Isoneuromyia completa Xu, Cao et Evenhuis

Xu, Huachao, Cao, Jian, Wu, Hong, Evenhuis, Neal L. & Zhou, Zuji, 2007, Four new species of Isoneuromyia from China (Diptera: Keroplatidae), Zootaxa 1423, pp. 51-57 : 53-54

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scientific name

Isoneuromyia completa Xu, Cao et Evenhuis

sp. nov.

Isoneuromyia completa Xu, Cao et Evenhuis View in CoL , n. sp.

( Figs. 2, 6 View FIGURES 1 – 8. 1 – 4 , 10 View FIGURES 9 – 13 )

Diagnosis. Closest to I. semirufa but can be distinguished from it by having only tergites IV–V orange (these tergites not contrasted in colour in semirufa ), the hind coxa and femur being black (dusky brown in semirufa ) and the gonocoxites bilobed from the middle (bilobed from one-third basally in semirufa ). Apex of gonostyli with two dark black teeth and without minute tooth are also good characters to distinguish it from other Chinese species of the genus.

Description. MALE. Lengths: Body: 8.2mm; wing: 5.7 mm.

Head. Vertex and occiput black, with fairly dense small black recumbent hairs. Ocelli in horizontal line. Frons light brown, bare. Antennae: scape and pedicel cup-shaped, brownish black. Flagellum: segments slightly compressed, brownish black. Face brown, with small black hairs apicolaterally. Palpi and Proboscis brown.

Thorax. Mesonotum ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 8. 1 – 4 ) brown or brownish black, with conspicuous bare strips between the double or treble rows of acrostichal and dorsocentral brown bristles. Scutellum brownish black. Patch of thick black setae above wing root and on posterior margin of scutellum. Prescutellar area tapering to scutellum. Pronotal lobes dark brown with dense black setae. Pleura, laterotergite and mediotergite brownish black, bare. Halter yellow, knob yellow with brown dorsally.

Legs. Fore and mid coxae brownish, hind coxa black; fore coxa, and apex of mid and hind coxae, with recumbent black hairs. Fore and mid femora yellow, hind femur black, all with recumbent black hairs. Fore tibia without comb, mid with only posterior comb, hind tibiae with anterior and posterior comb. Tibial spurs black. Fore and mid basitarsus subequal in length to lengths of respective tibiae, hind basitarsus 0.7x length of hind tibia. Claws minute.

Wing ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 8. 1 – 4 ). Hyaline, with brown infuscation subapically from costa to middle of cell m2, fading posteriorly; apex of cell cup and cell a1 with light brown cloud apically; vein R4 slightly sinuous, ending in C slightly beyond end of R1; veins M2, CuA1 and A1 reaching wing margin.

Abdomen. Tergites I–III brownish black, tergites IV–V orange, tergites VI–VIII brownish black, all tergites with dense recumbent black hairs. Sternites patterned as on tergites.

Hypopygium ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 – 13 ). Not dissected. Gonocoxites brownish black, black pilose on about apical half. Gonostyli brownish black, densely black pilose, apex with two dark black teeth.

FEMALE. Unknown.

Types. Holotype ɗ (ZJFC 060219) and paratype ɗ from: Sichuan province: Wanglang National Natural Reserve, 2500 m, 25 July 2006, Jian Cao.

Etymology. The species epithet derives from the Latin completus = complete, referring to veins M2, CuA1 and A1 reaching wing margin.













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