Jiwarli heliotropium, Soto & Weirauch, 2009

Soto, Diane & Weirauch, Christiane, 2009, Description of the Australian Plant Bug Genus Jiwarli, n. gen. (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), American Museum Novitates 3653, pp. 1-16 : 9-11

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scientific name

Jiwarli heliotropium

sp. nov.

Jiwarli heliotropium View in CoL , new species

Figures 1–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 120 km E of Norseman, 32.0619 ° S 123.0117 ° E, 600 m, 23 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, Heliotropium ammophilum Craven (Boraginaceae) , det. 05100038, 13 (00133228) ( WAMP).

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the large brown spots on the hemelytron (fig. 1), the apex of the labium extending to middle of pygophore, the proximal process on the vesica long with about four to five spines, the short apical spine of the vesica, and the large pygophore. Most similar to Jiwarli solanum , n. sp., based on the pattern of bold spots on the pronotum, similar overall coloration, and shape of the vesica, but distinguished by the brown spots on the hemelytra, different shape of the proximal process on the vesica and length of the apical spine of the vesica.

DESCRIPTION: Male: Macropterous; total length 3.40–4.25, length from apex of clypeus to cuneal fracture 2.40–3.10, width across pronotum 1.15–1.40. COLORATION (fig. 1): General coloration pale green, appendages pale brown. Head: Vertex pale to dark green with outline of pale shades of brown and dark brown spots, clypeus pale brown with bold dark brown to black stripe, mandibular and maxillary plates pale green suffused with yellow; antennal segment 1 pale brown with basal and subapical rings darker, segment 2 pale brown to darkish brown with indistinct subapical darker ring, segment 3 and 4 dark brown; labium with segment 1 pale green with anterior rim slightly brown, segment 2 and 3 brownish. Thorax: Pronotum olive green with distinct pattern of 10 smaller spots lined up in two transverse rows and eight bold dark brown spots on posterior pronotal lobe; mesoscutellum pale orange, scutellum pale olive green with two to four smaller pale to dark brown spots; pleura pale olive green with yellowish tinge. Legs: Base of pro-, meso-, and metathoracic coxae pale green to pale brownish, femora of pro- and mesothoracic leg spotted with dark brown spots anteriorly and to lesser degree posteriorly, hind leg heavily covered with relatively large dark brown spots, tibia tannish to pale brown, hind tibia with dark brown spines only in anterior portion with indistinct dark brown bases, tarsi dark brown. Hemelytra: Corium including clavus pale olive green with shades of pale brown, covered with brown spots, cuneus proximally transparent and distally pale brown to brownish, sometimes with one brown spot towards posterior margin of cuneus; membrane transparent with veins pale and anterior cell dark brown, posterior cell dark brown with pale elliptical spot, apex of membrane pale brown with transparent mark. Abdomen: Venter greenish, outer lining suffused with pale yellow and slightly darker shade of yellow. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: Dorsum shining, corium covered with adpressed setae of moderate length, cuneus densely covered with setae. STRUCTURE: Head: Mandibular plate relatively large, buccula convex; eyes moderately large; apex of labium extending from anterior margin to middle of pygophore, segments 2 through 4 slender. Abdomen: Corpulent abdomen extending to cuneal apex, adpressed setae present on abdomen. GENITALIA: Pygophore: Large. Vesica: Distal flaplike process present, beset with spicules, secondary gonopore located subapically, proximal process relatively long, with about 4–5 spines, moderate to heavily sclerotized, apical spine of vesica relatively short.

FEMALE: As male, but slightly larger. Total length 3.85–4.50, length from apex of clypeus to cuneal fracture 2.70–3.15, width across pronotum 1.20–1.60. GENITALIA (fig. 3F, G): Bursa copulatrix relatively large, sclerotized rings large with slender rim, vestibulum relatively simple, elongate in dorsal view, interramal sclerites with doublehook–shaped processes.

ETYMOLOGY: Named for the host-plant genus, Heliotropium , where all of the host plant recorded specimens of this species were found.

HOST (table 2): Recorded from Heliotropium ammophilum Craven (Boraginaceae) and one unidentified species of Heliotropium .

DISTRIBUTION (fig. 4): Recorded from South and Western Australia.

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 120 km E of Norseman, 32.0619 ° S 123.0117 ° E, 600 m, 23 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, Craven Heliotropium ammophilum Craven (Boraginaceae) , det. PERTH staff 05100038, 13 (00214574), 1♀ (00214583) (AM). Craven Heliotropium ammophilum Craven (Boraginaceae) , det. PERTH staff 05100038, 13 (00133232), 1♀ (00133224) (AMNH). Craven Heliotropium ammophilum Craven (Boraginaceae) , det. PERTH staff 05100038, 23 (00214572, 00214573), 2♀ (00214587, 00214588) (WAMP).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: Barham, 35.63152 ° S 144.13082 ° E, 23 Mar 1960, M. I. Nikitin, 103, 16♀ (BMNH). Northern Territory: Alice Springs, 23.699 ° S 133.881 ° E, 14 Feb 1966, J. A. Grant, 23, 2♀ (BMNH). South Australia: Athelstone, 34.87116 ° S 138.70668 ° E, 13 Apr 1976, J. J. H. Szent-Ivany, Light Trap, 1♀ (00218583) (SAMA). Victoria: Ouyen, 35.07221 ° S 142.31882 ° E, 16 Mar 1966, J. A. Grant, 13 (BMNH). Western Australia: 120 km E of Norseman, 32.0619 ° S 123.0117 ° E, 600 m, 23 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, Craven Heliotropium ammophilum Craven (Boraginaceae) , det. PERTH staff 05100038, 43 (00214575–00214578), 7♀ (00214582, 00214584– 00214586, 00214589–00214591), 3 nymphs (00214579–00214581) (AM). Craven Heliotropium ammophilum Craven (Boraginaceae) , det. PERTH staff 05100038, 303 (00133197–00133208, 00133226–00133227, 00133229–00133231, 00133233–00133245), 30♀ (00133210–00133223, 00133225, 00133252– 00133266), 7 nymphs (00133209, 00133246– 00133251) (AMNH). 27.6 km N of Coral Bay Rd on Cardabia-Ningaloo Rd, 22.90198 ° S 113.8167 ° E, 25 m, 29 Oct 2004, Cassis, Wall, Weirauch, Tatarnic, Symonds, Heliotropium sp. ( Boraginaceae ), det. PERTH staff 6989330, 43 (00214563–00214566), 4♀ (00214568–00214571), 1 nymphs (00214567) (AM).













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