Hayesiana triopus ( Westwood, 1847 )

Jiang, Zhuo-Heng, Xu, Zhen-Bang, Cheng, Wen-Da, Li, Yu-Fei & Hu, Shao-Ji, 2023, The life history of Hayesiana triopus (Westwood, 1847), with taxonomic notes on both present and former species of the genus Hayesiana Fletcher, 1982 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), Zootaxa 5296 (3), pp. 446-456 : 447-448

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5296.3.7

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scientific name

Hayesiana triopus ( Westwood, 1847 )


Hayesiana triopus ( Westwood, 1847) View in CoL View at ENA [dzṀƑẶ]

Macroglossa triopus Westwood, 1847 ; The Cabinet of Oriental Entomology. [14], pl. 6, fig. 4; TL: “ Assam ” [NE India].

Material examined. CHINA: 2♁♁, 1♀, Yunnan, Xishuangbanna , Mengla County, 950 m, 17.IV.2021, Hao-Miao Zhang leg. ( JZHC, GSXC) ; 2♁♁, Hainan, Mt. Jiangfengling , Ledong County, 760 m, 25. IV. 2018, Zhuo-Heng Jiang leg. ( JZHC) ; 1♁, Fujian, Youxi County, 530 m, 24. V. 2014, Hao-Yun Zhuang leg. ( JZHC) ; 1♁, Guizhou, Libo County, 680 m, 5. VIII. 2021, Xin-Yi Zheng leg. ( ZXYC) .

Description. Male ( Fig. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ): FWL: 30–32 mm. Upperside: Head black with some blue scales; thorax black with two creamy white stripes dorsally; abdomen black, with an interrupted reddish-pink spot lateral, terminus with two orange tufts on both sides. FW elongate, apex sharply pointed, outer margin oblique, very slightly excavated just below the apex and above the tornus; upperside ground colour dark grey-green, with six narrow transverse blackish bands; large translucent and rectangular spot on the area between third and fourth band. HW dark brownish, with bright white costal patch on apical and tornal area, tornus with small red patch. Underside: Thorax and abdomen reddish-orange with black scales. FW reddish-brown, with patterns similar to upperside but more obscure. HW reddish-orange with two narrow black bands, outer margin deep brown.

Female ( Fig. 2C–D View FIGURE 2 ): FWL: 32 mm. Similar to male, but with wings broader and ground colour slightly brownish.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ): Uncus and gnathos forming a typical macroglossine “bird-beak” structure. Uncus almost straight, sparsely hairy dorsally. Gnathos slightly curved, slender than uncus, with tiny apical hook. Valva rounded, with terminal part wider than basal part, apex blunt. Sacculus long and thicker, markedly curved upward apically into a harpe. Phallus long and straight, with transverse process distally; two diverticula of everted vesica forming a “bird-beak” type structure, ending into slender hook with smooth surface.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ): Anal papillae apophyses blunt. Lamella antevaginalis sclerotized; lamella postvaginalis narrow, sharp, with arrow-like central part; ostial lobe elongate and narrowed. Ductus bursae tubular and membranous, rather thick. Corpus bursae oblong, signum present as a slender sclerotized patch.

Distribution. China (Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hongkong, Hainan, Fujian, Zhejiang), Nepal, Bhutan, India, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia.

Biological notes. In this study, this species was collected in evergreen broad-leaf forest in Yunnan, Guizhou, Fujian and Hainan, flying rapidly in riparian vegetation or visiting flowers in the daytime, especially during hot and sunny weather ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ).














Hayesiana triopus ( Westwood, 1847 )

Jiang, Zhuo-Heng, Xu, Zhen-Bang, Cheng, Wen-Da, Li, Yu-Fei & Hu, Shao-Ji 2023

Macroglossa triopus

Westwood 1847
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