Ibotyporanga kiriri Huber, 2024

Huber, Bernhard A., Meng, Guanliang, Král, Jiří, Ávila Herrera, Ivalú M. & Carvalho, Leonardo S., 2024, Diamonds in the rough: Ibotyporanga (Araneae, Pholcidae) spiders in semi-arid Neotropical environments, European Journal of Taxonomy 963, pp. 1-169 : 132-140

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.963.2687

publication LSID


persistent identifier


taxon LSID


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scientific name

Ibotyporanga kiriri Huber

sp. nov.

Ibotyporanga kiriri Huber sp. nov.


Figs 23E View Fig , 73F View Fig , 96 View Fig , 113–116 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig


Distinguished from similar congeners (with split procursus with long dorsal branch; long male palpal patella, i.e., dorsally>1.8 × as long as medially wide; wide epigynum, i.e.,>1.9 × as wide as long; distinct epigynal pocket, i.e., narrow and relatively deep; and sclerite in female internal genitalia) by combination of: procursus main and dorsal branches proximally not overlapping, i.e., with space between them in lateral view ( Fig. 114C View Fig ); male palpal tarsus with small dorsal hump (arrow in Fig. 114C View Fig ); and median sclerite in female internal genitalia without posterior constriction ( Figs 115C View Fig , 116B–C View Fig ); from I. itajubaquara sp. nov. also by cheliceral apophysis ( Fig. 115B View Fig ; more pointing downwards and with stronger tip); from I. ouro sp. nov. also by smaller distance between dorsal and main branches of procursus (compare Figs 114C View Fig and 118C View Fig ); from I. canudos sp. nov. also by simple evenly curved tip of dorsal branch of procursus (compare Figs 114C View Fig and 126C View Fig ). Females of I. kiriri sp. nov. may be indistinguishable morphologically from females of I. itajubaquara , I. ouro , and I. canudos sp. nov.


The species name honors the Kiriri, an indigenous people of Eastern Brazil; noun in apposition.

Type material


BRAZIL – Bahia • ♂; SE of Paramirim ; 13.550° S, 42.202° W; 590–640 m a.s.l.; 18 Nov. 2022; B.A. Huber and L.S. Carvalho leg.; CHNUFPI 5963. GoogleMaps


BRAZIL – Bahia • 5 ♀♀; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5964 GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; UFMG 31660 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 9049 [deposited in ZFMK Ar 24380] GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5965 GoogleMaps .

Other material examined

BRAZIL – Bahia • 4 ♀♀, 1 juv., in pure ethanol; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5966 [deposited in ZFMK Br 22-195] GoogleMaps 6 ♀♀; NE of Brumado ; 14.1601° S, 41.5154° W; 470 m a.s.l.; 11 Nov. 2022; B.A. Huber and L.S. Carvalho leg.; CHNUFPI 5967 GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; CHNUFPI 9050 [deposited in ZFMK Ar 24381] GoogleMaps 4 ♀♀, in pure ethanol; same collection data as for preceding; CHNUFPI 5968 [deposited in ZFMK Br 22-154] GoogleMaps .

Assigned tentatively (see Variation below)

BRAZIL – Bahia • 1 ♂; Abaira, Cachoeira da Samambaia, Rio Catolés ; 13.3060° S, 41.8544° W; 1160 m a.s.l.; 4 Nov. 2013; L.S. Carvalho and M.B. da Silva leg.; CHNUFPI 3965 GoogleMaps .


Male (holotype) MEASUREMENTS. Total body length 1.9, carapace width 0.77. Distance PME–PME 50 µm; diameter PME 70 µm; distance PME–ALE 25 µm; distance AME–AME 15 µm; diameter AME 45 µm. Leg 1: 4.19

(1.13+0.25 +1.07 +1.27 + 0.47), tibia 2: 0.88, tibia 3: 0.83, tibia 4: 1.27; tibia 1 L/d: 10; diameters of leg femora 0.18–0.19; of leg tibiae 0.10–0.11.

COLOUR (in ethanol). Prosoma and legs ochre-yellow, carapace medially with Y-shaped line but without darker band; legs with darker rings subdistally on femora and tibiae; abdomen gray with many darker internal marks; ventrally with light ochre plates in front of gonopore and in front of spinnerets.

BODY. Habitus as in Fig. 73F View Fig . Ocular area slightly raised. Carapace with distinct but shallow thoracic groove. Clypeus with sclerotized rim with median notch. Sternum wider than long (0.56/0.46), with very low and indistinct anterior processes near coxae 1 not different from those in female. Abdomen globular.

CHELICERAE. As in Fig. 115A–B View Fig ; width 0.29; with short median frontal apophysis; stridulatory files very fine and poorly visible in dissecting microscope.

PALPS. As in Fig. 113 View Fig ; coxa unmodified; trochanter with short rounded ventral process; femur proximally with distinct retrolateral process directed toward distal, with prolateral stridulatory pick, distally widened but unmodified; femur-patella joints not shifted toward one side; patella dorsally ~1.85 × as long as medially wide; tibia with two trichobothria in relatively proximal position; tibia-tarsus joints slightly shifted toward retrolateral side; tarsus with small dorsal hump; procursus ( Fig. 114A–C View Fig ) split into long dorsal and main (ventral) branches; dorsal branch narrow in lateral view, wider in dorsal view, distally only slightly curved towards prolateral; main branch with light prolateral band, wider in lateral view than in dorsal view, with small subdistal side-branch, distally transparent and curved backwards; genital bulb ( Fig. 114D–F View Fig ) with prolateral sclerite on bulbous part, embolus tip simple, without distinctive sclerotized elements.

LEGS. Without spines but with longer hairs ventrally on femora; without curved hairs; with short vertical hairs on tibiae 1 and 2; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 60%; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1; tarsus 1 with ~3–4 pseudosegments, only distally distinct.

Variation (male)

Tibia 1 in five males (incl. holotype): 1.00–1.07 (mean 1.04). The single male from near Catolés has essentially identical palps (both shape and size) but the cheliceral apophysis is slenderer in lateral view (maximum height ~80 µm versus>100 µm in other males). It is therefore assigned tentatively; the first legs of this male are missing.


In general, similar to male but ocular area and clypeus slightly darker, legs without or with indistinct dark rings, clypeus unmodified, leg tibiae with few vertical hairs. Tibia 1 in 21 females: 1.00–1.30 (mean 1.14); females from NE of Brumado tend to have shorter legs than topotypical females: ten females from NE of Brumado: 1.00–1.13 (mean 1.08); eleven females from SE of Paramirim: 1.07–1.30 (mean 1.20). Epigynum ( Fig. 116A View Fig ) anterior plate short and wide, posterior margin weakly indented, with distinct anterior pocket; posterior plate large but simple. Internal genitalia ( Figs 115C View Fig , 116B–D View Fig ) with strongly sclerotized median structure and very thin-walled large anterior membranous expandable sac; pore plates elongated, integrated into posterior arc. Internal genitalia in one cleared female from NE of Brumado as in cleared topotypical female.


Known from three localities in southern central Bahia, Brazil ( Fig. 96B View Fig ).

Natural history

At the type locality, the spiders were collected on a hillside with bare granite outcrops and in the neighboring thorny shrubland on clayish soil ( Fig. 23E View Fig ). They were found both under rocks in areas fully exposed to the sun and in dead pieces of wood and cacti in the shrubland. The second locality (NE of Brumado) was a marble outcrop surrounded by arboreous caatinga on clayish soil; most specimens were found by turning rocks in the shrubland. At both localities, the microhabitat was shared with another species of Ninetinae tentatively placed in Kambiwa . Three egg sacs had diameters of ~1.8 and contained ~15– 18 eggs each, with egg diameters of 0.55–0.57.

Ibotyporanga ouro Huber sp. nov.


Figs 73G View Fig , 96 View Fig , 117–120 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig


Distinguished from similar congeners (with split procursus with long dorsal branch; long male palpal patella, i.e., dorsally>1.8×as long as medially wide; wide epigynum, i.e.,>1.9 ×as wide as long; distinct epigynal pocket, i.e., narrow and relatively deep; and sclerite in female internal genitalia) by combination of: procursus main and dorsal branches proximally with relatively wide space between them in lateral view ( Fig. 118C View Fig ); male palpal tarsus with large dorsal hump (arrow in Fig. 118C View Fig ); and median sclerite in female internal genitalia without posterior constriction ( Figs 119C View Fig , 120B–C View Fig ); from I. itajubaquara sp. nov. and I. kiriri sp. nov. also by tip of dorsal branch of procursus with distinct ‘buckle’, i.e., not evenly curved ( Fig. 118C View Fig ). Females of I. ouro sp. nov. may be indistinguishable morphologically from females of I. itajubaquara , I. kiriri , and I. canudos sp. nov.


The species name is derived from the type locality; noun in apposition.

Type material


BRAZIL – Bahia • ♂; E of Gentio do Ouro ; 11.4242° S, 42.3394° W; 550 m a.s.l.; 22 Nov. 2022; B.A. Huber and A.S. Michelotto leg.; CHNUFPI 5969. GoogleMaps


BRAZIL – Bahia • 1 ♂, 5 ♀♀; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5970 GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; UFMG 31661 View Materials GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 9051 [deposited in ZFMK Ar 24382] GoogleMaps .

Other material examined

BRAZIL – Bahia • 1 ♂, 7 ♀♀, in pure ethanol; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5971 [deposited in ZFMK Br22-209] GoogleMaps .


Male (holotype) MEASUREMENTS. Total body length 1.9, carapace width 0.78. Distance PME–PME 60 µm; diameter PME 70 µm; distance PME–ALE 25 µm; distance AME–AME 15 µm; diameter AME 45 µm. Leg 1: 4.40

(1.17+0.27 +1.12 +1.37 + 0.47), tibia 2: 0.93, tibia 3: 0.87, tibia 4: 1.30; tibia 1 L/d: 11; diameters of leg femora 0.18–0.19; of leg tibiae 0.10.

COLOUR (in ethanol). Prosoma ochre-yellow, carapace medially with narrow darker Y-mark, ocular area and clypeus not darkened; legs ochre, with indistinct darker rings subdistally on femora and tibiae; abdomen gray with indistinct darker internal marks; ventrally with barely visible light ochre plates in front of gonopore and in front of spinnerets.

BODY. Habitus as in Fig. 73G View Fig . Ocular area slightly raised. Carapace with distinct but shallow thoracic groove. Clypeus with sclerotized rim with median notch. Sternum wider than long (0.56/0.46), with very low and indistinct anterior processes near coxae 1 only slightly higher than in female. Abdomen globular.

CHELICERAE. As in Fig. 119A–B View Fig ; width 0.305; with short median frontal apophysis; stridulatory files very fine and poorly visible in dissecting microscope.

PALPS. As in Fig. 117 View Fig ; coxa unmodified; trochanter with short ventral process; femur proximally with distinct retrolateral process slightly directed toward distal, with prolateral stridulatory pick, distally widened but unmodified; femur-patella joints not shifted toward one side; patella dorsally ~1.9 × as long as medially wide; tibia with two trichobothria in relatively proximal position; tibia-tarsus joints slightly shifted toward retrolateral side; tarsus with strong dorsal hump (arrow in Fig. 118C View Fig ); procursus ( Fig. 118A–C View Fig ) split into long dorsal and main (ventral) branches; dorsal branch narrow in lateral view, slightly wider in dorsal view, distally with distinctive ‘buckle’ and slightly curved towards prolateral; main branch with light prolateral band, wider in lateral view than in dorsal view, with tiny subdistal side-branch, distally transparent and curved backwards; genital bulb ( Fig. 118D–F View Fig ) with prolateral sclerite on bulbous part, embolus tip simple, without distinctive sclerotized elements.

LEGS. Without spines but with longer hairs ventrally on femora; without curved hairs; with short vertical hairs on tibiae 1 and 2; retrolateral trichobothrium of left tibia 1 at 63%, of right tibia 1 at 59%; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1; tarsus 1 with ~3–4 pseudosegments, only distally distinct.

Variation (male)

Tibia 1 in three other males: 1.07, 1.10, 1.20. Dark rings on legs variably distinct.


In general, similar to male but clypeus unmodified, leg tibiae with few vertical hairs. Tibia 1 in 13 females: 1.03–1.35 (mean 1.20). Epigynum ( Fig. 120A View Fig ) anterior plate wide and short, posterior margin barely indented, with distinct anterior pocket; posterior plate large but simple. Internal genitalia ( Figs 119C View Fig , 120B–C View Fig ) with strongly sclerotized median structure and very thin-walled large anterior membranous expandable sac; pore plates narrow, at posterior margin of internal arc.


Known from the type locality only, in Bahia, Brazil ( Fig. 96B View Fig ).

Natural history

The type locality is a hill at the roadside with thorny shrubs, with the soil covered by a thin layer of small stones. The spiders were found under these stones. Two egg sacs had diameters of 1.7 and 2.0 and contained ~20 and 30 eggs each, with egg diameters of 0.54–0.56.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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