in synonymy of Choanopoma sumichrasti Crosse & Fischer, 1874 ].

Licina (Choanopomops) sumichrasti ( Crosse & Fischer, 1874) . Baker, 1928: 49.

Choanopoma sumichrasti Crosse & Fischer, 1874 . Chevallier, 1965: 28 [in synonymy of Choanopoma chiapasense Crosse & Fischer, 1877 ].

Halotudora sumichrasti ( Crosse & Fischer, 1874) . Watters, 2006: 73, 497–498.

Annularia sumichrasti ( Crosse & Fischer, 1874) . Thompson, 2011: 44.

Distribution and habitat. This species is known only from lowlands at the western end of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas near La Ventosa (reported here) and the Central Valley at Cañón del Sumidero (fide Solem, 1961). Presumably it occurs at other sites between these two points but collections have either not recovered it or have not been made there. Habitat unknown but the Cañón del Sumidero area varies from rugged tropical rainforest to dry forests complete with caves. Specimens have been collected from relatively low areas— 46–100 m altitude. Individuals are locally abundant.

Conservation. The Cañón del Sumidero is located within the Cañón del Sumidero National Park. Future collections may also discover it in the Parque Natural El Ocote west of the Cañón del Sumidero. The La Ventosa population is unprotected.

Other material (specimens examined: 270). México. Oaxaca State: UF 90542 (9), UF 467574 (8), 37 km S of Matías Romero; UF 213719 (24), 6.3 km E of La Ventosa, 46 m; UF 213718 (35), 9.8 km E of La Ventosa, 198 m; UF 211494 (120), 7.5 km N of La Ventosa, 100 m; UF 211460 (81), limestone hills 10.0 km E of La Ventosa, 50 m; UF 55320 (1), UF 213717 (24), Ojo de Agua, 8.5 km E of La Ventosa, 61 m.

Description. Shell conical, high-spired, solid, last 1/8 whorl solute. Smallest adult specimen seen 13.1 mm in length, largest 17.5 mm, average 15.0 mm (decollate). Protoconch usually lost in adult, 1.5 large, rounded, smooth, pale whorls, not clearly demarcated from teleoconch. Teleoconch of 3.5 – 4 rounded whorls. Umbilicus narrow, open. Spiral sculpture absent except for 1 – 3 low cords in the umbilicus. Axial sculpture of numerous fine, densely crowded threads. Suture strongly incised, narrowly channeled. Tufts absent but the axial lamella may render the suture minutely serrate. Aperture nearly circular. Inner lip smooth, inconspicuous, fused to outer lip. Outer lip smooth, narrowly reflected perpendicular to whorl, evenly expanded, scarcely auriculate posteriorly, narrowly solute from previous whorl. Base color dingy white to tan, with four wide, bold, mostly continuous, dark brown bands: one half way between suture and periphery, one just below periphery, one at base of whorl, one bounding umbilicus; bands are not continuous over adapertural face of peristome, strongest inside aperture. Lip white. Operculum multispiral with a calcareous, erect but reflected lamella. Radula and anatomy unknown.

Variation in specimens. There is remarkably little variation in the specimens seen. The bands vary from continuous to interrupted.

Comparison with other species. Although sometimes considered a synonym of G. c h i a p a s e n s e, G. sumichrasti bears little resemblance to that species. It differs from G. c h i a p a s e n s e in its bold color pattern, higher spire, and much narrower outer lip.

Remarks. Both Solem (1961) and Chevallier (1965) inexplicably considered this distinctive species synonymous with Choanopoma chiapasense Crosse & Fischer, 1877 . Thompson (2011) confirmed its uniqueness.

Original description (translated here from Latin). “Shell narrowly perforated, oblong-turret, solid, with longitudinal, dense costae-striations (costae fine, somewhat curved), pale cinnamon, with two transverse various elegant brown bands; spire elevated, apex truncate; suture impressed; four remaining whorls convex, last remaining whorl small (::5:9 ½) [notation unknown to me], briefly solute, base nearly flat, 4 bands, first hardly distantly situated from the suture, second a little wider, hardly below the middle, third and fourth on the base, transversely banded; aperture subcircular, inside pale cinnamon, last whorl witrh transverse bands; peristome free, double: inner narrowly reflexed, shining, pale cinnamon-brown, outer nearly absent, expanded angle inserted nearby, pale cinnamon-brown.—Operculum subcircular, projecting from shell, dirty white, outer margin free, lamella solute, slightly elevated, thereafter produced in a plane; nucleus subexcentric.” 14.5 mm.

Etymology. Choanopoma sumichrasti Crosse & Fischer, 1874 : Adrian Luis Jean François Sumichrast (1828–1882), French naturalist, collector of the type, who undertook an expedition to México for the Smithsonian Institution. Choanopoma trochleare var. majus Martens, 1890 : L. maior, larger.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Field Museum of Natural History
















Gouldipoma sumichrasti ( Crosse & Fischer, 1874 )

Watters, G. Thomas 2014

Annularia sumichrasti (

Thompson 2011: 44

Halotudora sumichrasti (

Watters 2006: 73

Choanopoma sumichrasti

Chevallier 1965: 28

Licina (Choanopomops) sumichrasti (

Baker 1928: 49

Choanopoma trochleare

Solem 1961: 196
Martens 1890: 13

Choanopoma sumichrasti

Watters 2006: 497
Thompson 1966: 28
Chevallier 1965: 28
Bequaert 1957: 225
Martens 1890: 13
Fischer 1890: 184
Pfeiffer 1876: 156
Crosse 1874: 283
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