Grotiusomyia pilosa, Hansson, 2023

Hansson, Christer, 2023, Review of Grotiusomyia Girault (Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae), an exclusively New World genus, including 17 new species, Zootaxa 5278 (1), pp. 39-77 : 56

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scientific name

Grotiusomyia pilosa

sp. nov.

Grotiusomyia pilosa sp. nov.

Figs 15 View FIGURES 13–18 , 39, 40, 43 View FIGURES 37–43 , 67, 68 View FIGURES 65–70 , 73 View FIGURES 71–75 , 90 View FIGURES 84–91 , 107 View FIGURES 103–112

Diagnosis. Female: mandibles yellowish-brown with a row of small teeth at apex (as in Fig 112 View FIGURES 103–112 ); flagellum dark brown, 1.0× as long as width of mesoscutum, F4 0.9× as long as wide, apex of clava pointed ( Figs 15 View FIGURES 13–18 , 68 View FIGURES 65–70 ); frons between scrobes and eyes and vertex with strong reticulation (90, 107); occipital margin with a sharp edge behind ocellar triangle ( Fig. 90 View FIGURES 84–91 ); mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with same colour and reticulation ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 37–43 ); mesoscutellum convex; dorsellum ±flat, smooth and shiny, medio-posterior part protruding, with postero-lateral parts incised ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 37–43 ); fore wing with 8–18 setae in apico-dorsal part of costal cell, speculum very small and completely hyaline ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 13–18 ); fore coxa yellowish-brown, mid coxa black with metallic tinges ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 13–18 ); gaster ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 37–43 ) 2.5× as long as wide and narrow; Gt 1 0.4× as long as length of gaster, dorsal surface smooth and shiny, posterior margin straight; Gt 6 0.3× as long as length of gaster with anterior part 1.8× as wide as width of posterior part, posterior margin curved slightly backwards with sharp edge. Male: diagnostic features of dorsellum and pilosity as in female.

Description (female holotype). Length 2.3 mm. Frons between scrobes and eyes and vertex with strong reticulation, shiny, scrobes smooth. Mandibles with a row of small teeth at apex. Occipital margin with a sharp edge behind ocellar triangle. Dorsellum ±flat, smooth and shiny, medio-posterior part protruding, with postero-lateral parts incised. Propodeal callus with 17 setae. Fore wing with eight setae on dorsal surface of submarginal vein; with 25 admarginal setae; costal cell with 35 scattered setae on ventral surface, apico-dorsal margin with 18 setae; speculum very small and closed below. Gaster long ovate, narrow; Gt 1 smooth and shiny, remaining tergites with weak reticulation; Gt 1 with posterior margin straight, Gt 6 with posterior margin curved slightly backwards.

Colour. Head metallic bluish-green, scrobes black with metallic tinges. Mandibles yellowish-brown. Antennae with scape yellowish-brown, pedicel and flagellum dark brown. Mesosoma golden-green. Legs with fore coxa yellowish-brown, mid coxa black with metallic tinges, hind coxa golden-green; remaining parts of legs yellowish-brown. Gaster with Gt

1 metallic bluish-green, remaining tergites black with metallic tinges.

Relative measurements: head length, dorsal view 22; head length, frontal view 38; head width 52; POL 11.5; OOL 5.5; mouth width 17; malar space 5; eye length 28; lateral ocellus diameter 5; scape length 18.5; scape width 5; pedicel length 6; pedicel width. dorsal view 4; flagellum length 49; F1 length 10.5; F1 width 6; F2 length 8; F2 width 7; F3 length 8; F3 width 8.5; F4 length 7.5; F4 width 8.5; clava length 14.5; clava width 8; pronotum length 20; pronotum width 34; mesosoma length 80; mesosoma width 47; midlobe of mesoscutum length 27.5; mesoscutellum length 26.5; mesoscutellum width 23; propodeum length 17; hind tibia length 48; hind tibial spur1 length 11; hind tibial spur2 length 6; hind tarsus length 38; hind basitarsus length 10; fore wing length 143; fore wing width 70; costal cell length 43; costal cell width 3; marginal vein length 46; postmarginal vein length 24; stigmal vein length 14; Gt 1 length 30; Gt 6 length 23; Gt 6 width at base 28; Gt 6 width at apex 16; gaster length 84; gaster width 34.

Variation. Length 1.5–2.3 mm. Costal cell with 8–18 setae in apico-dorsal part. Propodeal callus with 7–17 setae.

Male. Length 1.7 mm.Antennal scape and femora dark brown, tibiae and tarsi brown, coxae black with metallic tinges. Mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and Gt 1 metallic purple. Otherwise as in female.

Relative measurements: head length, dorsal view 16; head width 39; eye length 19; scape length 14; scape width 4; flagellum length 34; F1 length 6.5; F1 width 5; F2 length 6; F2 width 5.5; F3 length 5.5; F3 width 5.5; F4 length 4.5; F4 width 5.5; clava length 10.5; clava width 5; Gt 1 length 16; gaster length 57; gaster width 26.

Distribution. Belize, Costa Rica.

Etymology. From the Greek pilos = hair, referring to the hairy basal part of the fore wing.

Material. Holotype female: COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Altamira, Sendero Los Gigantes , 9º02′N, 83º00′W, 1450–1700m, 7.ii–5.iii.2002, C. Hansson & Parataxonomos ( MZLU) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (34♀ 22♁, CNC, MZLU, MZUCR, NHMUK) : 4♀ 4♁with same label data as holotype; 1♁ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Estación Altamira, Sendero Casa Coca , 9º02′N, 83º00′W, 1450–1700m, 7.ii–5.iii.2002, C. Hansson & Parataxonomos GoogleMaps ; 1♀ 3♁ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, San Vito, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanico , 8º47′N, 82º58′W, 1150m, 18-22.iii.1990, J.S. Noyes; following from same locality as previous but collected 15-16.ii.2006 (1♁), 7-19.ii.2007 (2♀ 5♁), 15-16.ii.2012 (3♀) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ GoogleMaps COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Golfito, Parque Nacional Corcovado, Quebrada La Bonanza , LS 524800 _ 275700, 500m, x.2000, J. Azofeifa ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Corcovado, Estación Agujas, Cerro Quebraditos , LS 274300 _ 521400, 782m,, J. Azofeifa ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Golfito, Parque Nacional Corcovado, Cerro Rincón, La Tigrilla, LS 523600 _ 274500, 600m, 20.ii-15.iii.2001, J. Azofeifa ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Los Charcos de Osa , 8º40'N, 83º36'W, 50m, 15-16.ii.2010, J.S. Noyes GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Parque Nacional Arenal , 10°28'N, 84°45'W, 617m, 21-28.ii.2005, C. Hansson GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, San Carlos, Parque Nacional Arenal, Sendero Pilón, LN 269200_ 458050, 600m, 15.iii-5.iv.2001, G. Carballo ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, 7km N Boca Tapada, Laguna Lagerta Lodge , 10º41'N, 84º11'W, 55m, 18-19.ii.2018, J.S. Noyes GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Cartago, Humo, El Copal , 9°47'N, 83°45'W, 1050-1250m, 29.ii-6.iii.2008, C. Hansson GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Cartago, Parque Nacional Tapantí , 9º45′N, 83º47′W, 1200-1550m, 20.iii-10.iv.2000, C. Hansson & D. Rubí GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Estación Pitilla , ACG, LN330200_380200, iv.1991, P. Rios ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Guanacaste, Estación Pitilla , ACG, LN329950_380450, ii.1995, P. Rios ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Estación Biológica La Selva , 50m, 10º26′N, 84º01′W, 22.i-2.ii.1991, J.S.Noyes; following from same locality as previous but collected i.1996 (1♀), 28-29.ii.2008 (3♁), 24-25.ii.2011 (1♀), 22-24.ii.2012 (1♁) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Santo Domingo , INBio-Parque, iii.2002, J.S. Noyes & J. Azofeifa ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo , 25.iii.1990, J.S. Noyes ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, Limón, Reserva Biológica Hitoy Cerere , 9º40′N, 83º02′W, 100m, 14-18.i.1991, J.S. Noyes; following from same locality as previous but collected 24-25.ii.2004 (1♀ 1♁), 20-21.ii.2006 (1♀ 3♁) GoogleMaps ; 1♀ GoogleMaps COSTA RICA, Limón, 16km W Guápiles , 400m, i-iv.1991, P. Hanson ; 1♀ COSTA RICA, San José, Zurqui de Moravia , 10º02'58''N, 84º00'57''W, 1600m, ii.1995, P. Hanson; following from same locality as previous but collected v.1992 (1♀), x.1995 (1♀) GoogleMaps . 1♀ GoogleMaps BELIZE, Las Cuevas , iii.1995, T. King & A. Howe .


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Natural History Museum, London


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