Harpactea tavirensis Wunderlich, 2020

Řezáč, Milan, Cardoso, Pedro & Řezáčová, Veronika, 2023, Review of Harpactea ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae: Dysderidae) of Portugal, Zootaxa 5263 (3), pp. 335-364 : 356

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Harpactea tavirensis Wunderlich, 2020


Harpactea tavirensis Wunderlich, 2020 View in CoL

( Figs 1M View FIGURE 1 , 2M View FIGURE 2 , 3M View FIGURE 3 , 5E View FIGURE 5 , 8E View FIGURE 8 , 9 View FIGURE 9 )

H. tavirensis Wunderlich 2020: 7 View in CoL , figs 4–6 (description based on ♁).

Material. Type material. 1 ♁ paratype, 5 km WNW of Tavira, leg. et coll. J. Wunderlich, R178 /ARICJW .

New material. S. Bras de Alportel, Fonte da Taipa , 37.203, -7.963, Quercus suber forest with Erica sp. , 3 ♁♁, 13 ♀♀, 12 April 2005, 2 ♁♁, 9 November 2005, 3 ♁♁, 6 ♀♀, 31 March–1 April 2013, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague ; GoogleMaps Santa Bárbara de Nexe, 37.111, -7.982, 3 ♁, April 1963, leg. leg. Henry Coiffait?, coll. National Natural History Museum, Prague; GoogleMaps Barranco do Velho, 37.238, -7.941, Quercus suber forest, 3 ♁♁, 2 ♀♀, December 1964, leg. Henry Coiffait?, coll. National Natural History Museum. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. It can be distinguishged from any other Iberian Harpactea by cymbium with concave retrolateral side, unlike retrolateral side of cymbium being either convex or straight, in other species (only the prolateral side is concave in some species), and concave hairless dorso-apical side. It possesses the cheliceral type minoccii (see the Materials and Methods) characterised by only three cheliceral teeth. In contrast to other two representatives of this cheliceral type, H. minoccii and H. subiasi , it has slightly obtuse posterior distal tooth (in two mentioned species it is pointed) and thicker basal cheliceral segment ( Fig. 2M View FIGURE 2 ). Vulva is similar to that of H. algarvensis , but it can be distinguished by sclerotization only present at the median rod of the anterior arc ( Fig. 8E View FIGURE 8 ). A couple of bands of white delicate tissue run from the epigastric furrow towards the ovary and turn dorsally in the middle of the abdomen ( Fig. 8E View FIGURE 8 —wt, when the spider is in certain level of saturation, it can be observed by transparency, without dissecting). It co-occurs with H. algarvensis , from which it can be distinguished by smaller size ( H. algarvensis 2.2 mm, H. tavirensis 1.4–2.0 mm), darker coloration and slightly annulated legs.

Description. Male. Carapace red-brown, matting ( Fig. 1M View FIGURE 1 ). Sternum brown-yellow, matting. Chelicerae red brown. Legs yellow-brown, anterior legs and pedipalps are darker. For measurements and leg spination see the Table 1 View TABLE 1 . Relative leg length: IV>I>II>III. Cymbium slightly elongated ( Fig. 3M View FIGURE 3 ), distally widened, with concave retrolateral side. Tegulum wider than long ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Conductor relatively short, slightly S-shaped. Embolus dark, extremely long, its base directs to the opposite side than the conductor but then it is bent in 180° angle, so its tip directs to the same side as conductor. Opisthosoma cylindrical, whitish.

Female. All somatic characters as described for the male. The vulva is of the type algarvensis ( Fig. 8E View FIGURE 8 ). The vulva is very small and weakly sclerotised, anterior arc, transversal bar and median rod are only tiny rudiments. Rudiment of posterior diverticle is tiny circular spot. Behind the epigastric furrow there is a paired mass of whitish tissue.

Variability. Male carapace length 1.51–2.00 mm (1.77±0.14, N=9), female carapace length 1.38–2.00 mm (1.65±0.13, N=22). The twisting of embolus is variable. Moreover, its appearance depends on the angle of view.

Ecology. The adults occur in early spring in leaf litter of Quercus suber and Erica forests on eastern slopes. Females lay 16– 21 eggs (N=2).

Distribution. So far known only from mountains in Algarve, southern Portugal.














Harpactea tavirensis Wunderlich, 2020

Řezáč, Milan, Cardoso, Pedro & Řezáčová, Veronika 2023

H. tavirensis

Wunderlich, J. 2020: 7
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