Hemiscorpius kashkayi, Karataş & Received & Online, 2013

Karataş, Ayşegül, Received, Muhammed Mouradi Gharkheloo & Online, Published, 2013, A new Hemiscorpius Peters, 1861 (Scorpiones: Hemiscorpiidae) from southwestern Iran, Turkish Journal of Zoology 37 (1), pp. 15-23 : 16-23

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1205-27

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scientific name

Hemiscorpius kashkayi

sp. nov.

3.1. Hemiscorpius kashkayi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 1–9.

3.1.1. Type material

Holotype: Adult ♂ ( ZDNU 2007 /66), Iran: Khuzestan, Andimeshk, Garm Village (32°27′N, 48°21′E), 14.II.2007.

Paratypes: 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ ( ZDNU 2007 /65), Ahwaz, Omidiyeh (30°52′N, 49°32′E), 08. VI.2007; 5 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ ( BDZU 2006 /179), Ahwaz, Masdjed Soliman (31°56′N, 49°18′E), 20.XII.2006 .

Etymology: The name “kashkayi ” is given in honor of the nomadic Kashkay (Qashqai) Turks living in southern and southwestern Iran.

Diagnosis: A member of the genus Hemiscorpius , it is differentiated as follows: adults up to 40 mm in length; color dark tan yellow with blackish brown pedipalp fingers ( Figures 1a–1d); (1) carapace longer than wide, shagreened and finely granular except small smooth compartments; superciliary carinae finely granular anteriorly, granules become coarser toward the median eyes and below median eyes, lateral margins with small blunt granules below lateral ocular tubercles, sternite VII with 2 granulose carinae in male ( Figure 2b View Figure 2 ) and female; (2) pedipalps stout, chela fingers longer than manus; (3) internal protuberance of pedipalpal patella with internodorsal carina bearing 2 strong spiniform granules; (4) pedipalp patella orthobothriotaxic, external side with 13 trichobothria (1 est and 2 esb; also em1 basal to em2) ( Figure 3f View Figure 3 ), ventral side with 3 trichobothria, pedipalp patella with external and ventromedian carina ( Figure 2e View Figure 2 ); (5) metasoma I a b c d e with ventral median carina obsolete; only dorsal carinae of segments II–IV and ventral and ventrolateral carinae of segment V bearing spiniform granules; (7) metasoma and telson not greatly elongated, and without strong sexual dimorphism ( Figures 4a and 4b View Figure 4 ); adult metasomal segment L/W ratios: male: I 1.64, II 2.14, III 2.30, IV 2.53, V 3.16; female: I 1.37, II 1.64, III 1.71, IV 2.16, V 2.58; telson with slightly elongated, bulbous vesicle, slightly curved aculeus ( Figures 4a and 4b View Figure 4 ); (8) metasoma of females with dorsal carinae of segments II–IV and ventral and ventrolateral carinae of segments II–V bearing moderately spiniform granules; pedipalp chela ( Figure 3d View Figure 3 ) with manus strongly flattened, moderately broadened, with ventroexternal carina consisting of fused and flattened granules; chela fingers slender, elongated, curved; fixed finger length equal to or greater than manus length; proximal margins of pedipalp fingers not scalloped in males; dentate margin of movable finger of adults armed with single linear row of denticles basally, 2 linear rows apically, internal accessory denticles numerous, irregularly spaced; orthobothriotaxic type C ( Figures 2d, 2e View Figure 2 , and 3a–3f View Figure 3 ), chela manus with V 2 internal to V 1 as to ventroexternal carina, Dt on base of fixed finger, eb slightly basal or equal to db on fixed finger; legs slender, leg III patella L/ W 3.0 –3.2.

Hemispermatophore: Lamelliform with complex capsule, distal lamina slender, slightly pointed apically; with double lamellar hook; capsular region complex has distinct lamella with strong apical hook; distal and a b c

d e f

accessory lobes well developed while basal and posterior lobes not well developed ( Figure 8 View Figure 8 ).

Comparisons: This species is distinguished from all other known members of the genus by the form of the pedipalp chela, with no recess on the long pedipalp chela fingers in males ( Figures 6a and 6b View Figure 6 ). H. kashkayi sp. nov. is closely related to H. persicus from eastern Iran and H. somalicus Lourenço, 2011 and H. novaki Kovařík and Mazuch, 2011 from Somali. All of them have stout orthobothriotaxic pedipalps and have no pronounced sexual dimorphism between males and females. However, males of H. kashkayi sp. nov. and H. persicus can be more readily distinguished from each other than females based on: (1) carapace granulation, (2) relatively short and thick metasoma and thick and well-developed pedipalp segments, (3) morphology of telson, (4) pedipalp carination and shape, (5) trichobothria. The carapace of H. kashkayi sp. nov. has a dark colored line on the edge of the carapace anteriorly and posteriorly. These dark stripes are also present on the posterior edges of all tergites, except on the seventh tergite. The stripes are observed under UV light as cuticular foldings, while under white light they are observed as small blackish granules on posterior edges of tergites. The carapace of H. persicus is more granulose, while the surface of the carapace of H. kashkayi sp. nov. is smooth and brighter, but is finely granulated in dark colored areas and has a pair of dark colored 2–3 granules posteriorly situated on the inner side of the posteromedian furrows. The superciliary carinae are more granulose in H. persicus while they are nearly smooth with granules only below the median eyes in H. kashkayi sp. nov. H. persicus has metasomal dorsal carinae with numerous strong spiniform granules on metasomal segments I–V while in H. kashkayi sp. nov. the dorsal carinae of metasomal segments II–IV bear much reduced and weaker spiniform granules. The ventral and ventrolateral carinae of the metasomal segments are furnished with weak spiniform granules in males of H. kashkayi sp. nov., but are well developed with spiniform granules in males of H. persicus . The mediolateral carinae of metasomal segment V are present in almost the entire segment in H. kashkayi sp. nov., while they are present only on the anterior half of the segment in H. persicus . In H. kashkayi sp. nov. the telson is more ovoid and the aculeus is less curved than in H. persicus . H. kashkayi sp. nov. has lateral surfaces of telson, which are almost completely smooth with very small granules only scattered, while the lateral surfaces are more granular in H. persicus . The pedipalp chela manus in H. kashkayi sp. nov. is slightly thicker and with longer fingers than in H. persicus . The scalloping structure of the pedipalp fingers is not present in the males of H. kashkayi sp. nov. but is moderately developed in H. persicus . H. kashkayi has internodorsal carina of the patellar prominence with only 2 moderately strong spiniform granules, while H. persicus , in addition to having 2 strong spiniform granules, has several additional spiniform granules. Although they have the same orthobothriotaxic pedipalp patella, on the external side with 13 trichobothria, em1 is basal to em 2 in the male H. kashkayi sp. nov., while em2 is basal to em 1 in the male H. persicus . H. kashkayi sp. nov. differs from a b

H. somalicus in its larger size; metasomal segment I longer than wide; dorsal carinae of metasomal segments I–IV moderately developed; differs from H. novaki in having less developed metasomal segments of the carinae. Ratios of the male pedipalp chela length to movable finger lengths are 2.90 for H. somalicus , 2.47 for H. novaki , and 3.33 for H. kashkayi sp. nov.

3.1.2. Description of holotype male (adult): Description based on the holotype ( ZDNU 2007 /66) .

Coloration: Base color dark, yellowish brown with blackish underlying pattern of dusky markings on chelicerae, carapace, and tergites I–V; pedipalp fingers, articular condyles of leg segments and aculeus of telson blackish dark brown; black pigmentation found around median and lateral eyes, anterior and posterior edge of carapace, also on posterior edge of tergites ( Figures 1a and 1b).

Carapace: Mostly dark yellow to medium brown in color; posterior and anterior edges of carapace and granulated areas blackish; median and lateral ocular tubercles black. Carapace dorsoventrally flattened, a little longer than wide, slightly elongated, length 4.9 mm, posterior width 4.1 mm; lateral margins nearly parallel, median ocular tubercle weakly developed, surface shagreened, densely, finely granulated except for sulci and small smooth areas; anterior margin with deep median emargination; preocular length ( Figures 2a View Figure 2 and 6 View Figure 6 ) 0.40 times length of carapace; 3 lateral eyes on each side, the posterior eye smaller than the 2 anteriors; median ocular tubercle recessed, eyes only slightly raised above the surface of the carapace; sulci less developed except for well-developed posterior lateral sulci and posterior median sulcus deeply excavated near posterior margin of carapace.

Chelicerae: Pale yellowish in color, manus and fingers with dark reticular pigmentation; teeth of fingers reddish brown; movable finger with 4 external denticles: distal, subdistal, medial, and basal; Chaetotaxy: manus with 3 macrosetae near apical border; movable finger with 2 macrosetae ( Figure 2c View Figure 2 ).

Coxosternal area: Granulated on anterior margins; sternum wide and pentagonal with deep posteromedian sulcus; genital opercula divided, triangular; genital papillae present ( Figure 7b View Figure 7 ).

Mesosoma: Tergite coloration dark brown to medium brown anteriorly, becoming dark yellow posteriorly; tergites I–VI with series of coarse blackish granules along posterior margins, which appear as cuticular folds under UV light; each tergite bears a medial pair of marginal macrosetae. Tergites I–VI surfaces shagreened with very fine lateral granulation, tergite VII moderately granulated on lateral sides of its lateral carinae. Tergites I–VI have a shallow median depression divided anteriorly by a weak ridge, which becomes more pronounced in tergites IV–VI. Median carina reduced to a very weak ridge on tergites I– VI, but present on the posterior 4/5 of tergite VII as ridges with small blunt granules. Median border straight on pretergite I, convex on pretergites II–VI, and straight on pretergite VII; all pretergites smooth and minutely pitted. Sternite coloration dark yellow to light brown. Sternites III–VI smooth and minutely pitted, without granulation or carinae; sternite III with a pair of large, very finely and densely granular depressions, covered by the pectines; sternites IV–VI with a pair of shallow median furrows. Sternite VII shagreened finely and densely granular; a pair of lateral carinae developed as elongated granular ridges; median carina absent ( Figure 2b View Figure 2 ). Spiracles of book lungs crescent-shaped. Tergites and sternites VII wider than long. Pectines ( Figure 7b View Figure 7 ): tips extending to medial section of trochanter IV; pectine teeth, left 18, right 16; combs with 3 marginal lamellae, extended basal middle lamella, and 4 smaller elongate ovoid and 3 smaller rounded middle lamellae; basal middle lamella with medial border nearly twice as long as width of basal marginal lamella; basal piece of pectines longer than wide, with wide, V-shaped anteromedian deep invagination, bearing a pair of macrosetae; posterior border straight.

Chaetotaxy of carapace and tergites: Carapace with 2 macrosetae near posterior border and all tergites with 2 macrosetae medially near its posterior edges.

Metasoma: Metasoma not elongated and slender, color dark yellow to medium brown ( Figures 1a, 1b, 4a, and 4b View Figure 4 ). Segment I with 6 carinae, ventromedian carina obsolete; segments II–IV with 7 carinae; dorsosubmedian carinae on segments I–IV strongly developed and crenulate, dorsolateral carinae strongly developed, crenulate on segments I–III; moderately crenulate on IV. Ventrolateral carinae strong, smooth to weakly granulate on I, strongly crenulated on segments II–IV; ventromedian carina obsolete on segment I, very weakly developed with flattened granules only posteriorly and nearly smooth anteriorly on segment II, moderately crenulate on segments III–IV; metasoma V with 5 carinae: median lateral carinae weakly crenulate with 18–20 granules along 4/5 on segment V, ventromedian carina and ventrolateral carinae strong, crenulate; intercarinal surfaces of all segments concave, very finely granulate, matte; dorsal with lateral surface having few scattered posterior granules especially on all segments; lower lateral surface of segment V very finely granulate, nearly smooth, upper lateral surface more granulate with small scattered granules.

Chaetotaxy of metasoma: Long, reddish macrosetae are found on all metasomal segments; I–II with 2 pairs of macrosetae on dorsosubmedian carinae, with 3 pairs on III–V; I–II with 2 pairs of macrosetae on dorsolateral carinae, with 3 pairs on III–IV; ventrolateral carinae with 3 pairs of macrosetae on I–IV, 4 pairs on V; ventromedian carina flanked by paired macrosetae: 3 pairs on I–III, 4 pairs on IV; metasoma V with 3 pairs of macrosetae on dorsolateral carinae, 2 macrosetae on lateral row of granules, 4 pairs on ventrolateral carinae, 5 pairs on ventromedian carinae, and 2 on ventral intercarinal surface; 3 additional long macrosetae on ventral anal arc.

Telson ( Figures 4a and 4b View Figure 4 ): Vesicle prolonged ovoid, moderately bulbous, a little wider than metasoma V; vesicle smooth dorsally, with 8–10 very small granules anteromedially; weakly convex lateral surfaces separated by a shallow median trough; telson bearing 3 pairs of macrosetae on dorsal surface; 3 pairs on lateral surface, 3 pairs on ventral surface, and 1 pair on base of aculeus. Aculeus with thick basal section and slightly curved.

Pedipalp ( Figures 2d, 2e View Figure 2 , and 3a–f View Figure 3 ):

Femur ( Figure 2d View Figure 2 ). Femur 2.6 times longer than wide; dorsoexternal, dorsointernal, and ventrointernal carinae well developed with large blunt granules; external carinae moderately granular proximally, as a ridge with flattened moderate granules distally; dorsal and ventral surface densely and finely granulate, external surface with irregularly arranged large granules. Internal surface includes 3–4 enlarged reddish granules.

Patella ( Figures 2e View Figure 2 , 3e, and 3f View Figure 3 ). Patella 2.25 times longer than wide, with only dorsointernal carina coarsely granular, dorsoexternal carina smooth to weakly granular; ventroexternal carina moderately granular basally, weakly granular apically; ventrointernal carina moderately developed with large blunt granules, external carina a ridge with small flattened granules; dorsal and ventral surfaces moderately and finely granulated, external surface shagreened and less granulated. Dorsal and ventral patellar processes distinct with 2 strong spiniform granules; lacking additional granules on dorsal patellar process.

Chela ( Figures 3a–3c View Figure 3 and 6a View Figure 6 ). Relatively long, flattened with slightly expanded manus, chela length more than 3.5 times its width; relatively long fingers, movable finger 1.26 times longer than manus; pedipalp finger slender, slightly curved and fixed finger, with no basal concavity, and movable finger has no scallop at base ( Figure 3a View Figure 3 ). Dorsoexternal and ventroexternal carina strongly developed on manus, like a ridge with moderately developed, prolonged, and flattened small granules; digital carina moderately granular at least at the base of the tibia, but more like a ridge along the length of the rest of the tibia. Ventrointernal and inner accessory carinae marked by series of enlarged granules; dorsointernal aspect of manus with scattered coarse granules; all intercarinal surfaces granular, on dorsal surface granules creating a networklike appearance; pedipalp fingers slender, not scalloped at base, 2 rows of denticles along the edge of movable fingers, immovable fingers with 2 rows of denticles at base becoming a single fused row toward the tip of the fingers. Linear row resolved into subrows, separated by slightly enlarged primary denticles and external accessory denticles; 5 external accessory denticles on movable finger and 4 on fixed finger.

Trichobothrial pattern ( Figures 2d, 2e View Figure 2 , and 3a–f View Figure 3 ). Orthobothriotaxic, type C (Vachon, 1974); patella with trichobothria d2 and i settled close together along dorsointernal carina; external surface of patella esb1 aligned with esb2; em1 rather proximal to em2; chela manus with V2 internal to V1 relative to axis of ventroexternal carina and distance between V3 and V4 more than 2.5 times the distance between V1 and V2 ; Dt positioned on

KARATAŞ and GHARKHELOO / Turk J Zool the base of the fixed finger at the articulating level of fixed and movable finger; db at the same level as eb; ib and it on median 2/3 of the fixed finger, and dt positioned medially but also slightly proximally on fixed finger.

Legs ( Figures 5a and b): Thin and moderately elongate, laterigrade; basitarsi with series of several long reddish macrosetae on dorsal and ventral edges; dorsal, prolateral, and retrolateral surfaces of all telotarsi with long setae; basis of telotarsi with 2 parallel ventral rows of long, thickened, reddish spiniform setae, with setation formula 5/7 5/6: 6/7 6/7: 6/7 6/6: 7/7 7/7; ungues stout and curved.

Measurements of holotype male (mm; L: length, W: width, D: depth): Total L 40.00; carapace L 4.9, W 4.1; preocular L 1.8; pectine L 2.9; metasoma and telson L 2.1; metasoma, segment I L 2.8, W 1.7, D 1.45; segment II L 3, W 1.4, D 1.5; segment III L 3, W 1.3, D 1.45; segment IV L 3.3, W 1.3 D 1.45; segment V L 3.8, W 1.2, D 1.4; telson L 3.5, vesicle W 1.4, D 1.4; aculeus L 0.7; femur L 4.2, W 1.7; patella L 4.2, W 1.8; pedipalp chela L 8.0, chela manus ventral L 3.6, manus L 3.9, chela W 2.4, chela D 2.7, fixed finger L 3.3, movable finger L 4.3.

Selected morphometric ratios: carapace W/L 0.83, pedipalp femur L/carapace L 0.85, pedipalp femur L/ W 2.47, pedipalp patella L/ W 2.33; pedipalp movable finger L/chela manus ventral L 1.19, pedipalp movable finger L/ carapace L 0.87, pedipalp chela L/ W 3.33, pedipalp chela manus ventral L/chela W 1.5, manus L/ W 1.62, patella III L/ W 3.0, metasomal segment L/W: I 1.64, II 2.17, III 2.30, IV 2.53, V 3.16 .

3.1.3. Paratype female (adult) ( Figures 1c, 1d, and 3d View Figure 3 ): Similar to holotype male, but differs as follows: carapace and tergites slightly less elongated; carapace and lateral carinae of tergite VII less crenulated; sternite VII lustrous, a pair of lateral carinae developed as elongated granular ridges and 3–4 granules on the external side of lateral carinae; pectines smaller, shorter and marginal tips extending only to basal 1/3 of trochanter IV; pectine teeth: left 11, right 10; combs with extended basal middle lamella, 6 small, round middle lamellae; basal middle lamella with medial border over 3 times as long as the width of basal marginal lamella; genital opercula fused and without median suture; metasomal segments slightly less elongate, telson vesicle slightly more elongate; vesicle with small lateral granulation arranged as a pair of ventromedian rows bearing macrosetae; pedipalps with slightly less carination, chela with manus less expanded; telotarsal spiniform seta formula 5/7 5/6: 5/7 6/6: 6/7 6/7: 6/7 6/7.

Measurements of paratype female (mm): Total L 35; carapace L 4.5, W 3.9; preocular L 1.4; pectine L 2.4; metasoma I L 2.2, W 1.6; metasoma II L 2.3, W 1.4; metasoma III L 2.4, W 1.4; metasoma IV L 2.6, W 1.2; metasoma V L 3.1, W 1.2; telson L 3.4, vesicle W 1.5, D 1.4; pedipalp femur L 3.7, W 1.5; pedipalp patella L 3.8, W 1.6; pedipalp chela L 7.2, chela manus ventral L 3.3, chela W 2.3, chela D 2.6, chela L/chela manus ventral L 2.18, pedipalp movable finger L 3.9, fixed finger L 2.9.

Variations: Two paratype females with 10–11, 1 female with 9–10, 1 female with 10–10 pectinal teeth; 2 paratype males with 16–16, 2 of paratype males with 15–15, 1 male with 16–18, 1 male with 15–16, and 1 male with 14–14 pectinal teeth.

Distribution: It is only known from Andimeshk, Omidiyeh, and Masdjed Soliman of Khuzestan Province in Iran ( Figure 9 View Figure 9 ).


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