Hendelia flavida, Yang & Yin & Xi, 2024

Yang, Shuai-Lai, Yin, Xin-Ming & Xi, Yu-Qiang, 2024, Four new species of the genus Hendelia Czerny, 1903 (Diptera, Clusiidae) from China, ZooKeys 1212, pp. 255-266 : 255-266

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1212.127558

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Hendelia flavida

sp. nov.

Hendelia flavida sp. nov.

Figs 19–24 View Figures 19–24 , 34 View Figures 31–34

Type material.

Holotype: • ♂; China, Yunnan, Gongshan, Xianjiudan ; 27 ° 56 ' 13.524 ″ N, 98 ° 19 ' 55.250 ″ E; 1679 m; 2013. VII. 3; leg. Li Xuankun. GoogleMaps Paratypes: • 2 ♂♂; same data as holotype GoogleMaps .


Body mostly yellow. Head and thorax yellowish; palpus white; scutum with 3 indistinct brown stripes. Cerci very small, outline nearly that of an equilateral triangle, fully fused. Pregonite with 4 medial setae, lacking any other smaller setae or setulae.


Male. Body length 3.4–3.6 mm, Wing length 2.2–2.4 mm

Head (Fig. 19 View Figures 19–24 ) width 0.50 mm, yellowish; palpus white; face yellowish; frons yellowish, 3 fronto-orbital setae, first seta and last seta small, medium seta strong, 1 interfrontal seta, strong; occiput yellowish with small sparse brown setae; gena yellowish, more than 1 / 5 height of eye; antenna yellowish, pedicel length 0.19 mm, first flagellomere brown apically, arista sparse short plumose; 1 strong ocellar seta, equal in length to interfrontal seta, 1 small postocellar seta, almost as long as anterior fronto-orbital seta.

Thorax width 0.98 mm, mainly yellowish with 3 indistinct brown stripes; scutellum, anepisternum and katepisternum yellowish; prescutellar seta absent; 1 postpronotal seta, 2 notopleural setae, 1 postsutural supra-alar seta, 1 + 2 dorsocentral setae, dark brown, the last long; intra-alar seta absent, 2 postalar setae, dark brown; 1 lateral scutellar seta, 1 apical scutellar seta, strong; 1 anepisternum seta, 1 katepisternal seta. Legs light yellow with tibiae brown. Wing (Fig. 20 View Figures 19–24 ) clouded on distal 2 / 5, becoming darker anteriorly, and around middle of M 1; M 1 ratio 6; halter white.

Abdomen dark yellow and white; setae and setulae brown. Male genitalia (Figs 21–24 View Figures 19–24 ): epandrium height and width subequal in length. Cerci very small, outline almost that of equilateral triangle, not separated, height 0.9 times width. Surstylus 0.4 times length of epandrium, with many small setae on inner and outer surfaces, apex without spines. Pregonite with 4 medial setae, lacking any other smaller setae or setulae. Distiphallus short, membranous.

Female. Unknown.


China (Yunnan).


The specific name “ flavida ” refers to the colour of this species, which is mostly pale yellow.


The new species is similar to H. plumosa (Sasakawa) , but it differs in having a yellowish head, indistinct stripes on the scutum, and fully fused cerci. In H. plumosa (Sasakawa) , the head is yellow, the thorax is more distinctly striped, and the cerci are separated ( Sueyoshi 2006).











