Hyposoter karmensis Galsworthy & Haraldseide, 2023

Galsworthy, Anthony, Shaw, Mark R. & Haraldseide, Håkon, 2023, A key to European species of Hyposoter Förster, 1869 (Ichneumonidae: Campopleginae) with descriptions of 18 new species, and notes on all included species, Zootaxa 5290 (1), pp. 1-73 : 50

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Hyposoter karmensis Galsworthy & Haraldseide

sp. nov.

Hyposoter karmensis Galsworthy & Haraldseide sp. nov.

( Figs. 18, 19 View FIGURES 18–22 )

Diagnosis. Among red-bodied species with mainly dark trochanters, generally similar to H. notatus and H. caudator , but well diffentiated by the key characters, in particular the narrower and darker 2nd abdominal tergite, which more closely resembles that of H. ruficrus , the latter however having dark tegulae.

Description (female). Fore wing length: 4.5 mm.

Head: face broader than long, quite coarsely granulate; clypeus narrow and rounded, sculpture as face, with a narrow and sharp shining apical margin; mandibles strongly narrowed, with a broad ventral flange; malar space about equal to proximal width of mandibles; teeth equal in size; genal carina joining hypostomal carina at some distance from base of mandible; frons, vertex and temples evenly granulate; temples in dorsal view very short and very strongly narrowed behind eyes, in lateral view about one third width of eyes; antenna slender and slightly tapering, with 28–29 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 2.4x as long as wide, distal flagellomeres quadrate to slightly transverse.

Mesosoma: pronotum with strong epomia, granulate with transverse striae; mesoscutum granulate with many fine rugae, and scattered punctures visible under high magnification; mesopleuron including speculum matt with very fine irregularly reticulate sculpture, forming fine striae in hollow in front of speculum, and with many fine punctures confined to lower mesopleuron; epicnemial carina complete laterally and ventrally; metapleuron coarsely granulate; propodeum with anterior fields and area superomedia finely granulate, rest of surface rugose; carinae well defined, and complete except for costulae, which terminate half way across their fields; area basalis narrowly triangular; area superomedia longer than broad, not closed distally.

Wings narrow, 1 cu-a postfurcal; areolet stalked; nervellus vertical.

Metasoma: petiole smooth and shining, without carinae; postpetiole broadly rounded, with minute reticulate sculpture; small glymma present close to postpetiole; 2nd tergite elongate, 1.4x longer than wide, third tergite quadrate, rest transverse; 2nd tergite onwards apparently smooth, but rather matt with irregular minute microsculpture; 6th and seventh tergites entire; ovipositor short, only slightly curved, with a small dorsal notch slightly beyond half its length, sheaths less than distal height of metasoma.

Colour: black; yellow: tips of mandibles, tegulae, wing bases, fore and mid trochantelli; orange: fore and mid femora, tibiae and tarsi, hind trochantellus and femur, distal one third of second tergite, third and fourth tergites, and fifth tergite laterally; hind tibia orange, darkened proximally and distally, in some specimens with a small yellow fleck dorsoproximally; hind tibial spurs white, tipped dark brown; hind tarsi dark brown, basitarsus with only a tiny white fleck proximally.

Male and biology unknown.

Holotype: ♀, Norway, EIS 13 RY, KARMØY , Skår August 2016 (Malaise) leg. Håkon Haraldseide (in NHMUK). Paratypes: 4♀, data as holotype, one June 2017 (BOLD Sample ID CollHH1208 ) (in ZSM), two July 2018 (one in NMS, one in coll. H.H. Haraldseide), and one August 2018, (in coll. A C Galsworthy) leg. Håkon Haraldseide; 2 ♀, Germany: Bayern, Allgäu Oberstdorf, Engenkopf , Malaise trap, 1210m and 1230m, 29.05– 10.6.2015 (BOLD Sample ID CollHH3327 ), and 21.08– 4.9.2015; leg. D. Doczkal & V. Voith (in coll. Haraldseide).

Remarks. The barcode data for the German specimen agrees closely with that of the Norwegian specimen.




Germany, Muenchen [= Munich], Zoologische Staatssammlung


Singapore, National University of Singapore, Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Zoological Reference Collection


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


National Museum of Scotland - Natural Sciences













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